Friday, December 27, 2013

Implementation of Various Policies of Government of India by Rail Ministry on Welfare of Senior Citizens and Retired Railway Employees.

M.V.Ruparelia, Chief Patron, All India Confederation of Senior Citizens (AISCCON).
A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East)
Dist. Thane. 401107.         M. 09821732855.  E/Mail:
To                                                                                                Date: 27-12-13 .
Chairman, Railway Board, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi- 110001.

Dear Sir,
Sub: Implementation of Various Policies of Government of India by Rail Ministry on Welfare of Senior Citizens and Retired Railway Employees.
Ref: Our representation dt 23-9-12 to the then Chairman and MORLY/E/2012/05979 DT 23-9-12 FOLLOWED BY REMINDERS.

1.     Now, as per para 3.3.1 of Ministry of Personnel`s memorandum no. 1/6/2011-IR dt 15-4-13, each Ministry and each Public Authority have to disclose suo motu under Sec 4 of RTI Act, 2005 in their Web Site all schemes and development programmes with Action Plans etc, which they are required to implement directly or through others as per Allocation of Business Rules (AOB) within 6 months of the issue of these directives. More than 8 months have passed after 15-4-13 but this has not been done by your Ministry for items pertaining to Welfare of Elders of the Country. According to Allocation of Business Rules of Government of India, though Ministry of Social Justice is allotted the work of welfare of senior citizens as a Nodal Ministry, overall management and monitoring etc. of the sectoral programmes in respect of Senior Citizens is the responsibility of the concerned Central Ministries, State Governments and Union territory Administrations.
2.     Para 93 of National Policy, 99 notified with approval of Cabinet also directs each Ministry to implement the aspects concerning them by preparing Five Year and Annual Action Plan with targets. It has been provided in its Mandate and Policy Statement & other paras to take effective steps to improve the quality of life of all Elders, strengthen their legitimate place in society and help them to live their last spell of life with purpose, dignity and peace.This Mandate & Policy are for all Ministries and all Public Authorities.
3.    Para 3.3.1 further lays down that all Government Offices have to follow laid down OFFICE Manual, which gives details of how representations etc from Citizens must be dealt with. Right to reply is also included in Citizens Charter. Para 3.4.3 (f) lays down the disclosure of individuals responsible for providing this reply.
4.    Ministry of Railways is the apex authority of Government of India at the national level to formulate  policies, sponsor and support programme, coordinate the activities of various Central Ministries, Zonal Railways and other nodal authorities and monitor the programmes concerning all the issues pertaining to your Ministry brought out in Policy, 99 etc. Ministry of Social Justice with 5 officers-1 Joint Secretary, 1 Dy Sec,1 U.S and 2 Section Officer only for welfare of 12 crore Elders cannot  do work of your Ministry in this respect and go on chasing your Ministry and  your subordinate offices for provisions pertaining to them. As per AOB, it is clearly for your Ministry to issue necessary directives to your Officers, Staff and all Subordinate Offices including Zonal Railways also and get all provisions pertaining to your Ministry of National Policy, 99; Integrated Programmes for Older Persons (IPOP) under para 47 of NPOP, 99; Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act, 2007 and National Programme of Health Care of Elders by Health Ministry to the extent pertaining to your Ministry and all subordinate offices by preparing Five Year & Annual Action Plan with targets.

We shall be thankful, if early action is taken to implement various provisions for welfare of senior citizens pertaining to your Ministry and a line in reply to this representation in terms of para 66 & 67 of Office Manual is given.

Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,


Action to be taken by Ministry of Culture.

Appeal under Section 19(1) of The Right To Information Act, 2005.
                     (Senior Citizen Priority Case as per CIC`s Circular)
To Shri Chandra Prakash, Dy. Secretary  & The Appellate Authority, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, Shastri Bhawan, C wing, New Delhi 110001.
1)  Name of the Applicant:   M.V. Ruparelia,  Senior Citizen aged 80. 
2)  Address: A 503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park , Mira Road (East) Dist. Thane. 401107. 
 M. 9821732855. E/Mail:                                 
3)  Particulars of C. P.I.O. :  Shri Ashok Acharya, Under Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.
4)  Date of receipt of the order appealed against :  No .27-237/2013-CDN dt 9-12-13 received on 13-12-13 returning representation dt 7-09-13 and Application dt 7-10-13 to Ministry of Home Affairs (Copy of Application enclosed).
5)  Last date of filing appeal:    20-1--14. 
6)  Grounds of appeal: Application is for creating Respect for Elders in families, society and government as per our Culture of Matru Devo Bhav etc. 12 crore Elders of the Country are neglected day in and day out by Families, Society and Government, as will be clear from Help Age India`s Report about Abuse of Elders in India. Each Government department including Ministry of Culture has to read, consider and act on Mandate & Policy Statement of National Policy, 99, which is for all departments (copy enclosed for ready reference) and take action to improve the quality of life of all Elders, strengthen their legitimate place in society and help them to live their last spell of life with purpose, dignity and peace. Para 18 of the Policy provides that age 60+ is a phase, when individual should have chances and opportunities to lead an active, creative, productive and satisfying life. It is necessary to frame Action Plans for each aspect of all policies declared by Government for Elders, as laid down in para 93 of NPOP, 99. Legal Mandate of Ministry of Culture reads as under:-
"Any section of the citizens residing in the territory of India or any part thereof having a distinct language, script or culture of its own shall have the right to conserve the same" - Article 29 of the Constitution
"It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture" - Article 51 A(F) of the Constitution.
The mission of the department is to preserve, promote and disseminate all forms of culture. Item no.37 of First Schedule: Observance of Centenaries & anniversaries of important Events.
Government of India had declared National Policy for Older Persons, 99 with approval of Cabinet. 15 years have passed. Most of the provisions are not implemented by many of the Ministries inspite of repeated representations. We have been bringing this deplorable position to President & Prime Minister for last several years, who just forwarded to Ministry of Social Justice, which cannot force other Ministries to act! This time our representation for 10 long pending important demands including creating proper culture of respect by celebrating International Day in grand way was sent to Ministry of Home affairs, which has forwarded to you for needful. Many provisions in addition to Mandate & Policy pertain to your Ministry also like promoting intergenerational integrity (Para 57); integrate tradition with contemporary needs & transmit more effectively socio-cultural heritage to grand children (Para 79); Family System to be strengthened (Paras 80 & 81). Ministry of Culture has to ensure that Elders of the Country are not ignored and marginalized. Proper & prompt action is to be taken to ensure that they are respected by all.
We know that RTI is not for solving the grievance, but as practice followed by almost all Public Authorities is not to take any initiative for welfare of elders nor to reply any representations in this respect  and as there is no way to establish contact with any authority, we resort to RTI, thinking that main aim of RTI Act is to streamline the working of the Public Authority and make it accountable to the governed!!  According to Allocation of Business Rules of Government of India, though Ministry of Social Justice is allotted the work of welfare of senior citizens as a Nodal Ministry, overall management and monitoring etc. of the sectoral programmes in respect of Senior Citizens is the responsibility of the concerned Central Ministries, State Governments and Union territory Administrations. Ministry of Social Justice with 5 officers-1 Joint Secretary, 1 Dy Sec,1 U.S and 2 Section Officer only for welfare of 12 crore Elders cannot  do work of your Ministry in this respect and go on chasing your Ministry and  your subordinate offices in States/UTs for provisions pertaining to your Ministry. As per AOB, it is clearly for your Ministry to prepare proper plans and issue necessary directives to your Officers, Staff and all Subordinate Offices including Municipalities also and get all provisions pertaining to your Ministry for National Policy, 99; Integrated Programmes for Older Persons (IPOP) under para 47 of NPOP, 99; Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act, 2007 and National Programme of Health Care of Elders by Health Ministry to the extent pertaining to your Ministry and all subordinate offices by preparing Five Year & Annual Action Plan with targets. Kindly give information on item i); ii) & iv) of application and item 6 of Memorandum dt 22-8-13 to President (Copy enclosed).
7)     Particulars of Information: :  Information in respect Of Celebrating World Elder Day on 1st October every year in Our Country with enthusiasm etc by States and creating respect for Elders in the Country.
8) Reply may be given by E/Mail on or Post.                                                                                                                                                          
Mira Road 25 -12-13.                                               Signature of the Applicant

