Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Non-implementation of National Policy on Older Persons, 1999 by Ministry of Urban Development.

To                                              Date: 24-7-13.
Shri Kamal Nath, Hon Minister of Urban Development, 
Government of India, Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road,
New Delhi 110011.
Respected Sir,                 
Sub: Non-implementation of National Policy on Older Persons, 1999 by Ministry of Urban Development.
1.     The Ministry of Urban Development is the apex authority of Government of India at the national level to formulate policies, sponsor and support programme, coordinate the activities of various Central Ministries, State Governments and other nodal authorities and monitor the programmes concerning all the issues of Urban Development, Public Works Department and functioning of all local bodies like Municipal Corporations, Municipalities & Local Self Government Administrations except Panchayati Raj Institutes.
2.     Government of India had announced National Policy on Older Persons, 1999 on 13-2-99 with the approval of Cabinet. Para 93 of the Policy directs each Ministry to implement the aspects concerning them by preparing Five Year and Annual Action Plan with targets. Para 18 of the Policy envisages that age 60+ is a phase, when individual should have chances and opportunities to lead an active, creative, productive and satisfying life. Mandate and National Policy Statement of Policy in paras 12 to 23 directs the Government to help Senior Citizens in all respects to live last phase of their life with Purpose, Dignity & Peace.
3.      Provisions pertaining to your Ministry are as under:-
i)                Para 97 of the Policy lays down that Local Bodies will be encouraged to participate in implementation of Policy, address local level issues and needs of the ageing and implement programmes for them. They will provide forums for discussing concerns of Senior Citizens and activities that need to be taken.
ii)              Para 48 of the Policy  lays down that Housing Schemes will earmark 10% of the houses, house sites for Elders. Elders will be given easy access to loans for purchase of houses, repairs etc.
iii)            As per para 49, layout of housing colonies will have to respond to the life style of Elders etc.
iv)             Para 50 encourages Group Housing for Elders.
v)               Para 61expects grants in aid to voluntary organizations for providing subsidized housing to poor elders.
vi)             Para 82 expects policies to encourage younger generation to co-reside with elders and to be given preference in allotment of houses, NGOs to be encouraged to provide in-house service to elders etc. There is provision for poverty alleviation of Elders in urban areas etc.
4.     We enclose a copy of instructions dt 30-10-12 issued by Ministry of Panchayati Raj to all Principal Secretaries/Secretaries of States/UTs to encourage Panchayati Raj Institutes to implement the National Policy, 99, address local level issues and needs of the ageing and implement programmes for them. We request you to issue proper detailed instructions for Municipalities/Corporations to follow, as 5 crore Urban Elders of the Country are under the care of your Ministry through Municipalities/Corporations. Targets are to be set by you within frame work of a time schedule. Responsibility for implementation of action is also required to be specified by you.
5.     We request that following aspects in addition to above may be considered at the time of issuing comprehensive instructions:-
i)                Municipalities to provide Day Care Centres etc as per Integrated Programme of Ministry of S.J.& E. in each ward. Integrated Programme is available on Web Site of Ministry of SJ&E and in absence of instructions from your side, no action is being taken by Local Bodies.
ii)               Constitute Ward Councils for consultations for Civic Problems by appointing seniors of the area, preferably from local association.
