Saturday, October 26, 2013

Training of Senior Citizens to serve Elders of the Country.

M.V.Ruparelia, Chief Patron, All India Senior Citizens Confederation (AISCCON),
A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (E). District Thane, Maharashtra. 401 107.   M.09821732855. E/Mail:
To                                              Date: 17-10-13.
Kumari Selja, Hon Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment,
 Government of India, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi-110 001.
Respected Madam,
Sub: Welfare of 12 crore Elders of the Country- Training of Senior Citizens to serve Elders of the Country.
Provisions in para 76 of National Policy of Older Persons, 99 (NPOP, 99) read as under in which  Government has promised to provide training to Senior Citizens for helping themselves and other senior citizens for handling their various problems.
 `` 76. Support will be provided for setting up volunteer programmes which will mobilize the participation of older persons and others in community affairs, interact with the elders and help them with their problems. Volunteers will be provided opportunities for training and orientation on
handling problems of the elderly and kept abreast of developments in the field to promote active
ageing. Volunteers will be encouraged to assist the home bound elderly, particularly frail and
elderly women and help them to overcome loneliness.``
We request you to get proper training programme prepared and executed by NISD for training the trainers in respect of all aspects of welfare of senior citizens at grassroots levels. Some aspects are suggested below:
i)                 All provisions of NPOP, 99- Provisions & Progress achieved and action required to get early implementation of all provisions. Sufficient emphasis should be on provisions given in Mandate & Policy Statement.
ii)                All provisions of Maintenance & Welfare of parents & senior citizens Act, 2007 & Rules made there under by States- Provisions & Progress achieved and action required to get early implementation of all provisions.
iii)              Deep study of Integrated Programmes with all procedures & necessities required in detail- Provisions & Progress achieved and action required to get early implementation of all provisions.
iv)             All provisions of National Programme of Health Care of Elders-Provisions & Progress achieved and action required to get early implementation of all provisions.
v)               Art & Practices to represent the necessities of senior citizens to concerned authorities, including RTI Act, 2005.
vi)             Formation & functioning of various Committees/Councils provided in NPOP & MWPSC Act & Rules.
vii)           Action Plan to get CSR funds for various programmes for senior citizens.
viii)         Machinery & methods to remain in touch with all departments of Central, State, Local Institutes like Municipality, Panchayats, Public Sector Organizations like Banks etc, Trusts, Charitable Institutes running Hospitals, NGOs etc.  
ix)             Contact & tact necessary for continuous liaison with Media- Government Media like  Prasar Bharti, Doordarshan etc and Private Media like TV Channels, Newspapers, Magazines, Bollywood for serials & pictures etc. NISD can give various topics affecting elders, creating respects for elders, facilities given by government; inter generation relations etc enumerated in NPOP, rights of elders & other aspects, as necessary. Ministry of Health should get prepared sufficient instruction material on self care, easy-to-follow guidance material on health and nursing care of older persons.
x)               Complete material for training, second careers & avenues of useful utilization of senior citizens and methods of negotiations.
 In absence of any machinery to disseminate information about various facilities, concessions and directives by various departments of Governments, Public & Private Sectors, Local Bodies etc for welfare of elders of the Country, majority of senior citizens remain unaware of most of facilities and do not get advantage thereof. It is therefore absolutely necessary that all office bearers of all registered associations of senior citizens and active senior citizens are trained on continuous & regular basis at all places by getting training facilities established with help of various Training Institutes & NGOs by providing syllabus & trained personnel. Ministry of Personnel is giving training for various aspects of Right to Information Act, 2005, including on-line training.
We shall be grateful, if early arrangements are made for such training and action plan for this advised by giving reply to this representation in terms of para 66 & 67 of Office Manual.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,


Monday, October 21, 2013

Suggestions for VIIth Pay Commission:

Suggestions for VIIth Pay Commission:
1.     Pension at 50% of emoluments of serving employee of the same grade from which pensioner had retired and that too at the minimum of such scale is very much less. 50% was fixed before many years, when there was no inflation and most of the necessary things, as available now, were not available. Country has progressed financially and materially to a great extant and all citizens are entitled to better financial return for their services rendered. Government`s efforts are to ensure that retired employees maintain the same standard of living even after retirement. Government of India had announced National Policy on Older Persons, 1999 on 13-2-99 with the approval of Cabinet. It has been provided in its Mandate and Policy Statement & other paras to take effective steps to improve the quality of life of all Elders, strengthen their legitimate place in society and help them to live their last spell of life with purpose, dignity and peace. Para 18 of the Policy provides that age 60+ is a phase, when individual should have chances and opportunities to lead an active, creative, productive and satisfying life. For living such promised life, pensioners need better pension. They should be paid 100% of emoluments of equivalent scale taking in to account the number of years service put by them in that scale from which they retired, as they need more money than serving employees in view of medical expenses due to deteriorating health and high cost of medical care. 50% may be paid to those who loose their spouse. Family pension should also be 50% as against 30% as at present. Minimum pension should be increased from Rs 3500 to atleast Rs 12000.
2.     Pensioners should be paid Transport Allowance on par with serving employees, as they have to move often for medical treatment, entertainment, religious and social visits to keep them busy to avoid loneliness..
3.     House Rent Allowance is also necessary in view of high rents, they have to pay and heavy taxation by Municipalities, Maintenance charges etc.
4.     Some Festival Advances adjustable by recovery from pension may also be considered. Some ex-gratia payments on International Day of Older Persons, Annual Day of Ministry etc may also be considered.
5.     Each Ministry must look after its retired employees well and give them all facilities like medical, use of clubs/welfare centres/holiday homes, membership fees of professional & cultural organizations to avoid loneliness etc as given to working employees, concessions in fare of all transport systems, tourist guest houses etc. All Ministries must give preference to representations from Pensioners and other Senior Citizens. They should provide Welfare Fund for retired staff on lines with Staff Benefit Fund of Railways, as provided for serving employees. Their retired employees should be called in celebrations of all their functions open for serving employees to maintain contact and encouraging them to participate in such gatherings to help them inter-act with others, overcome loneliness and give them their legitimate place in society. World Elder Day on 1st October etc every year should also be celebrated by all Ministries at all places having concentration of retired employees, facilitating interaction between old & young and strengthen bonds between different age groups. Pay Commission must encourage all Ministries to provide avenues of useful utilization of this untapped resource of the Country for last spell of their life. Time will come shortly, when retired employees will outnumber the serving employees and as such, each ministry be made retired employee-friendly by providing more facilities.
6.     Retired employees of 80 and above are required to be looked after more. Medical Allowance should be more for such employees. They should be treated more humanely by providing health care at their residences by regular visits by doctors, supply of medicines by courier etc.
7.     Representation to retired staff in various committees, accommodation, recognition & negotiation status to their associations as given to serving employees must be given.
8.     As pension is disbursed by Banks, proper rules for dealing with representations by pensioners & their associations should be given.
9.     As pensioners find it difficult to procure proper houses after retirement and face various difficulties due to no facilities being given by Municipalities/Panchayats, it is necessary for Pay Commission to direct Ministries to provide housing to retired staff to a certain extant and also to other authorities for earmarking of 10% of the houses, house sites for Pensioners. Retired employees may be given loans for purchase of houses, repairs etc as given to serving employees recoverable from pension.

10.  Although CGHS facility exists for many pensioners, there is need for better medical facilities by each Ministry. Geriatric Health Care Units and Physiotherapy Units should be provided for pensioners by Ministries like Railways, Defence etc having independent Medical Facilities and included in CGHS scheme for other ministries. Counseling facilities in various hospitals for retired staff should be provided. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Maharashtrians of 60(+) to 65 are not Indians?

To                                                          Mumbai. Date 17-10-13.
The Registrar General,
Bombay High Court, Fort, Mumbai-400032.

Respected Hon Chief Justice Of Maharashtra,

Sub: Indifferent Attitude & Highhandedness of Government of Maharashtra towards Elders of Maharashtra.
Ref: Approval by Cabinet to State Policy for Senior Citizens on Monday, 30-9-13.

I am a Senior Citizen of 80 working for welfare of Senior Citizens. According to National Policy of Older Persons, 99 approved by Central Cabinet, all Citizens of India of 60(+) are notified as Senior Citizens. Maharashtra Government in their State Policy has declared that in Maharashtra, citizens above 65 years only will be treated as Senior Citizens. This has deprived 35% of 1.2 crore Senior Citizens of Maharashtra from various concessions & facilities, they were getting till 30-9-13 without giving them opportunity to represent or heard. Identity cards were issued by State for all citizens above 60 and all citizens of 60(+) were declared senior citizens in Part 1 of State Policy. As this 35% are not senior citizens now, Rules notified by State on 23-6-10 for Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act, 2007 will not apply to them and they will be deprived of all facilities like security of life & property, old age homes etc. All protests through media & letters by individuals & associations will not bring any result, as declaration of State Policy itself has taken 14 years inspite of hundreds of repeated representations by all organization of Senior Citizens of Maharashtra. I enclose one News item of Times of India of 1-10-13 to give complete idea of grave situation. State can restrict the concessions to 65 (+) for any or all facilities but can not change the definition of Senior Citizen of any Indian Citizen abruptly and deprive them from provisions of Act, 2007 & Rules framed by them.

