Monday, July 14, 2014

Information in respect Of Action taken on Memorandum no. 1/6/2011-IR dt 15-4-13 for SUO MOTU Disclosure of various provisions of National Policy of Older Persons, 99; Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act, 2007; Integrated Programmes of Older Persons, 2008; National Programme for Health Care of Elders, 2011 etc.

 M.V.Ruparelia, Chief Patron, All India Confederation of Senior Citizens (AISCCON).
A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (E). District Thane, Maharashtra.
401 107.   M.09821732855. E/Mail:
To                                              Date: 14-7-14.
Shri Ratan P. Watal, Secretary, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, Room No. 129A, North Block, New Delhi-110101.
Respected Sir, 
Sub:   Information in respect Of Action taken on Memorandum no. 1/6/2011-IR dt 15-4-13 for SUO MOTU Disclosure of various provisions of National Policy of Older Persons, 99; Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act, 2007; Integrated Programmes of Older Persons, 2008; National Programme for Health Care of  Elders, 2011 etc.
Ref: Our representation dt 7-4-14 to you replied by Shri S M Gupta, Under Secretary & CPIO under his letter no. F. 11 (20)/2014-RTI dt 24-6-14.

As explained in the past, according to Allocation of Business Rules of Government of India, though Ministry of Social Justice is allotted the work of welfare of senior citizens as a Nodal Ministry, overall management and monitoring etc. of the sectoral programmes in respect of Senior Citizens is the responsibility of the concerned Central Ministries, State Governments and Union territory Administrations. It is not clear from above communication whether our letter dt 7-4-14 and DOPT`s letter dt 15-4-13 requiring specifically to be put up to you were put up to you and you have passed specific orders on this important subject. Coordinating Secretary of Finance Ministry has to consider all provisions of DOPT letter dt 15-4-13 and decide whether any department of Finance Ministry has to suo motu disclose under sec 4 of RTI Act, 2005 any provisions of any of the four notified policies for welfare of senior citizens and unreplied representations from senior citizens and their organizations.

 It is observed that Finance Ministry is not taking any action on various provisions in these notified Policies and when representations are sent by individual senior citizens and their organizations, no action is being taken. E.g. our All India Senior Citizens Confederation representing more than 10 lakh elders of the entire country write letters throughout the year to Finance Minister & Ministry officials, send resolutions, observe National Protest Day on 16th August every year for last many years and send demands pertaining to Finance Ministry to Minister and many individuals and organizations also send representations for consideration of Finance Ministry but no action is being taken inspite of clear directives in the notified Policies. Standing Parliamentary Committee on implementation of schemes for welfare of senior citizens in their 39th Report (2013-14) has also criticized non-implementation of notified policies.

We give few examples of clear directives in National Policy, 99 for which action is required to be taken by Finance Ministry without waiting for any proposals from any Ministry and are required to be shown in SUO MOTU Disclosure of Finance Ministry as per DOPT directive dt 15-4-13. If these provisions are not to be implemented and not shown in Disclosure under Sec 4 of RTI Act, 2005 by Finance Ministry, please indicate which Ministry has to send proposals for these provisions:-
i)                 Para 24 of NPOP, 99: Some level of income security in old age is goal of the Government, which will be given high priority. Policy instruments to cover different income segments will be developed etc.
ii)               Para 28: Taxation Policies will reflect sensitivity to financial problems of older persons, which accelerate due to very high costs of medical and nursing care, transportation and support services needed at home etc. Unless, this is included in Disclosure and referred to from time to time, especially at the time of annual exercise of Budget, how this can be implemented.  Giving same concession, as to general citizens of Rs 50000 without examining and accepting this provision of seeing sensitivity to financial problems of older persons, which accelerate every year due to very high costs of medical and nursing care, transportation and support services needed at home and any considerations for 80(+) and considering higher rebates for medical expenses etc, there is no implementation.
iii)             Para 29: Long term savings instruments to be promoted, ensuring that payments at the end are attractive enough to care of likely erosion in purchasing power due to erosion/inflation. Unless this is included in Disclosure and referred from time to time and at the time of budget, how higher rates of interest from time to time can be laid down and ensured. State Bank of India gives ¼% extra and other Banks ½% extra for years together. Finance Ministry has to ensure that higher rates are laid down from time to time and Banks made to pay.
iv)              Paras 34, 36 & 38: Health Insurance has to be given high priority to cater to the needs of different income segments, providing for varying contributions and benefits. Trusts, charitable societies and voluntary agencies are to be assisted by grants, tax reliefs etc to provide free, concessional medical facilities to older persons.  Shastri Committee was nominated by Finance Ministry and IRDA had given its recommendations under their letter no. 3/IRDA/Health/SRCC/09-10 dt 25-5-2009 to Ministry of Finance but this is not yet finalized. This has to be shown in Disclosure and referred from time to time till finalized.
v)               Para 63: Welfare Fund has to be created by Finance Ministry and not by any other Ministry. Tax concessions to others for contributions to such funds are also to be decided by Finance Ministry.
vi)              Paras 81 & 82: Finance Ministry has to decide quantum of tax relief, rebates for medical expenses from time to time for encouraging children to co-reside with their parents.
vii)            Para 12: Finance Ministry has to make effective provision for financial security of older persons from time to time.
viii)          Para 15: Finance Ministry has to strengthen from time to time the legitimate place of older persons in the Society and help them financially to live their last phase of life with purpose, dignity and peace. For this, Ministry should include this in their Disclosure and issue & reiterate instructions to all officials of the Ministry including all organizations like Banks etc under them.
ix)              Para 93: Preparation of Annual & Five Year Plan for all provisions pertaining to them and their disclosure must be ensured.
x)               All representations to Ministers and offices of Finance Ministry not replied are to be indicated in Disclosure as per para 3.3.1 of DOPT directive dt 15-4-13.

We shall be thankful, if the above points are examined in consultation with all Secretaries of Finance Ministry and detailed reasoned orders are given in terms of para 66 of Office Manual at an early date.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,


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