iii)             Provide Community Buildings for welfare activities for all citizens, giving separate space for seniors, arranging inter generation activities with students, youths etc.
iv)              Provide avenues for part time jobs, honorary utilization by giving training, as necessary.
v)                Have model instructions for builders for providing various facilities keeping in view ageing & lifestyle requirements of elders in all buildings, specially no physical barriers to their mobility, Easy accessibility to shopping complexes, reservation of 10% of houses in big colonies and Housing Boards for elders, Group Housing for elders (paras 48 to 54 of Policy).
vi)             Municipalities to provide more Nana-Nani Parks and separate earmarking for seniors in existing gardens with sufficient benches, zoolas & other facilities. Develop some gardens on line with Veer Savarkar Garden at Borivali (Mumbai) having sufficient built up place for Associations of Senior Citizens.
vii)            Each Ward Officer to be made Friend, Philosopher & Family Member of all elders in their area, making it obligatory to have full details of all elders staying in their jurisdiction.
viii)          Creating awareness amongst elders of each ward about facilities given and available by all agencies-government as well as corporate & private bodies, NGOs etc.
ix)             Concessions in fares in Municipal Transport with free travel for very elder ladies, toll tax etc may be considered.
             x)  Footpaths with handles, Zebra Crossings etc should be provided.
Hospitals: As Hospitals are under Municipalities, the following may also be included in instructions also:
xi) Separate ques at present are formed in Municipal Hospitals only for taking out case paper and senior citizens have to be in common que for going to Doctor of Faculty concerned. Instructions are required to be issued for separate ques for going to Dr and getting medicines also. Such instructions are necessary to Shopping Malls for Payment Counters and all other organizations providing public utility under licensing control of Local Bodies.
xii) Separate Health Care Units for Senior Citizens, as envisaged by Ministry of Health & F.W. in National Programme for Health Care of Elderly (NPHCE). Scheme is available in Web Site of Ministry of Health & F.W.
xiii)  Geriatric Units in Hospitals attached to Medical Colleges as per NPHCE  and
 Physiotherapy Units at CHE as per NPHCE should be provided.
xiv)  Instructions to Private Charitable Hospitals/Clinics/Pathological units etc to provide separate ques, free treatment to poor & at concessional rate to others and various actions as per paras 33 to 54 of NPOP, 99 for Health & Nutrition and Public Trust Acts.
xv) As all Old Men Homes do not keep immobile seniors, Corporations may consider providing Old Men Homes exclusively for immobile elders, just as they provide Night Shelters for homeless citizens.
xvi)  Counseling Centres for Elders are very much necessary.
xvii) Provide free medical facilities in all Municipal Hospitals to Elders.
xviii) Celebrations of World Elder Day, Abuse Awareness Day etc should also be at each Ward level with Vayoshreshtha Awards on local basis.
6.     No action appears to have been taken in 14 years on these various provisions in the Policy. We request you to look in to this sorry state of affairs of non-implementation of Policy for benefit of 12 crore Elders of our Country even after 14 years and request to issue Guide Lines to all concerned as per various provisions concerning your Ministry. With your sincere and dynamic personality & tact of handling all situations very efficiently, we are sure that you will do needful promptly.
7.     We request you to give us reply in terms of para 66 & 67 of Central Secretariat Manual and DOPT repeated instructions, last being 55/20/2012-P&PW© dt 18-2-13,indicating your plan of action.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,

