Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Welfare of 1.2 crore Senior Citizens of Maharashtra.

M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East), Dist. Thane. 401 107. M. 09821732855. E/Mail: mvrup@yahoo.co.in
To                                                                                                  Date. 25-12-12.
Shri Prithviraj Chavan, Chief Minister, Government of Maharashtra, Mantralaya, Mumbai-400032.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Welfare of 1.2 crore Senior Citizens of Maharashtra.
Heartiest Greetings for Merry Charismas & Happy and Prosperous New Year 2013 to You and the entire State Officials for  maintaining the Status of Most Progressive and Most Advanced State of the Country in coming years also. You will appreciate that 1.2 crore Senior Citizens of our State have also contributed their might in bringing this Status.
You had promised on 1st October, 2012 at Pune that State Policy for Elders of the State will be declared by Diwali but this has not been done due to perhaps unavoidable reasons for last 14 years!! Non-declaration of Policy by State should not deprive 1.2 crore Maharashtrian Elders of various provisions of NPOP, 99 and other directives of Government of India from time to time, as welfare of Elders has to be done by State, whether State Policy on the basis of NPOP,99 exists or not. State has already declared Part I of State Policy on 14-6-04 and can/should declare IInd Part for non-controversial matters, so that 1.2 crore Senior Citizens of Maharashtra are not deprived of all Provisions of NPOP, 99 notified by Government of India in 1999 for welfare of Elders of the Country. Here, even simple directive is not being issued by State, though repeated by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Delhi to ``issue instructions for its (International Day of Older Persons-IDOP) observance in a befitting manner at the State, District & Block Levels on 1st October.......Needless to say, these programmes should be organized with active involvement of Senior Citizens themselves, Panchayati Raj, Municipal Bodies, Nehru Yuvak Kendras, educational institutes (including their NSS units) and NGOs, especially those working for Senior Citizens.``Such instructions are repeated every year. We enclose D.O. no. 15-39(12)/09-10/AGii dt 3-9-10 from Shri K M Acharya, the then Secretary (Welfare) to our Chief Secretary, readily available with us for ready reference. We requested our Principal Secretary, Social Justice under our letter dt 30-12-10(copy enclosed) along with this directive dt 3-9-10 from Delhi followed by large number of reminders letters to Shri Sachin Ahir, State Minister on 23-5-11, to Shri Prithviraj Chavan, Chief Minister on 14-6-11 (copy enclosed) ,14-8-11, 27-10-11, 11-1-12, 4-3-12, 14-5-12 & 4-9-12 but no reply is given till date to any of these letters even addressed to you by name to take action on certain items even without waiting for declaration of State Policy but no action is taken by our Ministry of Social Justice, which just does not function and does not give any reply to any letters from Senior Citizens or their associations!! We took up this particular matter of not issuing instructions through RTI Application dt 14-4-11, Ist Appeal dt 20-5-11 also but no one replied. On hearing of IInd Appeal dt 7-7-11 on 9-11-12, State Information Commissioner observed that Shri Sanjay Gurekar, Public Information Officer has failed miserably in this and should give the required information before 30-11-12. Without reading the Application, he has sent almost 700 pages about State Policy, 2004 not asked  in this Application. He has also sent copy of letter dt 22-11-12 in reply to our letter dt 30-12-10 for  the following 6 items of not issuing instructions, saying that instructions will be issued only after State Policy is declared( may be after 100 years!!). He has not obtained any written orders from competent authority to defy the orders of Government of India for issuing instructions!! Earlier also Shri Vilas Patil in his Speaking Orders dt 11-7-11 in Appeal no. 6852/02 had passed strictures against this Ministry and even after our letters dt 30-8-11, 28-10-11,5-12-11,11-1-12, 8-2-12, 3-3-12, 26-3-12, 11-5-12,15-6-12, 21-7-12 and 4-9-12 to SIC with copy to Ministry of Social Justice for that appeal, but not a single letter is replied till date. We shall be thankful, if you look into this very sorry state of affairs in Ministry of Social Justice of not reading and replying any representations from Senior Citizens & their organizations and nominate some pro-elder competent higher level officer as Nodal Officer, as requested in our letter dt 14-6-11, taking action on various other points brought out therein. No action is taken to set up State Council & District Committees, though laid down in Rule 21 & 22 of Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Rules, 2010 having been notified on 23-6-10, even after 2 ½ years!! There is no initiative to do anything!!  
      i) Observing International Day of Senior Citizens-  1st October
ii) World Elder Abuse Awareness Day- 15 th June
iii) World Alzheirness Day-21st September
iv) Giving Vayoshreshtha Sanman awards at State & District/Municipal Level & inviting applications for Delhi level.
v) Inviting Applications every year, notifying dates for Applications etc
for Integrated Programme in the State
vi) Involving Panchayati Raj Institutions & Municipalities in welfare of
Senior Citizens.
vii)      Instructions for welfare of senior citizens etc to Media; Trusts;
Charitable Hospitals; State & Municipal Hospitals; NGOs; Civic Authorities
etc as per various paras of NPOP, 99.
viii)  Copy of latest Annual Report of work done in the State for Elders,
as laid down in NPOP, 99
We shall be thankful, if proper instructions are got issued for these items and other matters and regular negotiating machinery is established with our Associations & prominent senior citizens to implement various policies early in Maharashtra.
A line in reply in terms of para 66 of Office Manual will be very much appreciated.
Encl: 3.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely

Monday, December 10, 2012

Provision of Funds for Senior Citizens in 12th Plan.

M.V.Ruparelia, A 503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East), Dist. Thane-Maharashtra-401107.  E/Mail: mvrup@yahoo.co.in
To                                                                                                10-12-12. 
 Dr Manmohan Singh, Honorable Prime Minister of India
South Block, Raisina Hill, New Delhi-110101.

Mananivar Pradhan Mantri Ji,   

Sub: Draft 12th Five Year Plan to be discussed on 27-12-12.

