M.V.Ruparelia, Chief Patron, All India
Senior Citizens Confederation (AISCCON).
A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid
Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (E). District Thane, Maharashtra. 401
107. M.09821732855. E/Mail: mvrup@yahoo.co.in
Date: 7-2-15.
Ratnakar Gaikwad,
Information Commissioner, (Right To Information Act, 2005),
Dear Sir,
Sub: Information in respect of delay in replying several
representations from Senior Citizens. IInd Appeal dt 10-8-14, Application dt
Ref: Your Speaking Orders dt 17-10-14 dismissing IInd Appeal.
I am
senior citizen 81, suffering from incurable Lung Disease, called IPF due to
which I am not able to walk even 2-3 steps or do any activity without having
intolerable breathlessness, coughing
etc. For a very long time, I was not able to look after myself independently, admitted
to Hospitals twice, bed ridden during the time of above IInd Appeal and could
not see your communications or reply them. Now, some recovery in general health
has come, though breathlessness on walking 2-3 steps continues.
On seeing papers now, it is observed that
above IInd Appeal was dismissed without examining documents available with IInd
Appeal & produced by PIO. PIO`s statement that requested information was
given by her in her letter dt 2-6-14 is completely incorrect and misleading. I
enclose her letter dt 2-6-14 for ready reference, simple perusal of this letter
will reveal that no information is given, as requested in Application dt
22-4-14. No reply is given by Appellate Authority to whom 1st Appeal
indicating the incorrectness of reply of PIO was given. 7 Important points of
not giving information were brought out in IInd Appeal in para 9 of IInd
Appeal, which were also not examined and refuted/accepted in Speaking Order.
Presence of Applicant during Hearing is not a must as per the RTI Act, 2005. AA
has to examine documents and give reasoned speaking orders.
Simple information is requested as to what
delays the dealing and replying 15 letters listed in Application. For e.g.
first Representation dt 17-10-13 to CM
by name for State Policy on Senior Citizens declared on 30-9-13 followed by
Bombay High Court`s orders no. Y-5301(iii/13)/1582/2013 dt 31-12-13, again
followed by their orders no. Y5301(i/14)360/2014 dt 25-3-14 and many Media
Reports not replied so far. Reply of PIO does not give any information for this.
Government of India has declared all Indian Citizens of 60 years as senior
citizens in entire India. Law of the Land, as laid down in Maintenance and
Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 has laid down statutorily that
in India, citizens of 60 will be considered as senior citizen. How can the
Richest and Most Advanced State of Maharashtra declare that in Maharashtra,
citizens of 65 only will be senior citizen. Even toughest department of Central
Government viz Income Tax Department has considered citizen of 60 as senior
citizen!! Meetings with Joint Action Committee of large number of associations
of senior citizens are not held for finalizing this issue affecting 33 lakh
senior citizens, deprived of being called senior citizens.
4. All 15 representations do not pertain to
Policy framed in Sept, 13 on which no action is taken even after 17 months for
items accepted in Policy and not requiring any monetary support. International
Days for senior citizens are not celebrated in Mumbai, ignoring and insulting
Elders of this most advanced State and no reply is given for such
representations also. 16 schemes of Integrated Programme of Ministry of Social
Justice for which money is given by Central Ministry, no instructions are being
issued to Municipalities & Panchayats for which no money is to be spent by
State, only circular is to be issued and pursued periodically. Neither circular
is being issued nor reply to representation to CM is being given.
5. Out of 15 representations, there are 5 RTI
Applications, which are not replied, though sent by registered /speed posts. As AAs nor anybody in this Ministry do not
bother about appeals/correspondence/representations from Public, Rs 20 for fees
and registered postage charges are not spent. Even SIC`s Orders are not carried
out and replies are not given for non-compliance of orders.
We shall be
thankful, if you also being senior citizen consider this sorry state of affairs
in Maharashtra and do needful.
With Blessings & Best Wishes,
Yours Sincerely,