Saturday, August 4, 2012

Senior Citizens National Protest Day-16-8-12 (SCNPD).Chief Minister of Maharashtra

Senior Citizens National Protest Day-16-8-12 (SCNPD).
``Right Every Wrong``              Satyamev Jayte.

M.V.Ruparelia, A 503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East), Dist. Thane-Maharashtra-401107.E/Mail:
                                                                                                     Date: 4th August, 2012.
Honorable Shri Prithviraj Chavan
Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Mantralaya, Mumbai: 400032.

Sub:  Non-implementation by State Government of Various Policies notified by the Government of India  for Senior Citizens.

1.      We, 1.2 crore Senior Citizens of Maharashtra are grateful to you for giving to poor Maharashtrians including Senior Citizens  the Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayee  Arogya Yojna (RGJAY) & appointing Tribunals under Rules framed on 23-6-10 on Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act, 2007.
2.      As you may be aware, we have been representing to you, your concerned Ministers by name for our various demands through Memorandum issued on first Protest day of 16-8-10 and second Solidarity Day on 16-8-11 and on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. We have also been requesting you well in advance of preparation of Budgets to provide funds for our demands. No sincere efforts are made to implement many of the provisions of various policies announced by the Government of India in our MOST PROGRESSIVE STATE. We observe that Elders of the STATE are repeatedly ignored by the State & Local Bodies and as such 1.2 crore Senior Citizens of entire Maharashtra have united and decided to observe 16-8-12 as National Protest Day. This year, in addition to demonstrations & sending Post Cards & Memorandum to all concerned, starting from 1st August, thousands of YOUR ageing & ailing Senior Citizens will undertake fast at various places on 16-8-12. It is pity and shame for our RICHEST & MOST PROGRESSIVE STATE, which is known in the Entire Country as having a Culture of respecting their Elders, that ailing Elders have to undergo fast and have to agitate year after year for non-implementation of accepted Policies and Acts passed by Parliament. We therefore request you to look in to this position of ignoring your Elders personally, sincerely and swiftly. Central Joint Action Committee of all Associations of Elders has decided to bring the major issues out of many to your notice for your personal intervention.
3.      National Policy of Older Persons, 1999 was announced on 13-2-99 with the approval of Cabinet. Para 93 of the Policy directs each Stake Holder to implement the aspects concerning them by preparing Five Year and Annual Action Plan with targets. Para 18 of the Policy envisages that age 60+ is a phase, when individual should have chances and opportunities to lead an active, creative, productive and satisfying life. It is MOST UNFORTUNATE that our STATE has not yet adopted/accepted this Policy even after 13 YEARS! We fail to understand the reasons for not doing so and we are not being informed of reasons thereof even after representing several times and through RTI Act also. We also fail to understand why this step motherly attitude is adopted by our State only towards your 1.2 crore Elders. In addition to not accepting the Policy, your officers refuse to take action on various orders issued by our Nodal Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment even after repeatedly pointing out. If there is some difficulty in accepting one or some provisions of NPOP, 99 by State, action on acceptable provisions can be taken for benefits of your Elders. Not issuing instructions for acceptable provisions to subordinate offices is not a Fair Policy of the State. Even in absence of notification of State Policy, the following actions for which separate instructions are given by Nodal Ministry can be taken by the State Government for welfare of their Elders, which is not being done:-
i)                    Negotiating Machinery: At present, there is no Negotiating Machinery in the State for negotiations with 1.2 crore Senior Citizens of Maharashtra. State Council is not established inspite of D.O. letters from Nodal Minister. State Council & District Councils laid down in Rules 21 & 22 framed by State under Maintenance & Welfare Act, 2007 are not established even after notifying Rules on 23-6-10. Arrangements may please be made to obtain details of all Registered Associations/Organizations working for senior Citizens and issue instructions to all Departments to hold regular consultations with local Associations of Senior Citizens and endorse copy of all circulars/instructions affecting elders to Federations/State level Organizations. Similar list should be available with each Panchayat/ Municipality & each Ward Officer for their jurisdiction. State & Local Bodies should call for Meetings, Seminars etc for inter action with elders periodically.
ii)                  Integrated Programmes for Older Persons (IPOP)- Revised Scheme effective from 1-4-2008: Nodal Ministry has advised that as against National Allocation  to Maharashtra for this purpose in year 2008-09 of Rs 150 lakhs, only Rs 49.92 and against NA for 2009-10 of Rs 75 lakhs, only Rs 47.07 were released as per State Demand.  Para 6 of the Revised Scheme has made Panchayati Raj Institutions & Local Bodies as main implementing Agencies. No instructions having been issued to these agencies, BMC & MBMC are refusing to take action and insist on State Instructions. Kindly make out a time bound programme for each Panchayat & Municipal Units to provide these Welfare Schemes in each ward within a year as 90% of recurring & non-recurring expenditure will be borne by Ministry of Social Justice, Delhi. Wide & repeated Publicity will make lot of difference to the lives of Elders.