We, 12 crore Elders of the Country, are disappointed to see 2 page-9 paragraphs from 24.233 to 24.242 on Senior Citizens in Final Draft of 12th Five Year Plan to be discussed on 27-12-12 in NAC. Elders of the Country look to you for making proper provisions in this Plan, you also being one of the Elders. As you are aware a National Policy was announced in 1999 after Cabinet`s approval on 13-2-99. Large number of provisions are remaining unimplemented even after 14 years due to Planning Commission & Finance Ministry not making available the required funds to various Stake Holders including States/UTs, though required to do so under para 93.  A glance at 12th Plan Final Draft to be discussed with NAC on 27-12-12 will indicate as to how much and how sincerely Government is providing funds for welfare of other weaker, vulnerable and disadvantaged sections of the Society like SC/ST/OBC/Handicaps/Disabled/Minorities but step motherly treatment is given to their Elders, who are more abused at present than so-called abused communities, more disabled & more handicapped than certified disabled & handicaps and in minority (10%).!!

Nodal Ministry had given various recommendations for inclusion in 12th Plan after considering practical difficulties felt by them in implementing the Policy in time but only few were accepted by Working Group on Social Welfare of Planning Commission, which gave about 30 recommendations (2.8.1 to 2.8.15, 2.9.1 to 2.9.15) in October, 11. It is observed from Final Draft placed on Web Site that about 11 recommendations are taken note of out of more than 30 given by Working Group. No cognizance is taken of the following recommendations of Working Group:

i)                    2.8.3 : To increase Insurance Cover under Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna to Rs 1 lakh for Senior Citizens.

ii)                  2.8.4: Provision of 1800 crore for setting more Geriatric Centres/Wards for Senior Citizens.

iii)                2.8.5: Enhancement of Pension under Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme. Many MPs have represented from time to time, the last being through Unstarred Question in Rajya Sabha vide Question no. 1853 dt 30-8-12 to increase this pension to Rs 5000 p.m. During Nationwide agitation Pension Parishad of Smt Aruna Roy, Member of NAC, Rs 2000 minimum was demanded.

iv)                2.8.7: 14 Centres for Assisted Living for rehabilitation of Elderly suffering from dementia etc.

v)                   2.8.9: Setting up of National Institute of Ageing.

vi)                2.8.11: Providing Training to Care Givers in 100 cities.

vii)              2.8.14: Free Legal Service to BPL Senior Citizens.

viii)            2.9.1: Setting up of Separate Department of Senior Citizens. At present, subject of Drug addicts is also attached. Department is understaffed.

ix)                2.9.3 to 2.9.10: These are important matters required to be reflected in Plan.

x)                  2.9.11: Weekly Programme of 1 hour on Doordarshan will go a long way to establish awareness amongst Society. Similar Provision for Private Channels also must be provided by legislation or grants.

xi)                2.9.13 to 15: Very important Provisions to be enforced and provided in Plan.

According to News, Planning Commission has turned down the proposal of Ministry Of Social Justice to provide Old Age Homes for destitute Senior Citizens at district level as Central Scheme on the plea that this involves non-recurring expenditure only and as such States have to provide funds and not the Planning Commission. In the final draft also, Planning Commission has insisted on States to provide funds for this huge work. This scheme of providing Old Age Homes for destitutes is statutorily provided in Sec 19 of Maintenance & Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 and Rules framed there under. 150 destitutes in such Homes are to be provided from day one, nutritious & wholesome diet; adequate clothing from time to time; linens, sanitation,  hygiene, security arrangements; transport to nearby hospitals; premiums for health insurance; electricity, fans, heating arrangements during winter; recreation facilities; televisions, newspapers, books; managing staff etc. All these require recurring expenditure much more than initial non-recurring expenditure of providing Homes. Argument of Planning Commission that this involves only non-recurring expenditure is apparently not correct.

 Working Group on Social Defence constituted by Planning Commission for formulation of 11th Plan had recommended to transfer this to Plan Head to facilitate establishment of Old Age Homes on large scale. Ministry of Social Justice had also formulated the Scheme to construct 300 such Homes at a cost of Rs 635 crore during 11 th Plan. This was not accepted by Planning Commission, though Rs 60 crore was provided in 11th Plan Period and matter was postponed for discussion in Working Group of 12th Plan!! Planning Commission was not interested to facilitate provision made in Statutory Act, 2007!!

Working Group of 12th Plan examined the whole issue in depth and not only recommended funds  for generation of Awareness of this Act, 2007  but also Rs 1680 crore for assisting States to discharge their statutory duties  of providing Old Age Homes during 12th Plan. Para 93 of National Policy, 99 also lays down that Planning Commission & Finance Ministry will facilitate budgetary provisions required for implementation of the Policy, 99. Act, 2007 is the outcome of this Policy, 99 and Planning Commission cannot deny the provision of sufficient funds even to States/UTs for this noble cause statutorily provided in Centrally Sponsored Act, 2007 for benefit of 3546.8 lakh BPL Elders of the Country. If not provided, no Homes will be constructed by States/UTs as not done since 2007 to 2012!! As repeatedly brought to your notice for last 3 years of our agitations, large number of provisions of NPOP, 99 is not implemented by stake holders & States due to unhelpful attitude of Planning Commission & Finance Ministry in not providing funds, as laid down in Policy, 99.

We request You as one of us as well as the Highest Authority of the Country to look in to this unhelpful attitude of Planning Commission and get sufficient funds provided for your 12 crore Elders in 12th Plan.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Scheme for free Treatment of Indigent & Weaker Section Citizens in Charitable Hospitals in Maharashtra.

Scheme for free Treatment of Indigent & Weaker Section Citizens in Charitable Hospitals in Maharashtra.                                    M.V.Ruparelia.

Any Citizen including Senior Citizen, whose annual income is less than Rs 50000 is defined as Indigent and whose income does not exceed Rs 1,00,000 p.a. is defined as Weaker Section for this scheme.

As per Sec 41AA of The Bombay Public Trust Act,1950 (and similar Acts elsewhere) All Public Charitable Trusts registered under Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 and running hospitals, nursing homes, maternity homes or any kind of medical relief centres and whose annual expenditure exceeds Rs 5 lakh p.a. shall reserve 10% of total number of operational beds for free treatment to indigent patients and further 10% for weaker section for treatment at concessional rates. List of Charitable Hospitals is available with Charity Commissioner and in their Web Site. As many as 59 Hospitals in Mumbai are coming under this facility including big Charitable Hospitals like Beach Candy, Bombay, Jaslok, Lilavati, Hurkishondas in Mumbai. All senior citizens having less than 1lakh income p.a. can take advantage of these hospitals.

