Citizens National Protest Day-16-8-12 (SCNPD).
Every Wrong`` Satyamev
M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid
Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (E). District Thane, Maharashtra. 401
107. M.09821732855. E/Mail:
Date: 2-8-12.
Smt. Ambika Soni, Hon Minister of Information
& Broadcasting,
Government of India, R.No. 560, A Wing,
Shastri Bhawan, Dr Rajendra Pd Road,
New Delhi 110015.
Dear Madam,
Non-implementation of National Policy on Older Persons, 1999.
1. Government of India had announced
National Policy on Older Persons, 1999 on 13-2-99 with the approval of Cabinet.
Para 93 of the Policy directs
each Ministry to implement the aspects concerning them by preparing Five Year
and Annual Action Plan with targets. Para 18 of the Policy envisages that age
60+ is a phase, when individual should have chances and opportunities to lead
an active, creative, productive and satisfying life. Para 70 lays down that
issues pertaining to Elders will be highlighted every year on 1st
October. Your Doordarshan & All India Radio have been doing this but it has
not been effective in bringing all issues to the notice of Society and
Government Authorities. Most of the issues have remained, as they were. Being
World Elders Day, more programmes for longer time at pre declared times may
help. Now that 15th June having been declared World Elder Abuse
Awareness Day, more programmes on that day are also necessary, Moreover, Radio
having become less popular, programmes on all channels of Doordarshan are
necessary. Cooperation of all Newspapers and private TV Channels is also
absolutely necessary, as para 88 & 89 lays down creative use of entire
Media for highlighting continuously the changing situations of Elders, active
ageing, intergeneration bonds etc. Your Ministry has to lay down Policy/Law/Act
for entire Media/informal &
traditional communication channels of the Country to give all issues and
various provisions in para 88 & 89 of Policy, every day/week, as you may
decide. You have to prepare orientation programmes on ageing for interaction of
entire Media including your staff and achieve the awareness in Society and
Government machinery. Ministry of Social Justice has been requesting you
through Inter Ministry Committee (IMC) agenda and meetings to play a more
active role in educating the Society about all issues relating to Senior
Citizens, giving special slots, more awareness programmes, keeping the concerns
of elders in constant Public Focus. Though programmes are given on radio &
Doordarshan, it has not brought the required result. Only one episode of
Satyamev Jayate has brought lot of awareness. Pre advertised and pre fixed
slots and participation of entire Media including Bollywood, Newspapers &
all TV channels are to be tapped and encouraged/instructed by your Ministry.
2. We request you to look in to this very important
aspects of life of our elders by expeditious and sincere implementation of
Policy for benefit of 12 crore Elders of our Country, you also being one of us.
We observe that Elders of the
Country are repeatedly ignored by Central, State & Local Bodies and as such
12 crore Senior Citizens have united and decided to observe 16-8-12 as National
Protest Day. In addition to demonstrations throughout the Country, thousands of
ageing & ailing Senior Citizens will undertake fast at various places on
that day. It is pity and shame for our Country, whose Culture is to respect the
Elders, that ailing Elders have to undergo fast and have to agitate for
non-implementation of an accepted Policy
for 13 years. We therefore request you to look in to this personally, sincerely
and swiftly.
With your dynamic & pleasant personality
& tact of handling all situations very efficiently, we are sure that you
will do needful quickly, sincerely and set an example on all Ministries by becoming
First to completely implementing National Policy concerning your Ministry.
We request you to give us reply in terms of para
66 of Office Manual for this request, indicating your plan of action.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,
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