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Guide Lines for Suo Motu Disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005- Some suggestions.

M.V.Ruparelia,  Chief  Patron, All India Confederation of Senior Citizens (AISCCON).

A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East),

Dist. Thane. 401 107.   Mobile No.09821732855. E/Mail:

To                                                                               Date: 15-12-13.
Shri V. Narayanasamy,  Hon Minister of State, Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pension,

North Block, New Delhi.110001.

Sub: Guide Lines for Suo Motu Disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005- Some suggestions.
Ref: DOPT`s Memorandum no. 1/6/2011-IR dt 15-4-13 and Secretary, DOPT`s D.O. Letter of same no. dt 21-11-13.
1.     We are very much thankful to DOPT for issuing elaborate instructions for Suo Motu Disclosure under Sec 4 of RTI Act, 2005 for more items. If these instructions are implemented by each Public Authority (PA), number of individual RTI Applications will be reduced to negligible number and work in all Public Authorities, SICs & CIC will get reduced considerably.

2.      According to para 4 of your Memorandum dt 15-4-13, all Public Authorities are required to make these instructions fully operationalized within a period of 6 months from 15-4-13. For this, you had authorized all Public Authorities to engage Consultants or even outsource such work to expeditiously comply with these guidelines. It is observed by us and as may be observed by you from Action Taken Reports received in terms of para 4.3 of these instructions from various Public Authorities that majority of Public Authorities at Central, State & UTs have not followed these clear instructions for the following important issues.
a)      Para 3.3.1:- Guidelines for Procedure followed in decision making processes, including channels of supervision & ACCOUNTABILITY: As per this para, each Ministry and each Public Authority have to disclose suo motu under Sec 4 of RTI Act, 2005 all schemes and development programmes, which they are required to implement directly or through others as per Allocation of Business Rules (AOB), specific operations required to implement them linking to specific decision-making chain etc within 6 months of the issue of these directives.
b)     e.g.  According to AOB, Ministry of Social Justice is allotted the work of welfare of senior citizens as a Nodal Ministry with clear indication in the Note that: `` The Department of Social Justice and Empowerment shall be the nodal Department for the overall policy, planning and coordination of programmes for the development of the groups mentioned at (i) to (iv) above, and the welfare of the group at (v) above. However, overall management and monitoring etc. of the sectoral programmes in respect of these groups shall be the responsibility of the concerned Central Ministries, State Governments and Union territory Administrations. Each Central Ministry or Department shall discharge nodal responsibility concerning its sector.``
c)     Para 3.4.3:  In Para 93 of the National Policy of Older Persons (NPOP), 99, norms have been specified for each Ministry to implement the aspects concerning them by preparing Five Year and Annual Action Plan with targets. It has been provided in NPOP`s  Mandate and Policy Statement & other paras for all Government Departments to take effective steps to improve the quality of life of all Elders, strengthen their legitimate place in society and help them to live their last spell of life with purpose, dignity and peace. CIC had also ruled as under in earlier case no. 2701/IC/(A)/2008-CIC/MA/A/2008/00645 ON 27-6-08 (on CIC Web Site):-
``The Respondents has adopted a National Policy which has not been effectively implemented. The Senior Citizens are, therefore, deprived of the benefits assured to them. The Respondent is, therefore, directed to clearly outline the Plan of Action and indicate its outcome for the larger benefits of Older Persons and the Society.``

3.     Inspite of these directives, no central/state/UT ministries have so far even after 9 months of your instructions shown in their SUO MOTU Disclosures any of the provisions for Senior Citizens pertaining to them for which they are required to take action with targets. They are required to show all provisions of NPOP, 99 (Revised Policy,2013/2014/2015, whenever notified) pertaining to them; Integrated Programmes for Older Persons (IPOP) for Ministries of Panchayati Raj & Ministry of Urban Development etc at all levels; Maintenance & Welfare of  Parents & Senior Citizens Act, 2007; National Programme for Health Care of Elders (NPHCE) etc.

4.     If we file an individual RTI Application followed by 1st & IInd Appeals as to why these instructions are not followed so far and when these will be followed, stock reply from CPIO, AA and CIC will be that RTI does not permit giving reply to our why and when and our 3-4 years will be wasted.

5.     Para 3.3.1 further lays down that all Government Offices have to follow laid down OFFICE Manual, which gives details of how representations etc from Citizens must be dealt with. Right to reply is also included in Citizens Charter. Para 3.4.3 (f) lays down the disclosure of individuals responsible for providing this reply. It can be observed from ATR Reports received in DOPT that no Public Authority has complied with these instructions, as seen by us also. Individual RTI Application followed by 2 Appeals to get the position of reply to our representations by name to Ministers also will bring stock reply from CPIO, AA & CIC as brought out above after wasting 3 years!

6.     Third Party Audits, its examination by CIC, sample audit by CIC and CIC`s advices to Public Authorities, as provided in Para 4 of these instructions may not bring desirable results. As DOPT as well as Citizens desire early and proper implementation of these very important directives of DOPT, it is suggested that for this important requirement of SUO MOTU DISCLOSURES, citizens may be given facility of Suo Motu representations to SIC/CIC giving details of issues not disclosed by particular Public Authority and SIC/CIC after giving opportunity to Nodal Officer (Para 5 of instructions) of that Public Authority give target by which this disclosure must be notified. Decisions of SIC/CIC being statutory orders, all Public Authorities will act on those orders. This will go a long way to implement these important instructions.