Each such Hospital etc shall create an Indigent Patients Fund (IPF) and credit 2% of all bills of all their patients (excluding indigent & weaker section) without any deductions. All donations received from others including other trusts for Indigent Patients shall be credited to this fund.
The following non-billable services shall be free to indigent & weaker section patients:
a)      Bed, b) RMO services, c) Nursing Services, d) Food, e) Linen, f) Water, g) Electricity, h) Routine Diagnostics, i) House Keeping Services.
The indigent & weaker section patients will be provided all treatments in all departments free of charge to indigents and by payment of 50% of cost of medicines (purchase cost), consumables and implants by weaker section.

No relatives of Trustees nor employees (including dependents) of the Hospitals belonging to indigent or weaker section will be included in this 10% reservation. Hospitals will verify Economic Status of indigent & weaker sections coming for treatment through their Medical Social Worker on the basis of certificates from Tehsildar and/or Ration Cards of BPL/Weaker sections.

Detail Scheme may be seen in Web Site: www.mahacharity.gov.in  (Interim Scheme framed by Bombay High Court).Income limit has been modified as above as per advertisement of Charity Commissioner, Greater Mumbai in their advertisement (DGIPR/2012-13/2588) in Newspapers (DNA of 2-12-12).

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Suggestions to Mayor of Mumbai for Policy of Municipal Corporation for Senior Citizens.

Public Interst Representation:
M.V. Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East)
 Dist. Thane. 401107. M. 09821732855. E/Mail: mvrup@yahoo.co.in
To                                                                           5-10-12.
Shri Sunil Prabhu, Mayor of Mumbai,
Mayor`s Bungalow, Veer Savarkar Marg, Shivaji Park, Dadar,

Sub: Declaration of Policy for Senior Citizens and inviting suggestions thereon.

We are very much thankful to Our First Citizen for declaring the proposed Policy for 12 lakh Senior Citizens of Mumbai and inviting suggestions thereon in the Programme at Prabodhan Thakre Hall on Auspicious International Day of Older Persons on 1-10-12.

It is observed from the declaration that it is proposed to provide one 500 sq foot place in each ward for Day Care Centre with various facilities and provision of funds will be made in 2013-14. For this, we would like to bring to your notice that Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Delhi gives non-recurring grant to Municipalities for initial expenditure of furniture, TV, indoor games etc to the tune of Rs 32000 and annual grant of Rs 3,74,000 for recurring expenditure on staff, health care, recreation etc for providing Multi Service Day Care Centre for 50 senior citizens and these grants can be increased on the basis of total number of senior citizens served by such centres. The whole scheme with procedure to be followed is available in their Web Site. They provide such grants for Physiotherapy Centres and many other facilities being provided by Municipalities. Instead of waiting for 2013-14 budget provisions, BMC can start such Centres immediately. Funds allotted to Maharashtra for last several years are lapsing every year.

It is observed that it is proposed to give 50% concession to BPL senior citizens for operations. As per GR no.sankirna2006/pra.ka.118/2006/navi-20 dt 12-12-06 of State Government and circular no. saha aa  vai.shi. va. Aa/791 dt 10-5-2007 of BMC, completely free treatment including all operations is to be given to all senior citizens. All State & Municipal Hospitals, except three Deans of Nair, KEM & Sion Hospitals in Mumbai have given us in writing that they are giving free treatment to all senior citizens. This may be looked in to and proposed declaration be amended.

We send a copy of Note indicating what some of the other Municipalities are doing and what all Municipalities should do for their senior citizens.

With Blessings & Best Wishes,

Yours Sincerely,


Request to Mayor of Mira-Bhayander to look after the Welfare of Senior Citizens.

M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East) Dist. Thane. 401107. M. 09821732855. E/Mail: mvrup@yahoo.co.in
To                                            Date: 5-10-12
M/s  Caitlin Pereira,
Mayor, Mira-Bhayander Municipal Corporation,
Chhatrapati Shivaji Road, Bhayander (West)-401101.

Sub: Welfare of Senior Citizens of Mira-Bhayander.

We welcome You as our First Citizen and give Blessings & Best Wishes for your Success in your efforts to do your Best for Citizens of our 2 Well Developed Suburbs.

As You may be aware, very recently, Mayor of BMC announced the Policy for 12 lakh Senior Citizens of Mumbai in a function attended by more than 2000 Senior Citizens at Prabodhan Thakre Auditorium on International Day of Older Persons on 1-10-12. Main emphasis in this Policy is provision of minimum 500 sq foot Day Care Centres in each Ward with various facilities for Senior Citizens and Help Desk for Senior Citizens in each Municipal Hospital etc.

We have been requesting MBMC and our Mayor to provide Day Care Centre etc as per 16 schemes of Integrated Programme of Ministry of Social Justice, Delhi since 20-1-09 through our letters dt 20-1-09 to Shri Narendra Mehta, the then Mayor and Shri Rajiv Jadav, the then Municipal Commissioner, followed by 30-40 reminders, RTI Application dt 26-12-09, Ist Appeal dt 15-2-10, IInd Appeal dt 1-6-10 to SIC, Navi Mumbai and series of 3 meetings with M.C. & Dy Commissioner Shri Panpate.  Nothing concrete has come out of these many efforts and we are told in the last meeting on 5-10-12 to approach You. We are therefore approaching You with the hope that You will consider the plight of your Elders just sitting on some verandas of Banks or Shops and passing their time. We have faith and high hopes in Women Power of our Country and their sincerity and service sense to their Elders.  