iii)                Health Care: Policy envisages Health Care for all, free to lower income & subsidized to higher income groups. Rajeev Gandhi Jeevandayee Arogya Yojna may please be extended to Senior Citizens having more than one lakh income by prescribing subsidized premium.
iv)                Celebrating International Day of Older Persons (IDOP):  It is observed that this Day is neither observed by State nor by Panchayati Raj & Municipal Bodies in Maharashtra inspite of repeated instructions from Nodal Ministry every year. Instructions for celebrating ``World Awareness Day of Abuse of Older Persons`` on 15th June are also not issued. These celebrations will create proper atmosphere of Respect for Elders in the Society.
v)                  Vayoshestha Sanmans:  Nodal Ministry has given a list of 10 Sanmans given by them every year, which they give in celebration of IDOP. Our State should also give similar Sanmans at State/District/Panchayat-Municipal levels.
vi)                Involve Panchayati Raj Institutions & Municipalities For Welfare of Senior Citizens: Panchayati Raj Institutions (and Local Bodies) are to be encouraged to initiate & participate in all schemes of Welfare of Elders, address local level issues & needs of the ageing population and implement programmes for them. They will provide Forums for discussing concerns of Older Persons & Activities that need to be taken. Such Forums will be encouraged at Panchayat, Municipal, Block & District level. They will have adequate representation of older women. Panchayat will mobilize the talents & skills of older persons & draw up plans for utilizing these at local level. Kindly issue necessary instructions to all Local Bodies and monitor the progress, as this will lead to real welfare of Elders of Maharashtra.
vii)              Instructions to our Media, Trusts, Charitable Hospitals/State & Municipal Hospitals , NGOs , Civic Authorities etc:  Kindly issue necessary instructions to all Stake Holders in Maharashtra for looking after the welfare of Elders, so that they start doing their work on provisions of Policy, which may lead to our Elders leading dignified life during their last spell of life.
viii)         Annual Report of work done in the State for its Elders: At present any good work done for Elders by State is not known to large number of Senior Citizens. An annual report for all work done for Elders in the State should be prepared and brought out in Media on every International Day for Older Persons. This will not only monitor various actions by all authorities but boost morale of Elders of Maharashtra.
4.      At present, Ministry of Social Justice & Vishesh Sahaya is looking after many subjects including welfare of Senior Citizens, resulting in not attending to issues pertaining to Elders. It is absolutely necessary to have separate Ministry and if not possible immediately, at least Separate Department exclusively for Elders. Just as Joint Secretary and Director (Ageing) are working as Nodal Officers in Ministry of S.J. & E. at Centre, Nodal Officer at State level may be nominated to deal with all matters pertaining to Senior Citizens.
5.      No action is taken on various provisions of Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Rules notified in Gazette no. 86 dt 23-6-10, though more than 2 years are over. Please, get immediate action taken on the following provisions:-
i)                    Please, give Wide Publication to Tribunals, giving copies to various Associations & NGOs.
ii)                  Take action to provide Old Age Home in each District.(Rule 18)
iii)                Issue Instructions to all Police Stations for protection of Life & Property, visiting lonely Senior Citizens, collecting data of all Sr Citizens in area of each Police Station, Police Help Line for each Police Station etc. (Rule 20)
iv)                Wide Publicity of Central/State/Municipality Programmes for Welfare of Senior Citizens (Rule 19)
v)                  Provide State & District Councils (Rule 21 & 22).
6.       Action is not taken on the following State Orders affecting Senior Citizens, which may please be got implemented very early:-
i)                   Medical Treatment in Municipal Hospitals in Mumbai:  As per State GR no. 2006/navi-20 dt 12-12-06, free treatment is to be given to all Senior Citizens in all Municipal Hospitals. All Hospitals, except 3 major Hospitals of Nair, KEM & Sion have given in writing that they are giving free treatment to all Senior Citizens. These 3 major Hospitals are defying the State Orders for last 6 years and do not give free treatment to Senior Citizens. You may please take up with concerned defaulter and get this done very early.
ii)                Free Movement of Rickshaws in entire MMRDA Area:  As per Notification in Extraordinary State Gazette dt 25-2-08, all Rickshaws & taxies were allowed to ply in entire MMRDA area but these orders are not yet implemented even after 4 years for rickshaws, resulting in Senior Citizens, women & students with heavy bags and all citizens have to walk with luggage at all check nakas for change over from one side Rickshaws to other side Rickshaws. In Mira Bhayander Area, Rickshaws are not running on meters and they charge exorbitant rates for even short distance e.g. from Dahisar Checknaka to Shrusti area- distance of less than 1.6 km, Rs 40 is charged. Kindly, take up seriously with defaulters and get these genuine grievances solved.
7.      State Web Site is very complicated and as such there is a necessity of separate Web Site for Senior Citizens of Maharashtra with Grievance Solving Machinery. This may kindly be done.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely


Copy forwarded to

1.      Shri R.R.Patil, Minister of Home Affairs, Mantralaya, Mumbai-400032.
2.      Shri Shivaji Rao  Moghe, Minister of Social Justice, Mantralaya, Mumbai-400032.
3.      Shri Sunil Tatkare, Minister of Finance, Mantralaya, Mumbai-400032.
4.      Shri Sachin Mohan Ahir, State Minister of Social Justice, Mantralaya, Mumbai-400032.

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