7.      Para 1.6 of instructions direct Public Authority to disclose Citizens Charter. This charter of all Public Authorities should indicate all facilities/concessions/replies to representations etc to be given by them to Senior Citizens in users` perspective separately and vividly.

8.     As most of the Ministries are having large number of departments, Suo Motu Disclosures under Sec 4 should be separate for each department for easy access to Citizens.    

We shall be grateful, if these suggestions are got examined and remedial action taken, giving reply to us in terms of Para 66-67 of Office Manual.
Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Let Us Take Advantage of Facilities Given by Government.

Let Us Take Advantage of Facilities Given by Government.   M.V.Ruparelia.

National Policy, 99 recognizes our Associations (NGOs) as very important institutional mechanism to provide user-friendly affordable services to senior citizens of their areas. Elder persons should be encouraged by our Associations for involving them to provide services to fellow senior citizens, thereby making use of their professional knowledge, expertise and contacts. All associations should sincerely work towards this goal and get benefits given by governments and local bodies reach to all elders of their areas. Each Association and active Senior Citizen should have copy of NPOP, 99; Maintenance Act, 2007 & Rules made there under by their State/UT; List of Facilities & Concessions given by Central & State Governments and Local Body of their area; Integrated Programmes of 16 Schemes by Ministry of Social Justice, National programme for Health Care of Elders (NPHCE), Help Lines of their area; Vrudhashrams in their areas etc. (Please, see  Web Sites of Nodal Ministry, Ministry of Health & F.W. & my blogs: or should constantly endeavor to disseminate such information amongst all senior citizens of their areas and help & guide those, who approach them. In this article, we shall see very useful but most neglected (by us) facility given by our Nodal Ministry viz Integrated Programmes to Older Persons (IPOP) of the Country.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES of Integrated Programmes for Older Persons (IPOP) is to improve the quality of life of the Older Persons by providing basic amenities like shelter, food, medical care and entertainment opportunities and by encouraging productive and active ageing through providing support for capacity building of Our Associations (NGOs)/ Panchayats/ Municipalities/local bodies and the Community at large. Assistance under the scheme is given to our Associations (eligible Non-Governmental Voluntary Organizations with 2 years registration); the Panchayati Raj Institutions / Municipalities/local bodies for the following purposes:-
(i) Programmes catering to the basic needs of Older Persons particularly food, shelter and health care to the destitute elderly; (ii) Programmes to build and strengthen intergenerational relationships particularly between children/youth and Older Persons; (iii) Programmes for encouraging Active and Productive Ageing; (iv) Programmes for proving Institutional as well as Non Institutional Care/Services to Older Persons; (v) Research, Advocacy and Awareness building programmes in the field of Ageing; and (vi) Any other programmes in the best interests of Older Persons.
It would be observed from the above that government is ready to give financial assistance for above purposes. Our Registered Associations should take advantage of this for benefits of senior citizens of their areas. Some active office bearers/senior citizens, having preconceived ideas for government working, pride & prejudice avoid dealing with government machinery depriving their senior citizens of various facilities very much needed & useful for them. We may experience many difficulties in dealing with government departments but having come of our own volition in the field of social service, our inactions and thinking should not deprive our senior citizens for whom we have to work. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment allocates huge funds every year to your State/UT, which is not used fully. They have given details of assistance for 16 schemes and you can have any programme for your area, keeping aims & objects in view. If you study this Integrated Programmes, you will realize that how much is being done by government for us. To give one or two examples, you will be happy to know that if you arrange a Camp for about 50 senior citizens through recognized charitable hospital, nursing home, medical institutes, colleges etc for disability of hearing and providing hearing aids, dentures, knee braces etc free of cost, Ministry is giving up to Rs 1,60,000 per camp. For physiotherapy Centre, which is needed more in this age, Ministry gives Rs 7,00,000 for equipments and Rs 2,36,000 p.a. for day to day expenditure. For Day Care Centre for 50 members, it gives Rs3,74, 000 p.a. and Rs 32000 for furniture etc. For running your registered association, 90% grant to the extent of Rs 1,44,000 p.a. (12000 p.m.) is given for 5 years on various items of expenditure and Rs 50000 for non recurring expenditure for furniture, telephone, computer etc, if your membership is 1000 and above and to your Federations/Confederations, if membership is more than 20000. They have given details of grants for 16 schemes  for which our Associations can get financial assistance with managerial staff etc.
Ministry of Social Justice is giving grants to NGOs, Municipalities, Panchayats etc to the extant of 90% for recurring and non-recurring expenditure for providing various very useful 16 schemes for Senior Citizens as laid down in their INTEGRATED PROGRAMME FOR OLDER PERSONS (IPOP), revised from 1-4-2008. We are not getting these huge grants utilized, though allotted by Nodal Ministry to our States/UTs during last 5 years and thus deprive our members and our elders of these very useful facilities. Please, see the detailed statement from Web Site of Nodal Ministry showing Statewise Notional Allocation visàvis amount released, number of projects assisted and beneficiaries covered during 201112 in your State/UT. It would be observed that advantage is being taken mainly by NGOs of Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Tamilnadu, Karnatak and Manipur. States like Gujarat, Goa and Jharkhand perhaps do not know much about these schemes, as not a single NGO has applied. States like Bihar, H.P., Kerala, M.P., U.P., Uttarakhand, Chhatisgarh, Rajasthan etc have negligible response. Not a single Municipality or Panchayat has ever applied in last 5 years. This is a serious position and requires personal attention of all Associations/Federations/Confederation. Special efforts are required by all to study Integrated Programmes (IPOP) and encourage their Municipalities/Panchayats and NGOs including our registered associations to get all 16 schemes provided in each ward of your city/village.
One more disturbing feature of this Statement is that most of the grants have been taken for Old Age Home (OAH) and Day Care Centres for Care of old persons with Dementia (DCC-item no. 5 of the list), leaving more important Schemes like Multi Service Centres (Day Care Centres for all Senior Citizens), Physiotherapy Clinics, Training for Care Givers, Awareness Projects for Older Persons, Multi Facility Care Centres for Older Widows, Volunteers Bureaus, Senior Citizens Associations/Self Help Groups etc. Special Drive for provision of all Schemes in your area by Municipality/Panchayat/NGOs is necessary. Kindly, do needful and help your Elders.