Government of India had announced National Policy on Older Persons, 1999 on 13-2-99 with the approval of Cabinet. This document is a masterpiece containing all aspects of Elders` life. Para 97 lays down that Local Bodies like Panchayats etc will be encouraged to participate in implementation of this Policy, address local level issues and needs of Elders and implement various programmes for them. They will provide Forums for discussing concerns of Elders & activities required to be provided. In para 54, it is laid down that Civic Authorities & Bodies providing Public Utilities will be required to give priority to attending to representations/complaints of Elders. Payment of Civic Dues will be facilitated. Elders will be given special considerations in promptly dealing with matters relating to transfer of property, mutation, property tax & other matters, harassments & abuses in such cases will be checked. Working Group on ``Social Welfare``(October, 2011) for XIIth Five Year Plan has laid down that all Local Bodies like Panchayati Raj Institutions must come forward & take advantage of financial assistance for various projects under the Scheme of Integrated Programme and provide various schemes in their areas. Each Local Body must earmark at least 5% fund from their untied funds for welfare activities of senior citizens. Every Local Body must play a lead role in disbursement of various welfare programmes/schemes for senior citizens. They should create Single Window for all benefits to senior citizens. They should provide Recreation Facilities like Community Centres with television, library, yoga centre etc. They should actively initiate awareness generation & sensitization programme regarding need for well being, safety & rights of senior citizens in schools & colleges. Similarly in Urban Areas, Municipalities and Corporations need to play a key role in disbursement of benefits & earmark 5% of funds for welfare of senior citizens. We enclose a Note indicating what some of the other Municipalities in the Country are doing and what each Municipality should do for their Elders.
We are informed that MBMC has recently provided 2 Community Buildings in Mira Road at Ramnagar-Shanti Garden and near Kanakia. We shall be thankful, if various facilities of Integrated Programme are provided in these buildings very early and some rooms allotted to Registered Associations and NGOs working for Senior Citizens. We request also to provide Benches on big roads and small sheds with Newspapers etc in all corners of major localities for Senior Citizens.
We shall be grateful, if whole issue of providing various facilities to senior Citizens, as brought out above is considered sympathetically, swiftly and sincerely and they are treated as respected Citizens requiring strengthening of their legitimate place in the Society and to take all actions to help them to live their last phase of life with Purpose, Dignity and Peace. We hope that You, our Daughter/Grand Daughter of some of us will take immediate action and give us time to meet and discuss various aspects.
With Blessings & Best Wishes,
Yours Sincerely,


Request to BEST to give good treatment & concession to Senior Citizens.

M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park,
Mira Road (East), Dist. Thane. 401 107. M. 09821732855.
E/Mail: mvrup@yahoo.co.in
To                                                                                      Date: 20-10-12.
Shri Om Prakash Gupta,
General Manager, BEST Bhawan, BEST Marg,
Post Box no.192, Mumbai-400001.
Dear Sir,
Sub: Creating Respect for Our Elders in the Society.
1. We are very much thankful to Our First Citizen Shri Sunil Prabhu, the Mayor of Mumbai for declaring the proposed Policy for Our 12 lakh Elders of Mumbai by BMC and inviting suggestions thereon in the Programme at Prabodhan Thakre Hall on Auspicious International Day of Older Persons on 1-10-12. Older Persons are our respected Citizens requiring special treatment and strengthening of their legitimate place in the Society. We should take all actions to help them to live their last phase of life with Purpose, Dignity and Peace. 12 lakh Senior Citizens of Mumbai are facing lot of problems in travelling from one place to another for medical treatment, visiting religious places, relatives, attending meetings, seminars arranged by their associations/NGOs/Government etc. BEST, an undertaking of BMC is providing good service to all Mumbaikars. Senior Citizens are also looked after well by providing 5 reserved seats and entrance from front side etc. Conductors are generally polite but some do not behave with respect with elders. Most do not help Elders in getting the seats reserved for them vacated by others. Some special training to staff for giving proper respect and change in Rules/Law to force the other passenger to vacate the reserved seat by conductor may be necessary.  It may also be good, if some slogans for creating respect of Elders are broadcasted at some intervals in TV Screens provided in Buses. Good treatment to Elders by BEST will go a long way to increase their wellbeing and it will also create good impression of BEST employees in Society and all citizens also will be encouraged to respect their elders.
2. National Policy, 99 lays down that elders will be given fare concessions in all modes of travel, preference in reservation of seats, modification in design of public vehicles for entry & exit etc. Air Ways, Railways, ST buses, NMMT & MBMT corporations are giving fare concessions to the extent of 75% (NMMT), 50/40% (Railways), 50% (Airways), 40% (MBMT), although they are all running in loss but to give and create in Society respect of Senior Citizens and in view of Government Policy.
3. We would request you to consider above suggestions sympathetically and take immediate suitable action for ensuring good respectful treatment and concession in fare to your Elders at an early date.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,


Request to Thane Municipal Commissioner to declare their Policy for Senior Citizens.

M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park,
Mira Road (East), Dist. Thane. 401 107.                     M. 09821732855.

To                                                                                      Date: 21-10-12.
Shri R.A.Rajiv, Municipal Commissioner, Thane Mahanagar Palika,
Mahanagar Palika Bhawan, Chandan Wadi, Pachpakhadi, Thane-400602.

Dear Sir,

Sub: Creating Respect for Our Elders in the Society.