Copy to Shri T.R.Meena, Bureau in Charge of Senior Citizens, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India, Shastri Bhawan, A Wing, Dr Rajendra Prasad Road,  New Delhi-110101 for necessary action.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Streamlining the working of CIC, New Delhi.

To                                                                               Date: 22-7-13.
Shri V. Narayanasamy, Hon Minister of State, Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pension,
North Block, New Delhi.110001.
Sub: Streamlining the working of CIC, New Delhi.
As per Vision & Mission Of your Ministry, YOUR Ministry has to facilitate pursuit of excellence in governance for the benefit of all citizens and has to foster excellence in governance and pursuit of administrative reforms through improvements in government structures and processes; Promoting citizen-centric governance with emphasis on grievance redressal etc. Your Ministry has to formulate and oversee implementation of common office procedures, Quality Management in Government including laying down norms and standards for processes and Administration & Coordination in looking after the internal administration including RTI and other activities. Your Ministry has taken initiative to bring Information to the Citizens for which you have enacted Right to Information Act 2005, which mandates timely response to citizen requests for government information. Your strategy to achieve this is to streamline the procedures and strengthening of infrastructure for handling Review and revision of RTI Act and Rules and related procedures, as per need; improving performance, bringing efficiency with transparency in public service, while keeping pace with the changing environment in the public service.  Your Ministry believes in attaining excellence through performance and superior client service that reflects your Ministry`s commitment to collaboration and the highest standards of quality.
In view of such a noble Vision & Mission and your campaign for Awareness Generation Programmes and simplifying procedures for filing RTI Application etc, we bring out the following difficulties faced by citizens in working of CIC for getting rectified, as our efforts with CIC have not brought any results:
1.     As per para 11 of your Notification no. GSR 603 dt 31-7-12, Appeals are to be processed by CIC by examining various documents etc. It is observed that in most of the Speaking Orders by ICs/CIC, there is no discussion of any documents sent by Appellant, though in every Notice advising date of Hearing, it is stated that in case of your absence, matter will be decided on the basis of record. Speaking Orders are passed on the basis of whatever is stated by the representative of Public Authority without reading/examining factual position brought out in IInd Appeal and rejoinder. In most of the cases, rejoinders are not registered and put on file at the time of Hearing. Strict provision is required to be made in your Notification dt 31-7-12 to bring out the contention of Appellant in IInd Appeal and Rejoinder in Speaking Orders and then to discuss and examine the contention of representative of Public Authority and give reasoned conclusion by Appellate Authority in his Decisions. If  ICs/CIC are not required to read and examine any papers sent as IInd Appeals by Appellants, their Registrars may be given this duty of bringing out the contention of Appellant to the notice of ICs/CIC during Hearing and to ensure that Speaking Orders include such contentions and reasons given by ICs/CIC rejecting each contention or accepting and directing representatives of CPIO/AA to give information. Annexure A indicating details of a few Speaking Orders ignoring the mention/examination of Appellant`s contention in IInd Appeals is enclosed. Perusal of these Decisions (on web site of CIC) on these cases even by an ordinary person with little commonsense having no deep knowledge of Natural Justice, Human Rights etc will  convince him about futility of these judgments delivered by learned ICs/CIC  for getting simple information from Public Authorities after waiting for 3-4 years of giving Application!!
2.     There is no provision for request/appeal against such Speaking Orders of ICs/CIC, where principles of natural justice are violated and Speaking Orders are passed without examining the contentions of Applicant in IInd Appeal/Complaint/Rejoinder. No action is taken on complaints against such basically faulty Decisions even after 15-20 reminders! In view of this, incorrect and irresponsible Decisions are increasing and citizens are loosing faith in the Act & Government. Preparation of Decisions is perhaps left to Registrars, as they are treated as Chief Executives of Commission on Judicial Side. There is no provision in your Notification about giving IInd Appeals to ICs/CIC for study/reading/examining and as such all papers sent by Appellant in IInd Appeal are just ignored/not taken notice of during Hearing. This results in incorrect Decisions and requires to be looked in to by your Ministry seriously and proper provision made in Notification; otherwise all your efforts to encourage Citizens to use RTI will miserably fail.
