Information received from Planning
Planning Commission vide their letter
no. M-11012/4/2011-SJ & SW dt 9-7-12 received on 17-8-12 in reply to RTI
Appeal has sent a Report of XII Five Year Plan (2012-17) Working Group on ``Social
Welfare``(October, 2011), which gives the following important information about
provisions recommended for Senior
Citizens in XII th Plan with justification. XII th Plan is not yet finalized
and notified.
1. Non-Scheme
2.9.1: Need
for setting up a Separate Department of Senior Citizens is recommended.
2.9.2: Need for Setting up a National Commission for Senior Citizens is
2.9.11: A Weekly Programme of One Hour Duration should be introduced in
Doordarshan on various issues & concerns relating to senior citizens viz
Health Care, Security, need for care & maintenance etc.
Para 2.8.3: Rashtriya Swasthya Bima
Yojna (RSBY): To provide insurance to the extent of Rs 1 lakh in place of
existing Rs 30000. Provision recommended Rs
2500 crore.
3. Para
Enhanced Monthly Pension under Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension
(IGNOPAS): Present amount of Rs 200 from Central Govt should be increased to Rs
500 p.m. to those below 80 and amount of Rs 500 to be enhanced to Rs 1000 p.m. to
above 80 with efforts to be made to ensure that all States/UTs give matching
share. Provision: Rs. 84000 crore.
4. Para
2.8.11: Scheme for implementation of various provisions of New National Policy
on Senior Citizens: Rs 100 crore.
5. Para
2.8.13: Setting up of Bureaus for Economic Empowerment of Senior Citizens at
District Level: Rs 1600 crore. (Rs 2.5 crore per year for 640 Districts). These
Bureaus should organize programmes through Senior Citizens Associations for undertaking
economic activities viz imparting basic computer skill, accounting management,
skill development etc for providing gainful employment etc.
6. Para
2.8.14: Providing Free Legal Services to BPL Senior Citizens: Rs 3750 crore.
7. Para
2.8.15: Identity Cards/Smart Cards to Sr Citizens: Rs. 500 crore.
8. Para
2.8.1: Scheme of Integrated Programmes: Rs. 800 crore. Emphasis is given to
provide Day Care/Enrichment Centres and provision of one Regional Resource
& Training Cetres (RRTCs) in each State with specific reference to implementation
of MWPSC Act, 2007, NPOP, 99 & other programmes.
9. Para
2.8.2: Strengthening of National Institute of Social Defence (NISD) for training on Geriatric Care and for
creating a Placement Cell: Rs 200 crore.
10. Para
2.8.4: Setting up more Geriatric Centres etc under National Programme for the
Health Care of Elderly (NPHCE): Rs 1800 crore.
11. Para
2.8.6: (a) Awareness Generation for Maintenance & Welfare of Parents &
Senior Citizens: Rs 200 crore.
(b): Establishment of
Old Age Homes for indigent Sr Citizens with Multi-Facility Centres: New
Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Assistance to States for establishment of old age
homes with integrated multi-facility centres of varying capacity (25, 60 &
120) to cover all 640 districts in XIIth Plan Period: Rs 1680 crore.
12. Para
2.8.7: Scheme for assisted living facility for rehabilitation of elderly
suffering from Dementia-cum-training of caregivers & screening for
diagnosing possible dementia: 14 centres
to be established during XIIth Plan Period. Rs 37.50 for non-recurring & Rs
12.50 for recurring per centre p.a. Total Rs 100 crore.
13. Para
2.8.8: Setting up Help Lines for Senior Citizens at National & District
Level: Rs 1.50 crore for National & Rs 480 crore for 640 districts. Total
Rs 481.50 crore.
14. Para
2.8.9: Setting up of National Institute of Ageing: This Institute will
carry out Task-need Assessment/Evaluation
of various programmes for elderly, development of care giving modules, human
resource development, research studies and documentation etc. Rs 120 crore.
15. Para
2.8.11: Centres for providing training to caregivers & trainers: Such
Centres will be provided in 100 cities. Rs 500 crore. (Rs 5 crore per city).
16. Other
Non-Scheme Recommendations:
d) Para 2.9.3: For availing all benefits/concessions/facilities
provided by government, eligibility age will be 60.
Para 2.9.4: Concessions to companions of 80+ for travel by air & train
should be provided as in case of persons with disability. Higher level of
concessions may also be granted to elders of 75 years & above.
f) Para
2.9.5: Department of Financial Services should consider inclusion of such
senior citizens especially in age group of 60-70 years under Priority Sector
Lending to enable them to start small self employment ventures.
g) Para
2.9. 6: Atleast 5% seats should be earmarked for working senior citizen women
in Working Women Hostels.
h) 2.9.7:
Psycho-social aspects care & support of elderly and intergenerational bonding
should be included in school curriculum by NCERT.
Para 2.9.8: Facilities
of separate queues for senior citizens at OPD & Geriatric
wards/dispensaries should be made available in all Govt Hospitals.
Para 2.9.9: Fast Track
Courts for civil as well as criminal cases pending at District level should be set
up for quick disposal of cases of senior citizens.
k) Para
2.9.10: Five year & Annual Plans by setting targets & financial
allocations for Schemes for senior citizens should be prepared by all
Ministries/Departments. Annual Reports indicating progress made during the year
should also be prepared.
Para 9.9.12: Formation
of Social Defence Committee at Panchayat Level to review assistance provided to
needy senior citizens, to assist senior citizens to concerned authorities, to
act as facilitator for obtaining maintenance allowance. Committee must meet minimum
4 times in a year.
m) Para
9.9.13: Each Panchayat must earmark at least 5% fund from their untied funds
for welfare activities of senior citizens. Every Panchayat must play a lead
role in disbursement of various welfare programmes/schemes for senior citizens.
They should create Single Window for all benefits to senior citizens. They
should provide Recreation Facilities like Community Centres with television,
library, yoga centre etc. They should actively initiate awareness generation
& sensitization programme regarding need for well being, safety &
rights of senior citizens in schools & colleges.
n) Para
9.9.14: All Panchayats must come forward & take advantage of financial
assistance for various projects under the Scheme of Integrated Programme and
provide various schemes in their areas.
o) Para
2.9.15: Similarly in Urban Areas, Municipalities Corporations need to play a
key role in disbursement of benefits & earmark 5% of funds for welfare of
senior citizens.
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