1.     As You may be aware, very recently, BMC announced the Policy for 12 lakh Senior Citizens of Mumbai in a function attended by more than 2000 Senior Citizens at Prabodhan Thakre Auditorium on International Day of Older Persons on 1-10-12. Main emphasis in this Policy is provision of minimum 500 sq foot Day Care Centres in each Ward with various facilities for Senior Citizens and Help Desk for Senior Citizens in each Municipal Hospital etc.
2.     Government of India had announced National Policy on Older Persons, 1999 on 13-2-99 with the approval of Cabinet. This document is a masterpiece containing all aspects of Elders` life. Para 97 lays down that Local Bodies like Panchayats etc will be encouraged to participate in implementation of this Policy, address local level issues and needs of Elders and implement various programmes for them. They will provide Forums for discussing concerns of Elders & activities required to be provided. In para 54, it is laid down that Civic Authorities & Bodies providing Public Utilities will be required to give priority to attending to representations/complaints of Elders. Payment of Civic Dues will be facilitated. Elders will be given special considerations in promptly dealing with matters relating to transfer of property, mutation, property tax & other matters, harassments & abuses in such cases will be checked. Working Group on ``Social Welfare``(October, 2011) for XIIth Five Year Plan has laid down that all Local Bodies like Panchayati Raj Institutions must come forward & take advantage of financial assistance for various projects under the Scheme of Integrated Programme and provide Day Care Centre etc as per 16 schemes of Integrated Programme of Ministry of Social Justice, Delhi for your 2 lakh elders in Thane City.Each Local Body must earmark at least 5% fund from their untied funds for welfare activities of senior citizens. Every Local Body must play a lead role in disbursement of various welfare programmes/schemes for senior citizens. They should create Single Window for all benefits to senior citizens. They should provide Recreation Facilities like Community Centres with television, library, yoga centre etc. They should actively initiate awareness generation & sensitization programme regarding need for well being, safety & rights of senior citizens in schools & colleges. Similarly in Urban Areas, Municipalities and Corporations need to play a key role in disbursement of benefits & earmark 5% of funds for welfare of senior citizens. We enclose a Note indicating what some of the other Municipalities in the Country are doing and what each Municipality should do for their Elders.
3.     Senior Citizens of Thane/Mumbai are facing lot of problems in travelling from one place to another for medical treatment, visiting religious places, relatives, attending meetings, seminars arranged by their associations/NGOs/Government etc. TMT, an undertaking of TMC is providing good service to all Mumbaikars of the areas, TMT is serving. Senior Citizens are also required to be looked after well by providing more reserved seats, as done by BEST, which provides 5 reserved seats against 2 by TMT Conductors are generally polite but some do not behave with respect with elders. Most do not help Elders in getting the seats reserved for them vacated by others. Some special training to staff for giving proper respect and change in Rules/Law to force the other passenger to vacate the reserved seat by conductors may be necessary.  It may also be good, if some slogans for creating respect of Elders are broadcasted at some intervals in TV Screens provided in Buses. Good treatment to Elders by TMT will go a long way to increase their wellbeing and it will also create good impression of TMT employees in Society and all citizens also will be encouraged to respect their elders.
4.      National Policy, 99 also lays down that elders will be given fare concessions in all modes of travel, preference in reservation of seats, modification in design of public vehicles for entry & exit etc. Air Ways, Railways, ST buses, NMMT & MBMT corporations are giving fare concessions to the extent of 75% (NMMT), 50/40% (Railways), (50%) Airways, 40% (MBMT), although they are all running in loss but to give and create in Society respect of Senior Citizens and in view of Government Policy.
5.      We shall be grateful, if whole issue of providing various facilities to senior Citizens, as brought out above is considered sympathetically, swiftly and sincerely and they are treated as respected Citizens requiring strengthening of their legitimate place in the Society and to take all actions to help them to live their last phase of life with Purpose, Dignity and Peace. We hope that You will take immediate action and give various facilities to 2 lakh Senior Citizens of Thane very early.
With Blessings & Best Wishes,
Yours Sincerely,


Request to Unions of Taximen & Rickshawalas for good treatment & Concession to Senior Citizens.

M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East) Dist. Thane. 401107. M. 09821732855. E/Mail: mvrup@yahoo.co.in
To                                                                                                     Date: 19-10-12.
Shri A.L.Quadros,
General Secretary, Bombay Taximen`s Union,
108,  Navjeevan Society, Dr Bhadkamkar Marg, Mumbai Central,
Dear Quadros,
Sub: Creating Respect for our Elders in the Society.
Older Persons are our respected Citizens requiring special treatment and strengthening of their legitimate place in the Society. We should take all actions to help them to live their last phase of life with Purpose, Dignity and Peace. As far as possible, we should provide them Age-friendly, barrier-free access in all transport modes. . BEST, NMMT, TMT, MBMT, ST- all transport corporations in Mumbai have provided separate entrance & separate seats for Senior Citizens. Keeping in view their ailments due to ageing and heavy rush of passengers in almost all areas and all transport modes in Mumbai, you, the powerful & effective leader of Taxi Unions, can encourage your members to give special & respectful treatment to our elders by giving them preference in taking them to their destinations. Such respectful treatment will go a long way to increase their wellbeing and it will also create good impression of taximen in Society and all citizens also will be encouraged to respect their elders.  You may also like to consider encouraging your members to give some concessions in fare to elders, as their income has reduced due to ageing, retiring and medical expenses. Railways, ST, NMMT, MBMT etc are giving concessions to all elders to the extent of 75% (NMMT), 50/40% (Railways), Airways (50%), 40% (MBMT), even when many of them incur losses but only to respect elders. If not more, atleast 20% may be considered in view of recent hike.
Your Unions will be the first to give such good treatment and concessions to our elders in the entire country and will be followed by others.
We hope that this will be considered sympathetically and your gesture will be announced very early. A line in reply will be very much appreciated.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,


M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East) Dist. Thane. 401107. M. 09821732855. E/Mail: mvrup@yahoo.co.in
To                                                                                                     Date: 19-10-12.
Shri Sharad Rao, President,
2/11 Unnat Nagar no. 4, M.G.Marg, Goregaon (West), Mumbai-400062.
Dear Sharadji,
Sub: Creating Respect for our Elders in the Society.
Older Persons are our respected Citizens requiring special treatment and strengthening of their legitimate place in the Society. We should take all actions to help them to live their last phase of life with Purpose, Dignity and Peace. As far as possible, we should provide them Age-friendly, barrier-free access in all transport modes. . BEST, NMMT, TMT, MBMT, ST- all transport corporations in Mumbai have provided separate entrance & separate seats for Senior Citizens. Keeping in view their ailments due to ageing and heavy rush of passengers in almost all areas and all transport modes in Mumbai, you, as a President of Rickshaw Unions, can encourage your members to give special & respectful treatment to our elders by giving them preference in taking them to their destinations. Such respectful treatment will go a long way to increase their wellbeing and it will also create good impression of automen in Society and all citizens also will be encouraged to respect their elders. 
You may also like to consider encouraging your members to give some concessions in fare to elders, as their income has reduced due to ageing, retiring and medical expenses. Railways, ST, NMMT, MBMT etc are giving concessions to all elders to the extent of 75% (NMMT), 50/40% (Railways), 50% Airways, 40% (MBMT), even when many are incurring losses but only to give respect to elders. If not more, atleast 20% may be considered in view of recent hike.
Incidentally, we have received large number of representations from elders and others from both sides of Dahisar Checknaka about autos not taking them beyond Dahisar Checknaka, making senior citizens, mothers with heavy school bags with their children and those going out of Mumbai with luggage from & to Borivali  walk a long distance with luggage and heavy school bags for change over to other side autos. Kindly, counsel your members to take all including elders to their destinations on both sides.
Your Unions will be the first to give such good treatment and concessions to our elders in the entire country and will be followed by others. We hope that this will be considered sympathetically and your gesture will be announced very early. A line in reply will be very much appreciated.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Streamlining the working of Nodal Ministry.