3.      As per para 12(2) of Notification, video conferencing is provided but no mention is made about Tele Conferencing, which is cheaper and very convenient, especially for senior citizens. This facility is invariably given by some of the ICs and CIC but some ICs/Registrars are not giving. This may please be included in your Notification and/or give directives to CIC that it should be given in all deserving cases.
4.     In para 6 of your Notification in Mode of Payment of Fees, no mention is made about Decision of Prime Minister to provide service by Postal Department as collection point of Applications/Appeals of whole of Central Government by paying fees to APIOs of Nominated Post Offices. Registrar of CIC does not accept such Applications through APIO of Nominated Post Office. Some other Public Authority also sometimes objects, though they do not reject Applications, as done by CIC Registrar. This facility through APIOs of Nominated Post Offices is very convenient for Citizens for which Citizens are thankful to P.M. & Postal Department and this should be included in your Notification and there should be no argument against this by any of the Public Authority, PSU, and Autonomous Bodies etc, as notified by Postal Department.
5.     As per para 10(3) (b) of your Notification, IInd Appeal will be considered only after Appellant has availed all remedies available to him under the Act. In cases, 
Appeals are required to be processed but CIC directs by letter to A.A. to give reply to Appellant within 15 days and asks Appellant to come up with Fresh IInd Appeal, if AA does not reply or his reply is not satisfactory. This is an incorrect practice making Appellant to spend for typing, zeroxing 4 copies-2 for CIC, 1 for CPIO & AA each again. One page of typing costs to the citizen Rs 10, and Rs 2 per large number of pages for zeroxing, heavy Speed Post charges etc. This practice should be got stopped and instead of practice of writing letter to AA, he should be summoned for Hearing.
6.     As per Notification no.CIC/Legal/2007/006 dt 13-2-08 and minutes of meeting held by CIC on 13-12-11, it was notified for the information of general public that the Appeals and Complaints filed by senior citizens shall be taken up by the Commission on priority basis and norms & procedure for according priority to Appellants in Hearing Appeals/Complaints filed before the Commission were decided in minutes dt 13-12-11. Appeals/Complaints from senior citizens and differently abled persons were to be put up to the Bench of the Commission where such cases are registered. This is not being done for last 5 years and not a single case of senior citizen is given any preference, inspite of showing on top of each Appeal/Complaint that preference is to be given in terms of CIC orders and age is indicated. Wrong information is being given by your Ministry to MPs for Parliamentary Questions that preference is being given, when there is not a single case of preference given for last 5 years and no record is maintained for this. This is serious and may be looked into for laying down proper instructions.
7.     CIC has a very well maintained Web Site and is very useful. There should be provision for ``Query`` on various matters of Act, Procedures etc, as stock reply by Registrars/Joint Secretary etc is that there is no procedure/instructions/no records etc. It is observed that in Status Position for Appeals/Complaints/Letters, date of appeal/complaint/letter given by citizens is not indicated and in many cases, name of Public Authority is also not given, resulting in difficulty to check up whether particular document is received and registered, especially when more than one documents of same date are sent. This may kindly be got rectified, as our efforts with CIC have failed.
8.     It has been notified by CIC that Appeals/Complaints sent by E/Mail will not be processed, if not followed by hard copy. This is correct but other letters/reminders sent by E/Mail are also not considered at all, though this facility is provided at huge public cost. As E/Mails are accepted, either action should be taken thereon or like SIC & ICs of Maharashtra, all E/Mails should be rejected with Failure Notices and/or notified that no one should send E/Mails to CIC office.
9.     As per para 66-67 of Central Secretariat Manual and your repeated instructions, last being 55/20/2012-P&PW© dt 18-2-13, reply to all letters is to be given within one month and where delay is likely, intimation as to when reply will be given has to be sent. When we do not get any reply to our representations to various Ministers by name, we take up non-reply under RTI Applications/Appeals on the understanding that non-reply is slack working of Public Authority requiring streamlining, which is the main aim of RTI Act, 2005. We would request you to examine this for issuing directives to all concerned to reply at least after taking up under RTI Application/Appeal.
10.  Penalties are prescribed in Sec 20 of the Act for not furnishing information in prescribed time limit. This Section is a law and no IC/CIC discusses in Speaking Orders about reasonableness of delays in supply of information, as stipulated in this Section. Penalty is imposed in rare cases and this rule is used as exception, making RTI Act, 2005 ineffective. Some directives to discuss reasonability of delay in Speaking Orders may kindly be issued.
We shall be grateful, if these important aspects are got examined and remedial action taken, giving reply to us in terms of Para 66-67 of Office Manual.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,