1.2 crore senior citizens will be highly obliged, if Hon. Court takes cognizance of  this important issue and direct the State to keep the definition unchanged.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,


 M.V.Ruparelia, Chief Patron, All India Senior Citizens Confederation (AISCCON).
A 503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (E). 401 107.  
 M. 9821732855.   E/Mail:

To                                                          Mumbai. Date 17-10-13.
Honorable Shri Prithviraj Chavan
Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Mantralaya, Mumbai: 400032.

Sub: State Policy for Senior Citizens declared on Monday, 30-9-13.

It is observed from Press Reports that State has defined Senior Citizen in Maharashtra as an individual over the age of 65. According to National Policy of Older Persons, 99 approved by Central Cabinet, all Citizens of India of 60(+) are notified as Senior Citizens. Part 1 of State Policy also defines Senior Citizen as individual of 60(+) and State have issued Identity Cards to all with 60(+). This has deprived 35% of 1.2 crore Senior Citizens of Maharashtra from various concessions & facilities, they were getting till 30-9-13 without giving them opportunity to represent or heard.

State can restrict concessions for any and all schemes to citizens of 60(+) to 65 but cannot change the definition of senior citizen, which is 60(+) for all Indian Citizens. Many facilities like security of property & life, old age homes etc under Maintenance Act, 2007 and various other facilities like separate Q, Indira Gandhi National Pension of Rs 200 given by Central Government to BPL senior citizens, Banks giving 1/2 % extra interest, free health care in government hospitals to all senior citizens of 60(+) as per GR no. MAG/2004/138/pra.ka.-20 arogya 3-mantralaya dt 21-7-04 & GR no. sankarna 2006/pra.ka. 118/2006/navi-20 dt 12-12-06,  railway fares, use of Day Care Centres, tourist concessions, preference in dealing with their representations/grievances, preference in gas & telephone connections etc due to withdrawal of Identity Cards as Senior Citizens.

As there is unrest amongst senior citizens of Maharashtra, immediate action may kindly be taken to restore the definition of senior citizen, sending copy of State Policy by return.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Working of CIC.

"Democracy requires an informed citizenry and transparency of
information which are vital to its functioning and also 
to contain corruption and to
hold Governments and their instrumentalities accountable to the governed".

IInd Appeal under Section 19(3) of The Right To Information Act, 2005.              (Senior Citizen Priority Case as per CIC`s Circular no. CIC/Legal/2007/006 dt 13-2-08 and Minutes of Meeting of Commission held on 13-12-11 and as per RTI Disclosure by CIC under Sec 4(1) b &c. -Proof of Age given to AA)
The Central Information Commission (Right To Information Act, 2005),
Government of India, R.No. 326, Bhikaji Cama Place,New Delhi-110066.
                Greetings on International Day of Older Persons, 2013.
1) Name of the Applicant:             M.V.Ruparelia. Age: 80        D.O.B. 1-3-34.
Address: A503 Rashami Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East).  Dist. Thane 
 401 107. Telephone No.& E/Mail:   M.09821732855. E/Mail:
2) Name of CPIO with Address to whom Application was addressed: Shri P K P Shreyashkar, Nodal CPIO & Director, CIC, B Wing-August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066.
3) Name of First Appellate Authority & address who decided the First Appeal: Shri Tarun Kumar, First Appellate Authority and Joint Secretary, Central Information Commission, Government of India, August Kranti Bhawan, B Wing, Room no. 302, 2nd Floor, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110 066.   
4) Particulars of Application: i) Application dt 12-6-13. Ist Appeal dt 28-7-13 (Copies enclosed).  
5)  Particulars of the Orders including number, if any, against which the Appeal is preferred: Orders no.CIC/AA/A/2012/303 dt 13-9-13 (Copy enclosed) received on 23-9-13.

6) Grounds for Appeal:
a) In the office of CIC, there is no Grievance Officer or Grievance Solving Machinery. For grievances created due to inefficient and careless working of staff, Citizens have to pay fee of Rs 10 and file an Application, 1st Appeal & IInd Appeals for bringing such incorrect actions to the notice of Public Authority viz CIC. CPIO & AA are dealing with such Applications by playing games of words. e.g. When information is requested for IInd Appeal of Ministry of Social Justice, information is given for letter of the same date pertaining to Ministry of Railways!! When some papers are found as a result of Application with dy registrar of unconcerned ministry, information is given by nodal CPIO but papers are not got transferred to concerned registrar on the plea that RTI permits to give information, as existed in records and do not permit to rectify/take action by streamlining the procedure!! Dy Registrar maintains that he has not received papers and takes no action to get papers from unconcerned Dy registrar nor nodal CPIO/AA get these papers transferred! AA supports CPIOs and does not get incorrect information rectified or to give reasons for arriving at any decisions and is in hurry to dispose of appeal and asking the appellant to go in appeal to CIC.
Para 3 of DOPT circular no. 10/23/2007-IR dt 9-7-2007 reads as under:-
b) It is repeatedly observed that proper care is not taken to deal with our applications & appeals. We are representing public interest cases of senior citizens and come to CIC for help in getting proper information from public authorities. As per Mandate & Policy Statement of National Policy, 99 of Government of India (Copy enclosed for information and following by CIC also, being the apex authority of Government of India at the national level to support programmes of the Government and taking effective steps to improve the quality of life of all Elders, strengthen their legitimate place in society and help them to live their last spell of life with purpose, dignity and peace.) One of the main aims of RTI Act, 2005 is to streamline the working of Public Authorities. We have been pointing out our difficulties found in systems/procedures followed in CIC Office. In support of our statement that information given is incorrect, we elaborate our stand by giving our difficulties. These are taken as grievances and not the defects in working required to be streamlined/rectified and appeal is disposed off without giving correct information. We would request you to help us by streamlining the working of CIC Office and bringing the Mandate & Policy Statement  of National Policy, 99 to the notice of all concerned.