M.V.Ruparelia, A 503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East),
 Dist. Thane-Maharashtra-401107. E/Mail: mvrup@yahoo.co.in  M.09821732855.
To                                                               Date: 5-10-12.
Shri Anil Goswami,
Secretary (Welfare), Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment,
 Government of India, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi-110 001.
Sub: Streamlining the Working Of Nodal Ministry.
Ref: Our Welcome letter dt 11-7-12.
1.      In our above letter dt 11-7-12 (copy enclosed as Annexure A), we had brought out very important aspects of working of Nodal Ministry requiring your personal guidance, initiatives and actions for improving the working for welfare of your Elders and we are sure you might have taken prompt action on all aspects brought to your personal notice. We shall be highly obliged, if detailed reply of action taken or proposed to be taken is advised in terms of para 66 of Office Manual (copy of extract enclosed as Annexure B).
2.      We are thankful for giving Vayoshreshtha Sanman-Institution Award to our All-India Senior Citizens Confederation (AISCCON) on International Day of Older Persons, 2012. We request that this grass roué level Confederation of Senior Citizens having affiliated Federations of Senior Citizens in all States and UTs of the Country may please be recognized for continuous negotiations/dialogues/communications, as laid down in para 72 of NPOP, 99. There is absolute absence and indifference from Nodal Ministry about negotiations/dialogues/communications with senior citizens & their Associations!! We have been requesting for such recognition and separate Web Site for Senior Citizens since 2-8-10 vide our letter to Hon Minister by name, sent by Post, E/Mail to Minister, Director (Ageing) and again by RTI Application followed by 13 communications by way of reminders, RTI Application, 1st Appeal, IInd Appeal etc but no action is taken in this important matter of recognizing our grass route level Confederation for continuous negotiations/dialogues/communications, as laid down in para 72 of NPOP, 99 even after more than 2 years.
3.      We are sorry to bring to your notice that we do not get proper information from Nodal Ministry, though one of the main requirement of NPOP, 99 is wide dissemination of information to Senior Citizens and their Organizations, so that they can function as watchdog, energize continuing action, mobilize public opinion and generate pressure for implementation of Policy, as laid down in para 91. We have written the following letters to Hon Minister on important aspects of Policy but not a single letter to Minister is replied.
i)                    27-7-10.        For taking action on various specific provisions of Policies on eve of All India Protest Day on 16-8-10.
ii)                  15-4-10.        For special action to give publicity to Integrated Programmes.
iii)                2-8-10.           For recognition of Associations & Separate Web Site.
iv)                15-1-11         For making Budget Provisions and early implementation of certain paras of NPOP, 99.
v)                  12-8-11.        For taking action on various specific provisions of Policies on eve of All India Solidarity Day on 16-8-11. PMO forwarded the Memorandum sent to them to Nodal Ministry under their no. 14/3/2011-PMP/3/319591 dt 5-9-11 to give reply for all issues to us.
vi)                11-8-12.   Memorandum for taking action on various specific provisions of Policies on eve of All India Protest Day on 16-8-12.
These letters were sent by Post/Speed Post & E/Mails with copy by E/Mail to Director, joint secretary, secretary  etc but are stated to have not been received in Director`s Office and he will not take action on copy received by him through E/Mail, unless original with instructions are not received from Minister`s Secretariat.
4.      On getting some news that Hon. Minister of S.J.& E. has issued some instructions to all States/UTs to observe International Day of Older Persons in befitting manner at State/District level and decided to have Safety of Senior Citizens as Theme of this World Day, we requested the Director (SD) by E/Mail on 16-8-12 followed by reminder E/Mail on 14-9-12 to send us a copy of this directive, so that we can advise our 7 lakh members through our Federations/Associations about Theme of this year etc and to participate and celebrate this Day in befitting manner but requested letter was not given. We also requested on 17-8-12 followed by reminder on 14-9-12 to give updated information in terms of para 71 of NPOP about facilities and concessions given by Government, so that same can be conveyed to all members on the eve of World Day but no information is given. We enclose a list of 75 communications for 11 matters (Annexure C) in which requested information is not being given. Some of the communications were brought to the notice of Joint Secretary also. We have sent a Note (Copy enclosed as annexure D) to both about various provisions of NPOP not yet implemented under our E/Mail dt  28-8-12.      
5.      We shall be thankful, if position is improved keeping in view the position of working of Pensioners` Nodal Ministry brought out in our letter dt 11-7-12 to you. 

