Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Aspirations for the Elderly in India'

M.V.Ruparelia, Senior Citizen aged 81, Chief Patron, All India Senior Citizens Confederation (AISCCON).
A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (E). District Thane, Maharashtra.
401 107.   M.09821732855. E/Mail: mvrup@yahoo.co.in
To                                              Date: 17-6-14.
Dr. Alexander Thomas
Director (CEO)
Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bengaluru.560001.
I am very much thankful to you for sending me `Aspirations for the Elderly in India', a national consultative report. I have gone through the entire Report prepared by the team of India Backbone Implementation Network (IbIn) and find it very important and useful in respect of 5 priorities for elder care. National Think Tank deserves heartfelt thanks from 12 crore Senior Citizens of the Country for taking so much trouble and work out strategies for implementation. We have to find out ways and means to get all Stake Holders start working on these strategies. It is gratifying to note that India @75 has a vast Vision and will take appropriate action to achieve this for senior citizens. Vision of IbIn is ``India To-day`` and as such, we hope it will work on transferring its Vision in to reality and bring Rights & Welfare of Elders as early as possible instead of waiting for India becoming 75. As desired by you, I would very much like to contribute to the cause. Kindly, advise the line of action, I have to follow.
All principles and strategies laid down in the Report are contained in National Policy, 99, which are not implemented fully in 15 years and if provisions of National Consultative Report are got implemented early, 12 crore senior citizens will get benefits. I have tried during last 5-6 years to create Elder-friendly atmosphere in most of the Central Ministries concerned with implementation of National Policy, 99; brought to the notice of Ministers & Secretaries by representations & RTI the provisions on which action is required to be taken by them and created sense of responsibility for early implementation. Kindly, see my Blog: http://mvrup.blogspot.com   IbIn, the enthusiastic Organization with the help of Think Tank and others can give final stroke and get them implemented quickly. Senior Citizens will be obliged, if we all can get the following facilities quickly by using good offices of your Organization and members of Think Tank with Planning Commission & concerned Ministries:-
i)                As per para 96 of NPOP, 99, an Autonomous Registered National Association of Older Persons(NAOP) was to be formed by Nodal Ministry to mobilize senior citizens, particulate their interests, promote & undertake programmes and activities for their wellbeing and to advise the Government on all matters relating to Senior Citizens. Nodal Ministry is depriving 12 crore Elders of the Country of their Human Right to represent and negotiate. We suggested to give at least SCOVA type of Machinery, as given to pensioners by Ministry of Pension with representatives from each concerned Central & State/UT ministries of the level of Joint Secretary with representatives of senior citizens from existing registered associations for quarterly discussion & negotiation but this is also not being done. Even statutory Central, State councils and District  Committees of  Senior Citizens by District Magistrates  and Volunteers Committees by each Police Station laid down in Maintenance Act, 2007 are not given, resulting in non-implementation of various provisions of Policies declared by the Government and grass roots level senior citizens not knowing any thing about existence of any policies nor about their Status of being Senior Citizen and their Rights! NCOP constituted in 1999 does not have representatives from grassroots level associations and is almost defunct with 8 meetings in 15 years, the last on 2-11-11!! Inter-Ministerial Committees are also not held and last meeting was held on 7-2-08!! In view of such a position, formation of Negotiating Machinery is the need of the hour. I shall forward our representation dt 15-5-14 to Nodal Secretary, which may give details on the subject.
ii)              In federal democracy, it is difficult for Nodal Ministry to force Central/State-UT ministries to implement their portion of declared policies in time bound period. Every year for last several years, we observe All India Protest Day on 16 th August and bring out non-implementation to the notice of President and Prime Minister, who just forward to concerned ministries and do not take any action to get the declared provisions implemented by giving reasonable target to implement! We request your Organization to get a legally/centrally based Authority to get implementation in time bound period. I shall forward our last representation dt 22-8-13 to President and others to get details of our requirement.
iii)            Ministry of Social Justice is a Nodal Ministry for Elders but overall management and monitoring etc. of the sectoral programmes in respect of Senior Citizens is the responsibility of the concerned Central Ministries & their corresponding departments under State Governments and Union territory Administrations as per Allocation of Business Rules (AOB) and as per DOPT`s directive in their Memorandum no. 1/6/2011-IR dt 15-4-13, each Ministry and each Public Authority have to disclose suo motu under Sec 4 of RTI Act, 2005 in their Web Site all schemes and development programmes with Action Plans etc, which they are required to implement directly or through others as per their Allocation of Business Rules. Inspite of this, other Ministries are not prepared to issue any instructions to their counterpart ministries/departments in States/UTs and get them implemented by regular chasing, as brought out in detail in Annexure A of our representation dt 15-5-14 to Nodal Secretary mentioned in i) above. We request your Organization to use your good offices to make this clear to all Central Ministries.
iv)             As regards Health Care of Elders, NPHCE is very beneficial, if implemented promptly. Though started in 2010, only 65 Geriatric OPD/Ward; 28 Physiotherapy daily clinics & 29 bi-weekly clinics and 15 weekly geriatric clinics have been provided in the entire Country so far. Indoor services have been established in 6 out of 8 Regional Geriatric Centres (RGCs) and RGCs are still in the process of procurement of drugs & consumables, appointment of contractual man power, training of doctors/staff, initiation of MD course in geriatric etc.(Z-15012/2013-NCD dt 23-10-13). This is poor progress inspite of sufficient funds provided by Health Ministry. Prompt action is essential.
v)               Similarly, more attention is required on expeditious provision of Day Care Centres etc (16 schemes under Integrated Programme for Older Persons-IPOP, 2008, where 90% recurring and non-recurring expenditure is borne by Nodal Ministry).Inspite of funds provided by Nodal Ministry, not a single Municipality/Panchayat is coming up for providing these facilities to their citizens!! Proper strategy is essential.

Thanking you once again for this National Consultative Report and giving me an opportunity to contribute to this noble cause of helping our Elders,

Yours Sincerely,


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