ELIGIBILITY CRIETERIA FOR ASSISTANCE UNDER THE SCHEME for your Association is as under:-i) The Non-governmental voluntary organization should be a registered body, under an appropriate Act so that it gets a corporate status and a legal personality and a group liability is established for its activities; ii) It should be registered either under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or relevant State Societies Registration Act and has already been working for at least two years; or a Public Trust registered under any law for the time being in force or a charitable company licensed under Section 525 of Companies Act, 1958.iii) It should have been registered for a minimum period of two years but in the case of the North Eastern region, J&K, Desert areas and under serviced/Under-represented areas, this condition of two years will not be applicable. In other deserving cases, the condition of two years may be relaxed with the approval of the Secretary (SJ&E) on case-to-case basis. iv) The Organization shall have a properly constituted managing body with its powers, duties and responsibilities clearly defined and laid down in a written Constitution; It shall have an appropriate administrative structure and a duly constituted managing/ executive committee; v) The organization is initiated and governed by its own members on democratic The aims and objects of the organization and programmes in fulfillment of those aims and objects are specifically laid down; vii) The Organization shall not run for profit to any individual or a body of individuals; The Organization should possess proven credentials and capabilities to handle such projects.

These grants are substantial and likely to be increased shortly. These grants are admissible to all Registered Associations of Senior Citizens working for 2 years & above and NGOS, Panchayats, Municipalities (all local bodies), Trusts, Hospitals, Nursing Homes and all registered & recognized Social & Government Organizations, State Governments etc. Where Associations do not want to do themselves, they can get these done through other agencies by constant persuasion. It is better to do yourself rather than pursuing others. Details of the Scheme & procedures to be followed can be seen from their Web Site:   Our Associations of Senior Citizens are requested to work hard towards provision of these facilities in their areas by themselves or through various agencies mentioned above.
Our Associations should also work hard to get State Councils, District Committees, Volunteers Committees with Police etc under Maintenance Act, 2007 established for regular & wide publicity of Policies and continuous negotiations for effective implementation of various policies for senior citizens. Lot of facilities and monthly IGNOAPension are given to BPL senior citizens. They being illiterate, they are to be provided full assistance by our associations to get these facilities. Lot of funds are being allotted by Ministry of Health for providing geriatric wards, hospitals etc but are not used by States/UTs. Associations must pursue this also with State/UT authorities.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Maharashtra State Policy for Senior Citizens, 2013.

M.V.Ruparelia, Chief Patron, All India Senior Citizens Confederation (AISCCON).
A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East) Dist. Thane. 401107. M. 09821732855. E/Mail: To                                                                                                     Date: 11-12-13.
Shri Suresh Kakaniji, Municipal Commissioner,
 Mira-Bhayander Municipal Corporation, Chhatrapati Shivaji Road, Bhayander (West)-401101.
Dear Sir,
Sub: Maharashtra State Policy for Senior Citizens, 2013.
We are very much thankful to MBMC to give us 2 Community Halls, one at Mira Road and another at Bhayander and notifying the Policy for providing such Day Care Centres. We shall be obliged, if some Physiotherapy Centres are also set up in various places, as majority of Senior Citizens are suffering from orthopedic ailments. In this connection, we invite your attention to Integrated Programme for Older Persons, 2008 (IPOP) notified by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment in which that Ministry gives lavish grants to Municipalities for recurring & non-recurring grants to the extent of 90% of expenditure for 16 very useful schemes for Senior Citizens. Major portion of such Grants allotted to Maharashtra States get lapsed due to non-utilization. Copy of this Scheme was given thrice by us to MBMC and meetings were also arranged with Shri Sambhaji Panpate & Deepak Khambit but no scheme is provided by MBMC even after constant chasing for last 4 years. Kindly, get these funds and provide us with some useful schemes under this Programme.
As you may be aware, State of Maharashtra has now notified the State Policy for Older Persons on 30-9-13 and more than 2 ½ months has passed. According to this Policy, MBMC has to take action on the following provisions by providing sufficient funds and initiating action now onwards:
i)                Develop concept of Aged-Friendly City for Mira-Bhayander areas to enable older persons to lead tolerable life by providing Day Care, Dementia, Physiotherapy, Recreational Centres, concessional transport, providing more parks, arranging variety entertainment programmes often, concessional entrance to cinema halls, celebrating International Day on 1st October in befitting way for a week, free libraries etc.
ii)              Provide Warden Scheme effectively for safety of older persons by maintaining list of Senior Citizens through Census Department with coordination with Police. Provide protection of older persons from any type of harassments or exploitation at various levels of the Society.
iii)            Appeal to all Doctors practicing privately in Mira-Bhayander area to charge concessional medical fees to older persons and Chemists to give concession in medicines. Special Health Programmes for older persons should be promoted by liason with Public & Private Hospitals.
iv)             To set up Counseling Centres for aged persons, regular health checkups. Planning and monitoring and taking care of health, effective stress management for older persons.
v)               Establish ``Senior Citizen Section`` in your Office bringing all schemes for benefit of older persons by Central, State & Local Agencies under one Umbrella to monitor benefits being given in time by all agencies in Mira-Bhayander. Establish ``Senior Citizens Welfare Fund``.
vi)             Ensure that all Corporate Establishments in Mira-Bhayander spend 10% of their CSR funds for older persons.
vii)           Able older persons should be assisted for part time jobs and help them to get micro finance etc
viii)         To develop guidelines for amenities to be given for older persons in all Housing, Commercial Projects and other Complexes.
ix)             Giving training to older persons to enable them to lead productive & positive life.
x)               To publish the list of children, who do not take care of their parents.
xi)             To establish Committee to oversee and suggest all welfare activities for Senior Citizens with higher level officers of MBMC & representatives of Senior Citizens.
Kindly make your Officers and Nagar Sevaks aware of all provisions of State Policy and work towards welfare of Senior Citizens of Mira-Bhayander by taking effective steps to improve the quality of life of all Elders, strengthen their legitimate place in society and help them to live their last spell of life with purpose, dignity and peace. Everyone has to retire and then every individual should have chances and opportunities to lead an active, creative, productive and satisfying life.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,
Copy to M/s  Caitlin Pereira, Mayor, Shri Sambhaji Panpate, Deepak Khambit.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pursuing our 10 demands with President of India.