Thanking You, 
Yours Sincerely,

  Annexure C: Statement showing the position of 11 cases in which Requested Information is not being given:
1. Integrated Programmes: Letter dt 15-4-10 to Minister by name not replied. Full Information requested in RTI Application dt 15-4-10 followed by Ist Appeal dt 26-5-10 and IInd Appeal dt 12-8-10 not given. Information given under letter no. 15-37 (6) 2007-08/AG dt 28-9-10 not being full information, request with details was made to give proper information in my letter dt 8-10-10 followed by letters dt 14-2-11, 13-4-11, 3-6-11, 16-6-11, 22-7-11, 20-10-11, 9-1-12, 31-1-12, 20-3-12, 9-4-12, 12-5-12, 15-6-12, 25-8-12.   Total Communications: 18;  Period: More than 2 years.
2. Review Committee: Application dt 21-7-10, Ist Appeal dt 11-9-10, IInd Appeal dt 16-11-10. Incomplete information given under no. 15-37 (6) 07-08/AG dt 4-4-11, as explained in my letter dt 9-4-11 followed by reminders dt 13-4-11, 3-6-11, 16-6-11, 22-7-11, CIC`s Orders no. CIC/SS/C/2011/000806 dt 14-12-11, followed by my letters dt 9-1-12, 12-5-12, 3-8-12, 17-9-12.  Total Communications: 14.   Period: More than 2 years.
3.Recognition of All-India basis Associations of Senior Citizens: Letter dt 2-8-10 to Minister by name not replied. Application dt 4-11-10, Ist Appeal dt 16-12-10. Incomplete Information given under no. 15-37 (6) 2007-08/AG dt 4-4-11, as explained in my letter dt 13-4-11, followed by letters dt 15-6-11, 22-7-11, 20-10-11, 9-1-12, 31-1-12, 19-3-12, 9-4-12, 12-5-12, 3-8-12.  Total Communications: 13.   Period: More than 2 years.
4.Madrid Declaration Progress Report: Application dt 5-8-11, Ist Appeal dt 27-9-11. AA`s orders no. Appeal/81/FC & RTI/2011 dt 16-12-11 to give full information not complied, though reminded on 31-1-12, 20-3-12, 12-5-12, 15-6-12, 1-9-12.Total Communications: 7. Period: More than 1 year.
5.Memorandum dt 12-8-11 on All-India Solidarity Day of Senior Citizens on 16-8-11 to Prime Minister and separately to Minister of Social Justice not replied. PMO asked Nodal Ministry to give reply to us under their no. 14/3/2011-PMP/3/319591 dt 5-9-11. No reply. Application dt 9-1-12, 1st Appeal dt 7-4-12, IInd Appeal dt 8-7-12. Incomplete information given under no. 15-37 (51)/2011-12-AG II dt 26-3-12. AA has not given proper Speaking Order, though requested in our letter dt 15-8-12. Total Communications: 7. Period: More than one year. Rail Ministry has not given any information about items pertaining to them.
6.Letter dt 15-1-11 to Minister by name sent by Registered Post & E/Mail is not replied on plea that it is not received from Minister`s Secretariat and the dealing Director will not take action unless it is received from the Secretariat, though he had received copy by E/Mail on 15-1-11 and again with RTI Application on 10-3-11. Ist Appeal dt 12-5-11,  IInd Appeal dt 9-7-11, Letters dt 18-3-12, 9-4-12, 15-6-12, 8-7-12, 18-9-12. Total communications: 9. Period: More than 1 ½ years.
7.Information about working of Bureau for Senior Citizens with details of staff etc was requested under RTI Application dt 12-7-12 but not given. AA in compliance to 1st Appeal dt 25-8-12 asked CPIO & Director to give information but not given yet. Total Communications: 2. Period: More than 2 ½ months.  
8.Letter dt 11-7-12 to new secretary of Nodal Ministry. No reply even after more than 2  ½ months.
9.We requested a copy of important circular issued by Hon Minister somewhere on 5-8-12 to all State/UT Chief Ministers for celebrating International Day of Older Persons with theme of Safety of Senior Citizens etc under our E/Mail dt 16-8-12 to inform all our Associations about theme etc. This is not sent inspite of reminder on 14-9-12. Total Communications: 2 Period: More than 1 ½ months.
10.We requested to give up-to-date information about Facilities & Concessions given by all Stake Holders to Senior Citizens to give to our Association on the eve of International Day on 1-10-12, as provided in para 71 of NPOP,99 under our E/Mail dt 17-8-12 but not given inspite of reminder on 14-9-12. Total Communications: 2. Period: More than 1 ½ months. 
11.Our Memorandum dt 11-8-12 on the eve of All IndiaSenior Citizens Protest Day on 16-8-12. No reply even after 1 ½ months.
 (Total Communications: 75).

Annexure B:
Extracts of para 66 of the Manual of Office Procedure.  
66. Prompt response to letters received-
(1) Each communication received from the Member of Parliament, a member of public, a recognized Association  or a Public Body will be acknowledged within 15 days, followed by a reply within 15 days of acknowledge sent.
(2) Where (i) delay is anticipated in sending final reply or (ii) information has to be obtained from another Ministry or another office, an interim reply will be sent within a month (from date of receipt) indicating the possible date by which a final reply can be given.
(3) If any such communication is wrongly addressed to a department, it will be transferred promptly (within a week) to appropriate department under intimation to the party concerned.
(4) Where the request of a member of Public can not be acceded to for any reason, reasons for not acceding to such a request should be given.
(5) As far as possible, requests from members of Public, should be looked at from the user’s point of view and not solely from the point of view of what may be administratively convenient.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Implementation of Various Policies of Government of India by Rail Ministry on Welfare of Senior Citizens and Retired Railway Employees.

M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East)
Dist. Thane. 401107.         M. 09821732855.  E/Mail: mvrup@yahoo.co.in

To                                                                                                  23-9-12.
Shri Vinay Mittal,
Chairman, Railway Board, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi- 110001.

