Sunday, June 1, 2014

Letter to Finance Minister- Framing priority areas for the first 100 days for “sushasan” or good governance as the cornerstone of NDA government

M.V.Ruparelia, Senior Citizen of 81, Chief Patron, All India Senior Citizens Confederation (AISCCON). A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (E). District Thane, Maharashtra. 401 107.   M.09821732855. E/Mail:
To                                              Date: 1-6-14.
Shri Arun Jaitleyji, Hon Minister of Finance,
Ministry of Finance, Government of India, North Block, New Delhi-110101.
Respected Sir, 
Sub: Framing priority areas for the first 100 days for “sushasan” or good governance as the cornerstone of NDA government.
12 crore Senior Citizens of the Country are very much pleased to welcome a Young Senior Citizen of 62 as their Most Important Minister of Finance. Your profession being Senior Advocate of Supreme Court, they would request you to become their Advocate in the Court of Prime Minister for getting them their overdue advantages and facilities provided by Government in 4 declared Policies for welfare of Senior Citizens (NPOP, 99; Maintenance Act, 2007; IPOP, 2008 and NPHCE, 2010), as they have not been given any Negotiating Machinery nor they have strong and persuasive Union/Association to effectively get their dues. We request you to include the following in your Ministry`s 100 days priority areas and get them implemented within timeframe.
1.     As you may be aware National Policy for Older Persons, 99 was given to Elders by the then NDA Government but many provisions thereof are not yet implemented even after 15 years for want of funds. As per Mandate and Policy Statement & paras 24 to 32, 36 and 93, your Ministry was required to take effective steps to improve the quality of life of all Elders, strengthen their legitimate place in society and help them to live their last spell of life with purpose, dignity and peace. Timely Implementation of Policies is one of the 10 Mantras given by our beloved PM. BJP Election Manifesto had also committed to the welfare of senior citizens. Following specific provisions pertaining to Finance Ministry are not implemented even after all these 15 years and may now be included in 100 Day Priority Areas:-
a)     Para 24: To provide financial security to fragile section of two third of the old population in addition to BPL.
b)     Para 25: To revise rate of monthly pension to BPL at intervals so that inflation does not deflate its real purchasing power. Present contribution of Central Government for Pension at Rs 200 p.m. is a mockery of human beings!
c)     Para 28: Increasing standard deduction of Income Tax for Senior Citizens, keeping in view high cost of medical & nursing care, transportation & support services needed at home and the fact that they do not use common services etc provided by government. All senior citizens may be exempted from Income Tax or higher limit fixed for them or at least Pension may be made tax free. Families supporting elders were to be given some concession, which is also not done.
d)     Para 29: Higher rates of interest on savings of senior citizens to assure them that payment at the end of stipulated periods are attractive enough to take care of likely erosion in purchasing power. State Bank of India pays ¼% extra, which is nothing but mockery of Elders. Ministry must fix proper higher rates and get all Banks pay them.
e)     Para 31: To provide income generating activities and to end age related discrimination in matter of credit marketing and other facilities. BJP Manifesto also had promised to devise schemes and programs to engage the senior citizens as volunteers / part time workers in various development programmes of the government, in urban and rural areas. This will not only help in utilizing their time, but also it would be an effective utilization of their experience and may add an additional source of income for them.
f)      Para 36: The development of Health Insurance will be given high priority and various reliefs and concessions will be given to make it affordable. IRDA under their letter no. 3/IRDA/Health/SN/SRCC/09-10 dt 25-5-09 to Finance Ministry had recommended to give subsidy of Rs 2000 or any amount that may be fixed by Finance Ministry for every policy taken by Senior Citizen, relating the level of subsidy being afforded to the Below Poverty Line population etc. This may please be done early.
g)     Para 63: Welfare Fund for older persons is not yet created.
h)     Para 93: Finance Ministry will facilitate budgetary provisions required for implementation of the Policy, 99. Ministry appears to treat Respected Elders as ``spent force`` and has adopted negative and discouraging attitudes.
2.     Although, VII th Pay Commission is constituted, it is necessary to give relief to pensioners by merging 50% DA with Pension and giving some interim relief to meet with abnormal inflation.
3.      As Budget is very important document and whole Nation listens Budget Speeches, we request you to lay down a procedure that Finance Minister speaks something in his every  Budget Speech about Senior Citizens bringing out the position of senior citizens prevailing in the Country during the year and provisions made for them during the year. This healthy practice will create an atmosphere in the entire Country- Society and Media also- to respect their Elders.
We shall be thankful, if these issues are included in 100 Days Programme and reply is given in terms of para 66 of Office Manual, indicating your plan of action.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,


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