Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why are We as We are?

Why are we, as we are? M.V.Ruparelia.

This World is full of varieties, not only of living beings, trees, flowers, flora etc but also of all aspects including thoughts, principles, laws etc. Just think why you are as you are! Some will say, we are borne as per our deeds in previous births and are governed by planetary position at the time of our birth. Each planet in our horoscope play its role in our life from time to time. We are helpless and controlled by our destiny and so on! Some will say we are borne and brought up in different atmosphere and circumstances and governed by childhood experiences and habits. Children of the same parents brought up in the same place and family are not the same due to different genes at the time of conception and different experiences in the same place and family during their childhood and growing periods. Due to varying beliefs in respect of origin and continuance of life, all-acceptable analysis as to why we are as we are is difficult.

Let us see according to some scientific concepts as to why we are as we are. It is observed that people in different countries, different societies, different groups, different races are different. This indicates that social atmosphere, social customs etc make a difference. Even in same country or society, people are found different. This indicates that barring some conditioning of the atmosphere, customs etc of that country/society, each individual, having been borne and brought up in different atmosphere, surroundings of family, friends and others is unique! No two individuals, even borne to same parents and even two or more borne together are equal in all respects. Each individual has his own experiences different from others. His complete personality is based on his childhood and subsequent experiences. These experiences are influenced to certain extent by social conditionings and beliefs of that country/society. Some such beliefs in some societies are like: Some believe that passing of cat before them is a bad omen and one should not proceed further! Women should do this and not that! Innumerable beliefs exist in different communities and countries! In many societies, hypocrisy is practiced at all levels! Parents, teachers, adults speak one thing and do another, expecting children to do what they tell them and not what they do! Such beliefs and behavior are passed on from generation to generation and imbibed from childhood. Most of us get conditioned to such beliefs and behaviors and unconsciously react according to such conditionings in our every day behavior with others. Even in same family and society, there are different beliefs/opinions at different times! Nothing holds more power over our body and mind than such conditionings/experiences of the past. Life is nothing but a series of experiences.

According to Dr Deepak Chopra, beliefs, thoughts, emotions create the chemical reactions that uphold life in every cell of our body. All cells contain unique forms of intelligence. There are trillions of cells in our body. Cells of different parts of body get destroyed and recreated as per their different life spans from time to time. In a year, 98% of our cells get exchanged for new ones. Our perception is based on intelligence of these trillions of cells. Due to the existence of these trillions of cells having different intelligence based on their experience from time to time, every one perceives the same things/matters differently and same person perceives same thing/matter differently at different time!! Thus, each one of us is Unique in the entire World!

When all are different and react helplessly, there is lot of misunderstanding amongst all for each other and this creates conflicts and unhappiness! Each one feels he is right, one up and others are wrong! All of us have to understand and accept as to why we are as we are and respect the uniqueness of all which is due to different upbringing and experiences (and different planetary position!) to avoid conflicts and unhappiness all-around. If others may or may not accept this but if you accept this, it shall bring you peace and happiness!

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