M.V.Ruparelia, Chief Patron, All India Senior Citizens Cofederation (AISCCON). A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East) Dist. Thane. 401107. T.No. 022-28123691. M. 09821732855.
To                                                           Date: 21-11-13.
Shri Joginder Prasad,
Under Secretary (Co-ordination II), Ministry of Home Affairs,
North Block, New Delhi-110001.
Sub: Representation from Senior Citizens about help required from various Ministries under Government of India for 120 crore Elders of the Country.
Ref: Your letter no. 20011/125/2013-Coord.II dt 14-11-13.
1.     We are very much thankful for your prompt and detailed reply and guidance to various representations to President and your Ministry. As guided by you, it is observed from web site for allocation of business rules, 1961 that Ministry of Social Justice is allotted the work of welfare of senior citizens as a Nodal Ministry with clear indication in the Note that: `` The Department of Social Justice and Empowerment shall be the nodal Department for the overall policy, planning and coordination of programmes for the development of the groups mentioned at (i) to (iv) above, and the welfare of the group at (v) above. However, overall management and monitoring etc. of the sectoral programmes in respect of these groups shall be the responsibility of the concerned Central Ministries, State Governments and Union territory Administrations. Each Central Ministry or Department shall discharge nodal responsibility concerning its sector.``
2.      Government of India had announced National Policy on Older Persons, 1999 on 13-2-99 with the approval of Cabinet. Para 93 of the Policy directs each Ministry to implement the aspects concerning them by preparing Five Year and Annual Action Plan with targets. It has been provided in its Mandate and Policy Statement & other paras to take effective steps to improve the quality of life of all Elders, strengthen their legitimate place in society and help them to live their last spell of life with purpose, dignity and peace. Para 18 of the Policy provides that age 60+ is a phase, when individual should have chances and opportunities to lead an active, creative, productive and satisfying life.
3.     When we request any Ministry to advise action taken and proposed to be taken on various provisions of this declared National Policy, stock reaction is that they are not concerned and we should approach Ministry of Social Justice only. e.g. Major stakeholder, the Ministry of Finance is not prepared to issue any instructions to RBI and other Banks about providing financial security, as laid down in Policy but advises in Financial Meetings to the Banks that the additional interest for senior citizens may be reasonable but not excessive, resulting in extra ½% , which was being given getting reduced to ¼% by SBI & other banks!! Finance Ministry is not accepting to give subsidy in premium for medical insurance to Elders, as recommended by IRDA long ago and provided in Policy, 99 nor prepared to create Welfare Fund for Elders, as provided in Policy even after 14 years. Major points requiring action by various Ministries are briefly mentioned in PIB Release dt 12-11-13 received with your above. No Ministry is prepared to change their old Rules for their retired staff on the basis of Provisions of National Policy, 99 and National Programme for Health Care of Elders(NPHCE)  notified by Ministry of Health before 3-4 years!! e.g. Railways are taking their serving employees on tour regularly through contributions to Staff Benefit Fund  but not taking retired employees; they allow the use of their Holiday Homes to retired staff but charge 1 ½ times, they charge to serving employees. All Ministries provide free medical treatment to retired employees through their own fulfledged Medical Hospitals like Railways, Defence etc & CGHS dispensaries etc but are not prepared to adopt facilities of geriatric wards etc laid down in NPHCE. Health Ministry is not prepared to issue any instructions to them. All Central Government retired employees are deprived of NPHCE Provisions. Action on Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens is also not being taken by concerned Ministries but left to Nodal Ministry.
4.     Ministry of Social Justice can not force or even ask other Ministry to act, chase and do their duties! All Central Ministries have to initiate action to implement various provisions by issuing proper instructions to their subordinate offices and States/UTs, Public Sector Undertakings, Media, Trusts etc and chase them regularly and get their portions implemented. For this, we request you to issue special instructions to all Stake Holders including Media, Trusts etc for all the three Policies early.
5.     Ministry of Social Justice is provided with 1 Joint Secretary, 1 Dy Secretary, 1 Under Secretary and 2 Section Officers for welfare of 120 crore Elders of the Country, as compared to 1 Secretary, 1 Director, 2 Dy Secretaries, 1 Sr PPS, 6 Under Secretaries, 1 AD (OL), 6 Section Officers and 4 Personal Secretaries for about 30 lakh civil pensioners of all Ministries, though Pension Ministry has to only make out policy etc and payments and grievance solving etc are made by each Ministry. Each Ministry is brought to regular SCOVA Meetings with various Unions of Pensioners for grievances of all Pensioners. Ministry of Social Justice is not able to chase any stakeholders for implementation, does not disseminate any information to Elders of the Country, does not negotiate with any of the registered Associations of Senior Citizens, not able to finalize even revised policy for senior citizens in 4 years since formation of Review Committee on 28-1-10, not able to prepare a note for cabinet`s approval for revised policy since more than 6 months!! What can Government expect from mere 3 officers for such a huge task of welfare of 120 crore Elders of the Country, which is increasing day by day.
6.     Vision of Home Ministry is to maintain peace and harmony in the Country, which are essential pre-requisites for development and blossoming of individual as well as social aspirations and building a strong and prosperous nation. For this, Home Ministry is to preserve, protect and promote social harmony, provide timely justice and uphold the principles of human rights. Elders of the Country are abused, many killed, most neglected by Society & Governments and are not respected nor any action is taken to ensure that they are developed and helped to live their last phase of life with purpose, dignity and peace, as laid down in Mandate & Policy Statement in National Policy, 99. Their position was brought out in our representations to President and your Ministry (PRSEC/E/2013/13557 dt 23-8-13 & MINHA/E/2013/01833 dt 13-9-13 etc) under reference and need not be repeated. However, it will not be out of place to mention here that Government of Maharashtra is considering citizens of 65 and above only as Senior Citizens in the State Policy declared on 30-9-13, as Maharashtrians, perhaps are not Indian Citizens for whom Government of India has notified that all those of 60 and above are senior citizens in the entire country. We request our Home Ministry to look in to this pitiable condition of our Elders, whose Human Rights are being violated often in our Country, which boasts for Matro Devo Bhav & Pitro Devo Bhav in entire World! We shall be thankful, if something tangible is got done at an early date by providing sufficient staff to Nodal Ministry and issuing higher level instructions to all Ministries to take sufficient and efficient action for welfare of their Elders.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Training of Senior Citizens to serve Elders of the Country.