Dear Sir,
Sub: Implementation of Various Policies of Government of India by Rail Ministry on Welfare of Senior Citizens and Retired Railway Employees.
1.      With the tremendous progress of Medical Science and general prosperity of the Country, longevity of citizens in India has increased considerably and our Country is the Second Biggest Country of the World having huge population of Senior Citizens. Keeping in view the international efforts and directives of United Nations Organization, Government of India notified National Policy on Older Persons with approval of Cabinet on 13-2-99 with clear directives to each Stake Holder to implement various provisions by fixing targets etc. Government also directed to treat the Older Persons as respected Citizens requiring strengthening of their legitimate place in the Society and to take all actions to help them to live their last phase of life with Purpose, Dignity and Peace. Article 41 of Constitution of India directs to make effective provision for securing the right to Public Assistance in cases of old age. The right to equality is a Constitutional fundamental right of Elders also.
2.   We have been requesting Rail Ministry to examine certain specific provisions of the Policy, 99 and issue instructions to all Railways for implementation since 10-1-08 through representations by name to Hon. Railway Minister followed by reminders, RTI Applications, Appeals etc, as indicated in Annexure A. It is observed that instead of examining and taking decision at Board`s level, letters to Minister are forwarded to one (Central Railway) or all Railways and even after that Railway and majority of all Railways having said that these are policy matters and require to be decided by Board, no action is taken to examine and decide the issues by concerned Directorates. When matter is taken up through RTI for giving replies to representations to Hon. Minister, instead of giving parawise reply for various issues,  stock reply is given that information asked in RTI Applications is in form of complaint & request and is not covered under the term ``Information`` under RTI and no action is taken on representations to Minister. Even Ministry of Personnel, Pension and Public Grievances has included the following as item 1 of  AGENDA ITEM FOR MEETING OF STANDING COMMITTEE OF VOLUNTARY AGENCIES (SCOVA) to be held this month:
Time bound grievance redressal & real time dissemination of information are the two main ingredients of this novel venture for the welfare of pensioners.
It has been reported that several Ministries especially Railways are not handling he Grievances with all seriousness which is required in such cases. These are sometime transmitted to wrong destinations and are also unilaterally closed on incorrect grounds without resolving. Similar observations were made by CIC also in some other cases.
3.     We shall be obliged, if proper action is taken and system of such loose working is streamlined and the following three main issues of Senior Citizens are sympathetically examined and proper instructions issued to all concerned for implementation.
i)                   Decisions on various provisions of National Policy, 99 as brought out in our 4 representations dt 27-5-09, 15-1-11, 12-8-11 and 12-8-12 (Details in Annexure A) to Hon Minister followed by very large number of reminders, RTI Applications, Appeals and more than 51 communications in last 4 years for this one subject!
ii)                National Policy for Health Care of Elderly (NPHCE) is issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in 2010. Our representation dt 19-1-12 to Railway Minister, followed by reminders, RTI Application & Appeals is not examined and decisions are not being taken inspite of several Railways having said that Policy Decisions are to be taken by Board. Training of our Doctors in Geriatric, Geriatric Wards, Training of Care Givers etc are required to be provided to retired employees as per this Policy. In some years, number of retired employees will exceed the serving employees and they are required to be given facilities, as laid down in NPHCE.
iii)              Our representation dt 9-10-11 to Hon. Minister followed by reminders, RTI Application & Appeal to provide separate entrance in one IInd class compartment and some seats in Ist class coaches in Suburban Trains of Mumbai is not being accepted on the plea that it will be resented by general public. General Public is vehemently opposing provision of Ladies Specials, Handicapped Coaches, Facilities and reservations in recruitment, promotion etc given to Minority Community, SC/ST and backward Classes, FDI in Retail etc etc but all Ministries are following the Policy framed by Government. For Senior Citizens also, Government has laid down a Policy to provide Age-friendly, barrier-free access in buses and bus stations, railways and railway stations, airports and bus transportation within the airports, banks, hospitals, parks, places of worship, cinema halls, shopping malls and other public places that senior citizens and the disabled frequent. This Policy is required to be accepted and followed inspite of any resentment.
We shall be thankful, if above issues pertaining to 12 crore Senior Citizens including Retired Railway Employees are sympathetically considered and decisions conveyed to concerned offices for sincere implementation.
A line in reply in terms of Para 66 of Office Manual will be very much appreciated.
Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,


Annexure A showing details of References made to Ministry of Railways.
1)    Application dt 10-1-08 under RTI requesting for information about action taken by Ministry of Railways on various specific provisions of National Policy, 99 for last 9 years followed by Ist Appeal dt 3-4-08, IInd Appeal dt 5-7-08 to CIC. Orders of CIC under no.4582/IC/A2009 dt 6-10-09 and orders again under no. CIC/OK/C/2008/00634 dt 19-1-10  to give information within 15 days also not carried out inspite of 3 reminders dt 29-9-09, 21-10-09 and 8-5-10.  Total communications 8, 4 years, not a single reply!!
2)    Representation dt 27-5-09 to Minister by name for implementing Policy, 99 with details of various provisions to be implemented by Railways and some other issues pertaining to senior Citizens, followed by RTI Application dt 8-7-09,Appeal dt 17-8-09, IInd Appeal dt 29-9-09. Wrongly sent to Central Railway, which replied that points raised are to be decided by Railway Board. CIC`s Orders no. CIC/AD/C/2009/001260 dt 31-8-10 followed by my 9 letters dt 21-9-10, 16-11-10, 16-12-10, 1-2-11, 24-3-11, 2-11-11, 9-1-12, 12-5-12, 1-9-12.  Total Communications 13-Period 3 years. Requested information not given till date.
3)    Representation dt 15-1-11 to Minister by name to make provisions in Budget and for implementing Policy, 99 with details of various provisions to be implemented by Railways and some other issues pertaining to senior Citizens, followed by RTI Application dt 10-3-11,Appeal dt 16-5-11, IInd Appeal dt 2-7-11 followed by fresh Ist Appeal dt 9-12-11 and fresh IInd Appeal dt 1-2-12. CIC`s Orders no.CIC/AD/C/2011/001317 dt 11-10-11, followed by reminder dt 14-2-12. This also Wrongly sent to Central Railway, which replied that points raised are to be decided by Railway Board. Total Communications 8-Period one and half years. Requested information not given till date.

4)    Representation dt 12-8-11 to Prime Minister with copy to Railway Minister for implementation of Policy,99 and other issues with details of provisions pertaining to Railways. PMO sent this representation for giving reply to us to Nodal Ministry, which requested Rail Ministry to give position pertaining to Railways under Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi`s letter no. 15-39/12/2006-07-AG dt 28-10-11 addressed to Joint Secretary, Public Grievance, Railway Board but requested information not given inspite of following by RTI Application dt 9-1-12, Ist Appeal dt 20-2-12, IInd Appeal dt 18-5-12 followed by letters dt 7-7-12, 24-8-12, 31-8-12 and 10-9-12. Total Communications 9-Period one year. Requested information not given till date.
5)    Representation dt 9-10-11 to Minister by name for providing separate coach in Mumbai Suburban trains. Forwarded to Central & Western Railway stating that earmarking of accommodation is to be done by these Railways and simultaneously giving reply that any extension in the present allotted hours will result in inconvenience to other sections of commuters (2011/TG-I/20/37 dt 11-1-12). RTI Application dt 22-11-11, Ist Appeal dt 20-2-12, followed by letters dt 19-5-12, 5-6-12 and 20-9-12. Notings leading to decision of competent authority is requested. Total Communications 6-Period 11 months. Requested information not given till date.
6)     Representation dt 19-1-12 to Minister by name for Implementation of National Programme for Health Care of Elderly (NPHCE) followed by Application dt 2-4-12, Ist Appeal dt 18-5-12, IInd Appeal dt 18-9-12 and letters dt 2-7-12 & 3-8-12. Forwarded to all Railways and majority of Railways said this requires to be decided by Railway Board and 6 Railways including Central & Western have not yet replied inspite of reminders by Board. Total Communications 6-Period 8 months. Requested information not given till date.
7)     Representation dt 12-8-12 to Minister by name for implementing Policy, 99 with details of various provisions to be implemented by Railways and some other issues pertaining to senior Citizens. No reply even after 1 month.