Copy forwarded to Shri  Satyananda Mishra, Cief Information Commissioner, August Kranti Bhawan, B Wing, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 for necessary action.

Annexure A- Statement showing details of Some Recent Decisions in which contention of Appellant in IInd Appeals are not taken note of and opportunity to be heard not given.

Sr No
Date of  IInd Appeal
No & date by CIC
Public Authority
Date of Decision
Date of request to reconsider
Date of Application
27-12-12 6-2-13
CIC/LS/A/2013/000242 & 000399 dt29-1-13 & 14-2-13.
20-8-12  21-9-12

CIC/SM/A/2011/2469             & 2470  dt 27-10-11
25-3-11 8-4-12

CIC/SM/A/2011/000611 dt 11-2-11

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Welfare of 12 crore Elders of the Country forming considerable portion of Electorate.

To                                              Date: 13-7-13.
Shri Manish Tewariji, Hon Minister of State,
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting,
Government of India, A Wing, Shastri Bhawan, Dr Rajendra Pd Road, 
New Delhi 110015.

Respected Sir,

Sub: Welfare of 12 crore Elders of the Country forming considerable portion of Electorate.
Ref: Our reference dt 2-8-12 to your predecessor on which appropriate action is not taken even after almost one year.

We, 12 crore Elders of our Country welcome the young, energetic, active and practical politician as our Minister for very important Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.
1.      Our ancient Culture respects Parents as Gods and Our Country is known for this throughout the World. There has been deterioration in this thinking and our social customs in recent times. In addition to lot of Abuse of Elders, as reported by Help Age on 15-6-13, there are large numbers of cases of abandonments of helpless and ailing Elders etc. Immediate action is required to be taken by your powerful leadership to create and restore respect for Elders. This can be done only by your Ministry under your active & energetic guidance and directives. As you may be aware Government of India had announced National Policy on Older Persons, 1999 on 13-2-99 with the approval of Cabinet. Para 93 of the Policy directs each Ministry to implement the aspects concerning them by preparing Five Year and Annual Action Plan with targets. Para 12 to 23 of the Policy lays down Mandate & Policy Statement, which require to be given wide publicity by your Ministry to create respect for Elders in the Society & creating Awareness in concerned Government Departments to take action sincerely & promptly on various provisions concerning them. Para 15 of Policy visualizes that State will strengthen the legitimate place of Elders in the Society and help them to live their last phase of life with Purpose, Dignity & Peace. Para 18 envisages that age 60+ is a phase, when individual should have chances and opportunities to lead an active, creative, productive and satisfying life. State has to strengthen inter generational bonds and mutually supporting relationships. State has to encourage capable Senior Citizens to provide service to other senior citizens in need of help. It is necessary that the Family Support System continues to be functional to discharge its caring responsibilities, sensitizing the young on necessity & desirability of inter generational bonding etc. Each provision in Policy is important and requires highlighting by your Ministry. Various provisions of Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act, 2007 about looking after Elders by Children, providing safety by Police etc also need highlighting & propaganda by your Ministry.
2.      Para 70 lays down that issues pertaining to Elders will be highlighted every year on 1st October. Your Doordarshan & All India Radio etc have been doing this but it has not been effective in bringing all issues to the notice of Society and Government Authorities. Most of the issues have remained, as they were. On World Elders Day on 1st October every year, more programmes for longer time at pre declared times may help highlighting the changing situations of Elders and identifying emerging issues and areas of action by various stake holders. Now that 15th June has been declared World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, more programmes on that day to ensure that Elder Abuse is avoided are also necessary. Moreover, Radio having become less popular, programmes on all channels of Doordarshan are necessary. Exhibition of your Ministry`s Documentaries on Elders by distributing them to private channels, NGOs and Senior Citizens Associations may bring better results. Cooperation of all Newspapers, private TV Channels and Bollywood etc is also absolutely necessary, as para 88 & 89 lays down creative use of entire Media for highlighting continuously the changing situations of Elders, active ageing, intergeneration bonds etc. Your Ministry has to lay down Policy/Law/Act for  entire Media/informal & traditional communication channels of the Country to highlight all issues and various provisions of Policy, every day/week, as you may decide by earmarking special slots on regular basis. Your Ministry may like to prepare orientation programmes on ageing for interaction of entire Media including your staff and achieve the awareness in Society and Government machinery. Ministry of Social Justice has been requesting your Ministry through Inter Ministry Committee (IMC) agenda and meetings to play a more active role in educating the Society about all issues relating to Senior Citizens, giving special slots, more awareness programmes, keeping the concerns of elders in constant Public Focus. Though some programmes are given on radio & Doordarshan, it has not brought the required result. Only one episode of Satyamev Jayate has brought lot of awareness. Pre advertised and pre fixed slots and participation of entire Media including Bollywood, Newspapers & all TV channels are to be tapped and encouraged/instructed by your Ministry.
3.     We request you to look in to this very important aspects of life of our elders by expeditious and sincere implementation of Policy for benefit of 12 crore Elders of our Country. We observe that Elders of the Country are repeatedly ignored by Central, State & Local Bodies. With your dynamic & pleasant personality & tact of handling all situations very efficiently, we are sure that you will do needful quickly, sincerely and set an example on all Ministries by becoming Torch Bearer for highlighting the position of Elders of the Country and restoring their legitimate place in Society.
4.     We request you to give us reply in terms of para 66 of Office Manual for this request, indicating your plan of action.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,

Monday, July 8, 2013

Welfare of Senior Citizens of the Country in Health Matters- Implementation of National Policy of Older Persons, 99.