M.V.Ruparelia, Chief Patron, All India Senior Citizens Confederation (AISCCON),
A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (E). District Thane, Maharashtra. 401 107.   M.09821732855. E/Mail:
To                                              Date: 17-10-13.
Kumari Selja, Hon Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment,
 Government of India, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi-110 001.
Respected Madam,
Sub: Welfare of 12 crore Elders of the Country- Training of Senior Citizens to serve Elders of the Country.
Provisions in para 76 of National Policy of Older Persons, 99 (NPOP, 99) read as under in which  Government has promised to provide training to Senior Citizens for helping themselves and other senior citizens for handling their various problems.
 `` 76. Support will be provided for setting up volunteer programmes which will mobilize the participation of older persons and others in community affairs, interact with the elders and help them with their problems. Volunteers will be provided opportunities for training and orientation on
handling problems of the elderly and kept abreast of developments in the field to promote active
ageing. Volunteers will be encouraged to assist the home bound elderly, particularly frail and
elderly women and help them to overcome loneliness.``
We request you to get proper training programme prepared and executed by NISD for training the trainers in respect of all aspects of welfare of senior citizens at grassroots levels. Some aspects are suggested below:
i)                 All provisions of NPOP, 99- Provisions & Progress achieved and action required to get early implementation of all provisions. Sufficient emphasis should be on provisions given in Mandate & Policy Statement.
ii)                All provisions of Maintenance & Welfare of parents & senior citizens Act, 2007 & Rules made there under by States- Provisions & Progress achieved and action required to get early implementation of all provisions.
iii)              Deep study of Integrated Programmes with all procedures & necessities required in detail- Provisions & Progress achieved and action required to get early implementation of all provisions.
iv)             All provisions of National Programme of Health Care of Elders-Provisions & Progress achieved and action required to get early implementation of all provisions.
v)               Art & Practices to represent the necessities of senior citizens to concerned authorities, including RTI Act, 2005.
vi)             Formation & functioning of various Committees/Councils provided in NPOP & MWPSC Act & Rules.
vii)           Action Plan to get CSR funds for various programmes for senior citizens.
viii)         Machinery & methods to remain in touch with all departments of Central, State, Local Institutes like Municipality, Panchayats, Public Sector Organizations like Banks etc, Trusts, Charitable Institutes running Hospitals, NGOs etc.  
ix)             Contact & tact necessary for continuous liaison with Media- Government Media like  Prasar Bharti, Doordarshan etc and Private Media like TV Channels, Newspapers, Magazines, Bollywood for serials & pictures etc. NISD can give various topics affecting elders, creating respects for elders, facilities given by government; inter generation relations etc enumerated in NPOP, rights of elders & other aspects, as necessary. Ministry of Health should get prepared sufficient instruction material on self care, easy-to-follow guidance material on health and nursing care of older persons.
x)               Complete material for training, second careers & avenues of useful utilization of senior citizens and methods of negotiations.
 In absence of any machinery to disseminate information about various facilities, concessions and directives by various departments of Governments, Public & Private Sectors, Local Bodies etc for welfare of elders of the Country, majority of senior citizens remain unaware of most of facilities and do not get advantage thereof. It is therefore absolutely necessary that all office bearers of all registered associations of senior citizens and active senior citizens are trained on continuous & regular basis at all places by getting training facilities established with help of various Training Institutes & NGOs by providing syllabus & trained personnel. Ministry of Personnel is giving training for various aspects of Right to Information Act, 2005, including on-line training.
We shall be grateful, if early arrangements are made for such training and action plan for this advised by giving reply to this representation in terms of para 66 & 67 of Office Manual.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,


Monday, October 21, 2013

Suggestions for VIIth Pay Commission:

Suggestions for VIIth Pay Commission:
1.     Pension at 50% of emoluments of serving employee of the same grade from which pensioner had retired and that too at the minimum of such scale is very much less. 50% was fixed before many years, when there was no inflation and most of the necessary things, as available now, were not available. Country has progressed financially and materially to a great extant and all citizens are entitled to better financial return for their services rendered. Government`s efforts are to ensure that retired employees maintain the same standard of living even after retirement. Government of India had announced National Policy on Older Persons, 1999 on 13-2-99 with the approval of Cabinet. It has been provided in its Mandate and Policy Statement & other paras to take effective steps to improve the quality of life of all Elders, strengthen their legitimate place in society and help them to live their last spell of life with purpose, dignity and peace. Para 18 of the Policy provides that age 60+ is a phase, when individual should have chances and opportunities to lead an active, creative, productive and satisfying life. For living such promised life, pensioners need better pension. They should be paid 100% of emoluments of equivalent scale taking in to account the number of years service put by them in that scale from which they retired, as they need more money than serving employees in view of medical expenses due to deteriorating health and high cost of medical care. 50% may be paid to those who loose their spouse. Family pension should also be 50% as against 30% as at present. Minimum pension should be increased from Rs 3500 to atleast Rs 12000.
2.     Pensioners should be paid Transport Allowance on par with serving employees, as they have to move often for medical treatment, entertainment, religious and social visits to keep them busy to avoid loneliness..
3.     House Rent Allowance is also necessary in view of high rents, they have to pay and heavy taxation by Municipalities, Maintenance charges etc.
4.     Some Festival Advances adjustable by recovery from pension may also be considered. Some ex-gratia payments on International Day of Older Persons, Annual Day of Ministry etc may also be considered.
5.     Each Ministry must look after its retired employees well and give them all facilities like medical, use of clubs/welfare centres/holiday homes, membership fees of professional & cultural organizations to avoid loneliness etc as given to working employees, concessions in fare of all transport systems, tourist guest houses etc. All Ministries must give preference to representations from Pensioners and other Senior Citizens. They should provide Welfare Fund for retired staff on lines with Staff Benefit Fund of Railways, as provided for serving employees. Their retired employees should be called in celebrations of all their functions open for serving employees to maintain contact and encouraging them to participate in such gatherings to help them inter-act with others, overcome loneliness and give them their legitimate place in society. World Elder Day on 1st October etc every year should also be celebrated by all Ministries at all places having concentration of retired employees, facilitating interaction between old & young and strengthen bonds between different age groups. Pay Commission must encourage all Ministries to provide avenues of useful utilization of this untapped resource of the Country for last spell of their life. Time will come shortly, when retired employees will outnumber the serving employees and as such, each ministry be made retired employee-friendly by providing more facilities.
6.     Retired employees of 80 and above are required to be looked after more. Medical Allowance should be more for such employees. They should be treated more humanely by providing health care at their residences by regular visits by doctors, supply of medicines by courier etc.
7.     Representation to retired staff in various committees, accommodation, recognition & negotiation status to their associations as given to serving employees must be given.
8.     As pension is disbursed by Banks, proper rules for dealing with representations by pensioners & their associations should be given.
9.     As pensioners find it difficult to procure proper houses after retirement and face various difficulties due to no facilities being given by Municipalities/Panchayats, it is necessary for Pay Commission to direct Ministries to provide housing to retired staff to a certain extant and also to other authorities for earmarking of 10% of the houses, house sites for Pensioners. Retired employees may be given loans for purchase of houses, repairs etc as given to serving employees recoverable from pension.

10.  Although CGHS facility exists for many pensioners, there is need for better medical facilities by each Ministry. Geriatric Health Care Units and Physiotherapy Units should be provided for pensioners by Ministries like Railways, Defence etc having independent Medical Facilities and included in CGHS scheme for other ministries. Counseling facilities in various hospitals for retired staff should be provided. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Maharashtrians of 60(+) to 65 are not Indians?

To                                                          Mumbai. Date 17-10-13.
The Registrar General,
Bombay High Court, Fort, Mumbai-400032.

Respected Hon Chief Justice Of Maharashtra,

Sub: Indifferent Attitude & Highhandedness of Government of Maharashtra towards Elders of Maharashtra.
Ref: Approval by Cabinet to State Policy for Senior Citizens on Monday, 30-9-13.

I am a Senior Citizen of 80 working for welfare of Senior Citizens. According to National Policy of Older Persons, 99 approved by Central Cabinet, all Citizens of India of 60(+) are notified as Senior Citizens. Maharashtra Government in their State Policy has declared that in Maharashtra, citizens above 65 years only will be treated as Senior Citizens. This has deprived 35% of 1.2 crore Senior Citizens of Maharashtra from various concessions & facilities, they were getting till 30-9-13 without giving them opportunity to represent or heard. Identity cards were issued by State for all citizens above 60 and all citizens of 60(+) were declared senior citizens in Part 1 of State Policy. As this 35% are not senior citizens now, Rules notified by State on 23-6-10 for Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act, 2007 will not apply to them and they will be deprived of all facilities like security of life & property, old age homes etc. All protests through media & letters by individuals & associations will not bring any result, as declaration of State Policy itself has taken 14 years inspite of hundreds of repeated representations by all organization of Senior Citizens of Maharashtra. I enclose one News item of Times of India of 1-10-13 to give complete idea of grave situation. State can restrict the concessions to 65 (+) for any or all facilities but can not change the definition of Senior Citizen of any Indian Citizen abruptly and deprive them from provisions of Act, 2007 & Rules framed by them.

1.2 crore senior citizens will be highly obliged, if Hon. Court takes cognizance of  this important issue and direct the State to keep the definition unchanged.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,


 M.V.Ruparelia, Chief Patron, All India Senior Citizens Confederation (AISCCON).
A 503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (E). 401 107.  
 M. 9821732855.   E/Mail:

To                                                          Mumbai. Date 17-10-13.
Honorable Shri Prithviraj Chavan
Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Mantralaya, Mumbai: 400032.

Sub: State Policy for Senior Citizens declared on Monday, 30-9-13.

It is observed from Press Reports that State has defined Senior Citizen in Maharashtra as an individual over the age of 65. According to National Policy of Older Persons, 99 approved by Central Cabinet, all Citizens of India of 60(+) are notified as Senior Citizens. Part 1 of State Policy also defines Senior Citizen as individual of 60(+) and State have issued Identity Cards to all with 60(+). This has deprived 35% of 1.2 crore Senior Citizens of Maharashtra from various concessions & facilities, they were getting till 30-9-13 without giving them opportunity to represent or heard.

State can restrict concessions for any and all schemes to citizens of 60(+) to 65 but cannot change the definition of senior citizen, which is 60(+) for all Indian Citizens. Many facilities like security of property & life, old age homes etc under Maintenance Act, 2007 and various other facilities like separate Q, Indira Gandhi National Pension of Rs 200 given by Central Government to BPL senior citizens, Banks giving 1/2 % extra interest, free health care in government hospitals to all senior citizens of 60(+) as per GR no. MAG/2004/138/pra.ka.-20 arogya 3-mantralaya dt 21-7-04 & GR no. sankarna 2006/pra.ka. 118/2006/navi-20 dt 12-12-06,  railway fares, use of Day Care Centres, tourist concessions, preference in dealing with their representations/grievances, preference in gas & telephone connections etc due to withdrawal of Identity Cards as Senior Citizens.

As there is unrest amongst senior citizens of Maharashtra, immediate action may kindly be taken to restore the definition of senior citizen, sending copy of State Policy by return.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Working of CIC.

"Democracy requires an informed citizenry and transparency of
information which are vital to its functioning and also 
to contain corruption and to
hold Governments and their instrumentalities accountable to the governed".

IInd Appeal under Section 19(3) of The Right To Information Act, 2005.              (Senior Citizen Priority Case as per CIC`s Circular no. CIC/Legal/2007/006 dt 13-2-08 and Minutes of Meeting of Commission held on 13-12-11 and as per RTI Disclosure by CIC under Sec 4(1) b &c. -Proof of Age given to AA)
The Central Information Commission (Right To Information Act, 2005),
Government of India, R.No. 326, Bhikaji Cama Place,New Delhi-110066.
                Greetings on International Day of Older Persons, 2013.
1) Name of the Applicant:             M.V.Ruparelia. Age: 80        D.O.B. 1-3-34.
Address: A503 Rashami Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East).  Dist. Thane 
 401 107. Telephone No.& E/Mail:   M.09821732855. E/Mail:
2) Name of CPIO with Address to whom Application was addressed: Shri P K P Shreyashkar, Nodal CPIO & Director, CIC, B Wing-August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066.
3) Name of First Appellate Authority & address who decided the First Appeal: Shri Tarun Kumar, First Appellate Authority and Joint Secretary, Central Information Commission, Government of India, August Kranti Bhawan, B Wing, Room no. 302, 2nd Floor, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110 066.   
4) Particulars of Application: i) Application dt 12-6-13. Ist Appeal dt 28-7-13 (Copies enclosed).  
5)  Particulars of the Orders including number, if any, against which the Appeal is preferred: Orders no.CIC/AA/A/2012/303 dt 13-9-13 (Copy enclosed) received on 23-9-13.

6) Grounds for Appeal:
a) In the office of CIC, there is no Grievance Officer or Grievance Solving Machinery. For grievances created due to inefficient and careless working of staff, Citizens have to pay fee of Rs 10 and file an Application, 1st Appeal & IInd Appeals for bringing such incorrect actions to the notice of Public Authority viz CIC. CPIO & AA are dealing with such Applications by playing games of words. e.g. When information is requested for IInd Appeal of Ministry of Social Justice, information is given for letter of the same date pertaining to Ministry of Railways!! When some papers are found as a result of Application with dy registrar of unconcerned ministry, information is given by nodal CPIO but papers are not got transferred to concerned registrar on the plea that RTI permits to give information, as existed in records and do not permit to rectify/take action by streamlining the procedure!! Dy Registrar maintains that he has not received papers and takes no action to get papers from unconcerned Dy registrar nor nodal CPIO/AA get these papers transferred! AA supports CPIOs and does not get incorrect information rectified or to give reasons for arriving at any decisions and is in hurry to dispose of appeal and asking the appellant to go in appeal to CIC.
Para 3 of DOPT circular no. 10/23/2007-IR dt 9-7-2007 reads as under:-
b) It is repeatedly observed that proper care is not taken to deal with our applications & appeals. We are representing public interest cases of senior citizens and come to CIC for help in getting proper information from public authorities. As per Mandate & Policy Statement of National Policy, 99 of Government of India (Copy enclosed for information and following by CIC also, being the apex authority of Government of India at the national level to support programmes of the Government and taking effective steps to improve the quality of life of all Elders, strengthen their legitimate place in society and help them to live their last spell of life with purpose, dignity and peace.) One of the main aims of RTI Act, 2005 is to streamline the working of Public Authorities. We have been pointing out our difficulties found in systems/procedures followed in CIC Office. In support of our statement that information given is incorrect, we elaborate our stand by giving our difficulties. These are taken as grievances and not the defects in working required to be streamlined/rectified and appeal is disposed off without giving correct information. We would request you to help us by streamlining the working of CIC Office and bringing the Mandate & Policy Statement  of National Policy, 99 to the notice of all concerned.