To                                                                                               Date:  19-12-12.
 Shri P.K.Pradhan,  Secretary (H & FW),
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India,
Nirman Bhavan,  Room No. 156 A,  New Delhi-110 011.
Sub: Welfare of Senior Citizens of the Country in Health Matters- Implementation of National Policy of Older Persons, 99.
We are very much thankful to the Ministry of Health for giving us National Policy of  Health Care of Elderly (NPHCE) and we are also happy to note that Health Ministry is very sincere in getting it implemented by States at an early date.
Though, Health is a State Subject, most of the States having not yet accepted National Policy, 99 even after 14 years, we need the help of Ministry of Health in certain matters. It is observed that in spite of your Ministry`s instructions to all Stake Holders (Para 39 of Policy) to ensure that elderly patients are not subjected to long waits and visits to different counters for medical tests & treatment, many Government, Municipal and Charitable Hospitals, Dispensaries, Laboratories, Consultants are not giving any preference to Elder patients and make Elders to wait for long time. Some have provided separate counter for Case Paper & receiving Medicines but not for examination by doctors (different Specialists) or pathological tests etc and elders have to wait in que for going to various doctors, X-ray rooms, ECG rooms, pathology department etc for various ailments and checks. We shall be thankful, if proper detailed instructions are issued covering all these requirements immediately and reiterated periodically, as one of the important components of NPHCE is information, communication and education of all concerned. Under Secretary, NPHCE vide his letter no. T.21020/38/2012-NCD(M) dt 1-8-12 and 16-10-12 has declined to issue such instructions on the plea that States have to issue such instructions. Instructions from Central Ministry for uniformal following  by all concerned are necessary and we request that proper instructions to all concerned are issued by Our Health Ministry.
Similarly, Health Ministry is requested to advise private hospitals, private practitioners and consultants also about necessity of looking after Elders on similar lines, though private parties may not be under Health Ministry. General directive to Private Parties for improving health care of elders from Health Ministry is very much necessary and desirable. As Health Ministry is doing lot to create awareness generation programmes etc, it is requested that awareness may be created for your 12 crore Elders amongst Private Health Agencies also.
 Improper treatment of Elders by Government/non-government agencies, Municipal and Private Sector is an ABUSE of ELDERS. There is absolute and urgent need of special instructions and training to doctors and all medical staff to treat Elders with respect and care, as present attitude at many places is ``you have already lived long and no useful purpose will be served by investigations and treatment.`` Some (considerable number)  doctors and staff misbehave also. In addition to instructions to all Stake Holders, there is necessity of Mass Media Programme to increase awareness of public as well as doctors, staff, care givers etc on various aspects of health problems of Elders. They deserve respect, care and sympathy. Early preparation of Charter for Senior Citizens for all their Health Care Needs is also necessary.
With number of Senior Citizens increasing and facing various ailments due to ageing and not being able to get proper medical aids due to less or no income at this age, it is necessary that Ministry of Health initiates fast measures to rationalize cost structure of medical requirements of elders including cost of medicines. The health ministry is also gearing up to make "Free medicine for all 
through Public Health Facilities" in all government health facilities a reality from next month.
  As per recent reports, a study by the Cost Audit branch of the MCA found that drugs like Calpol manufactured by Glaxosmithkline, Corex Cough Syrup by Pfizer, Revital by Ranbaxy Global, Omez by Dr Reddy's Labs, Azithral by Alembic and several others were being sold at a mark up of up to 1,123% over the cost of production. Worried over the findings of the study, India's Corporate Affairs Minister M Veerappa Moily has written to Health Minister seeking appropriate action on curbing this practice of pharma companies. He has forwarded a copy of the study also. As we consider Health Ministry as our Nodal Ministry for all our Health Needs, we request you to take some immediate steps to remove such abnormal costing of medicines. Such high profit earning is nothing but ABUSE of ELDERS. We would also request you to use your good offices with manufacturing & distributing agencies all over India to give sufficiently high concessions like 50% (as in fare by transport, air, railways etc) to all Senior Citizens, as they need every month lot of medicines for age related chronic ailments at this age, when their income is very less or no income, though pricing of medicines is not controlled by Health Ministry.  
 Rs 75 crore were provided in 11th Plan for providing 30 bedded Departments of Geriatric in 8 identified Regional Medical Institutes and to provide dedicated health care facilities in District Hospitals etc in 100 districts of 21 States. Though this Programme is stated to have been initiated, nothing tangible appears to have been provided, though more than 2 years has passed. As 100 more districts are to be covered every year in 12 th Plan and one year of 12th Plan is coming to end shortly, it is necessary that time bound programme is fixed for each stage and monitored by Directorate General of Health Services(Dte.GHS) having subordinate offices spread all over the country to ensure timely implementation of NPHCE. Similar monitoring of 12 Regional Geriatric Centres may also be given to DGHS.
We shall also be obliged, if proper detailed instructions are issued to Ministries of Railways, Defence etc having separate full-fledged Medical Departments for adopting various measures of NPHCE for their retired employees, so that they also start working on this marvelous scheme of NPHCE. 
We shall be thankful, if immediate action on these abuses is taken and action taken with copies of instructions issued for separate ques at every stage of taking treatment advised at an early date. A line in reply to this representation in terms of para 66 of Office Manual will be very much appreciated.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,