8) Information not given:
a) AA has stated in his orders that efforts were made to contact the appellant over phone but the same was not reachable. On the day of hearing at 11-30 on 13-9-13, I contacted phone no.26180514 at 12-29 hrs, as there was no call to me. I was informed that meeting is on and I will be called. No call came throughout the day or on subsequent days, as in the past, call was given by AA on subsequent 3rd day and promised to talk later for remaining items, which he never did. As regards his saying that efforts were made to contact the appellant over phone but the same was not reachable, it is stated that no miss call or any indication came on my phone. There were no phones from or to from my phone for the whole day to anybody to keep my phone busy or unreachable. Landline number was also given.
b) In this case, we had requested to advise procedure followed for registering appeals and letters, as we are finding it difficult to locate position in Status Position. Simple information is requested in item i) of application dt 12-6-13 and Appeal dt 28-7-13 as under:
*1. As many of IInd appeals are registered very late in Status Position and no date and subject given by appellant is indicated in any case and name of Public Authority is omitted in many cases, where to find the ON LINE registration like SA/UG/13/F818W72G and whether all IInd Appeals are first diarized as letter in Status Position of Diary shown in web site. This information is not being given. To understand our difficulties, please, see whether anybody is able to see Status position of the following IInd Appeals and letters sent by Registered Post in Status position. This information is given in support of our request for information about procedure followed:
SR No.    IInd Appeal date     CIC no & date       Public Authority
 1             28-3-13               Not yet registered     Min of Panchayati Raj
              2            23-4-13                  -do-                        Min of Housing & P.A
.             3            12-8-10                     -do-                      Min of Social Justice       
 4.           30-6-12                    -do-                        Postal Department   
5.           16-7-12       12 letters were addressed to different ICs and Dy. Registrars by name with copy of proof of age as enclosure but not a single appears to have registered till date even after 75 days!!
6.           17-7-12.     4 letters were addressed to different ICs and Dy Registrars by name with copy of proof of age as enclosure but not a single appears to have registered till date even after 74 days!!
*2. Information about existing orders/procedure as to within how much time, IInd appeals are required to be registered is not being given, though there are written orders that appellants can see the status position after 15 days of sending Appeal.
*3. In item ii), 7 cases of late registration were given in support of the information requested. This is treated as grievance and requested information is denied without examining the incorrectness of information given on the plea that these are grievances!!.
*4 In item iii), it was pointed out that CPIO has given wrong/incomplete information. Instead of getting correct information, case is closed stating that these are treated as grievance and correct information about any of the 7 items in application dt 12-6-13 is denied without giving reasons for arriving at such decision. Kindly, give correct information for at least the following 4 cases, as registration is now done for 3 cases, though very late.
*5.  Information given in each of these 4 cases is not correct and action is required to be taken as under:
a)     IInd Appeal dt 30-6-12 against Postal Department: Purpose of coming to Nodal CPIO was to help in tracing IInd Appeal dt 30-6-12 not appearing in Status Position and to get date of hearing fixed, as more than 1 year is over. Now that original papers are found, please get them handed over to IC (BS). At least such repeated careless working of mixing up papers (28 pages) should be discussed in Thursday Meetings prescribed in CIC circular no. 12/8/2008-cic/ADMN dt 4-7-08 and registrars and staff counseled for such careless working resulting in harassment to citizens, as main aim of RTI Act, 2005 is to streamline the working of Public Authority. Compensation for such careless dealings should be awarded. This item is still not appearing in Status position.
b)     Letter dt 5-2-13 is a reminder for above IInd Appeal dt 30-6-12. When this letter dt 5-2-13 is addressed by name to Shri A.K.Jha, Dy Registrar, it may kindly be investigated as to which illiterate person had sent it to IC(AD) and which illiterate person accepted it and placed on irrelevant file and kindly give correct information/position.
c)     You may kindly see reply dt 14-6-13, which again indicates that some illiterate person has put up completely incorrect reply for some other case no. CIC/SM/A//2011/002203 and dy registrar has just signed it, as there was no letter of same date for case no.002203. How Shri Jha gets a dream to connect file 002203 pertaining to President of India for letter dt 21-3-13 addressed to Shri Basant Seth by name for Postal department? Kindly, give correct information. Arguing and playing games with words that according to RTI Act, information, as available in records only is to be given and no action is to be taken for rectifying the blunders by streamlining the work does not help the citizen and very important Aim of the Act of streamlining and giving correct information to citizens is not fulfilled.
d)     You may kindly see my Application for this item. I have requested information for IInd Appeal dt 12-8-10 and information is again and again being given for some letter of same date pertaining to Rail Ministry`s file no. 001260. This very CPIO has dealt with this IInd Appeal dt 12-8-10 earlier 3 times with same incorrect information!! AA had informed in earlier case in January, 13 that he had asked Shri DC Singh to register this and I should send him all papers etc again, though all papers were traced and available in office of CIC.  I have sent all papers immediately to him in duplicate with one copy each to CPIO and AA of Ministry of Social Justice, making me spend lot of money to get papers typed and zeroxed for sending 4 copies. Compensation should be given for such careless working instead of hurryingly disposing of appeal. I reminded Shri Singh twice but no case no. 00805, as stated by AA appear in Status Position till date, hence this item. Correct position my kindly be given.

9)  Prayer or Relief:  Kindly, get proper correct information.
10)  Whether 2 sets sent: Yes.
11) Page numbering:      Done bottom toward top.
12) Whether self attested all documents:  Yes.
13) An Index:  Attached.                                                                             
14) 1 full set to CPIO & A.A.:    Sent.
Mira Road:  1-10-13.                                                                    Signature of the Applicant

Copy along with all enclosures forwarded to:-
i)                Shri P K P Shreyashkar, Nodal CPIO & Director, CIC, B Wing-August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066.
ii)              Shri Tarun Kumar, First Appellate Authority and Joint Secretary, Central Information Commission, Government of India, August Kranti Bhawan, B Wing, Room no. 302, 2nd Floor, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110 066. 
Sr No.  Name of Document.                                                                        Page No.
Application dt 12-6-13.
Reply of CPIO no. CIC/CPIO/2013/759 dt 18-7-13  
Ist appeal dt 28-7-13.
Reply of A.A. no. CIC/AA/A/2013/303 DT 13-9-13 received on 23-9-13.