8) Information not given:
a) AA has stated in his orders that efforts were made to contact the appellant over phone but the same was not reachable. On the day of hearing at 11-30 on 13-9-13, I contacted phone no.26180514 at 12-29 hrs, as there was no call to me. I was informed that meeting is on and I will be called. No call came throughout the day or on subsequent days, as in the past, call was given by AA on subsequent 3rd day and promised to talk later for remaining items, which he never did. As regards his saying that efforts were made to contact the appellant over phone but the same was not reachable, it is stated that no miss call or any indication came on my phone. There were no phones from or to from my phone for the whole day to anybody to keep my phone busy or unreachable. Landline number was also given.
b) In this case, we had requested to advise procedure followed for registering appeals and letters, as we are finding it difficult to locate position in Status Position. Simple information is requested in item i) of application dt 12-6-13 and Appeal dt 28-7-13 as under:
*1. As many of IInd appeals are registered very late in Status Position and no date and subject given by appellant is indicated in any case and name of Public Authority is omitted in many cases, where to find the ON LINE registration like SA/UG/13/F818W72G and whether all IInd Appeals are first diarized as letter in Status Position of Diary shown in web site. This information is not being given. To understand our difficulties, please, see whether anybody is able to see Status position of the following IInd Appeals and letters sent by Registered Post in Status position. This information is given in support of our request for information about procedure followed:
SR No.    IInd Appeal date     CIC no & date       Public Authority
 1             28-3-13               Not yet registered     Min of Panchayati Raj
              2            23-4-13                  -do-                        Min of Housing & P.A
.             3            12-8-10                     -do-                      Min of Social Justice       
 4.           30-6-12                    -do-                        Postal Department   
5.           16-7-12       12 letters were addressed to different ICs and Dy. Registrars by name with copy of proof of age as enclosure but not a single appears to have registered till date even after 75 days!!
6.           17-7-12.     4 letters were addressed to different ICs and Dy Registrars by name with copy of proof of age as enclosure but not a single appears to have registered till date even after 74 days!!
*2. Information about existing orders/procedure as to within how much time, IInd appeals are required to be registered is not being given, though there are written orders that appellants can see the status position after 15 days of sending Appeal.
*3. In item ii), 7 cases of late registration were given in support of the information requested. This is treated as grievance and requested information is denied without examining the incorrectness of information given on the plea that these are grievances!!.
*4 In item iii), it was pointed out that CPIO has given wrong/incomplete information. Instead of getting correct information, case is closed stating that these are treated as grievance and correct information about any of the 7 items in application dt 12-6-13 is denied without giving reasons for arriving at such decision. Kindly, give correct information for at least the following 4 cases, as registration is now done for 3 cases, though very late.
*5.  Information given in each of these 4 cases is not correct and action is required to be taken as under:
a)     IInd Appeal dt 30-6-12 against Postal Department: Purpose of coming to Nodal CPIO was to help in tracing IInd Appeal dt 30-6-12 not appearing in Status Position and to get date of hearing fixed, as more than 1 year is over. Now that original papers are found, please get them handed over to IC (BS). At least such repeated careless working of mixing up papers (28 pages) should be discussed in Thursday Meetings prescribed in CIC circular no. 12/8/2008-cic/ADMN dt 4-7-08 and registrars and staff counseled for such careless working resulting in harassment to citizens, as main aim of RTI Act, 2005 is to streamline the working of Public Authority. Compensation for such careless dealings should be awarded. This item is still not appearing in Status position.
b)     Letter dt 5-2-13 is a reminder for above IInd Appeal dt 30-6-12. When this letter dt 5-2-13 is addressed by name to Shri A.K.Jha, Dy Registrar, it may kindly be investigated as to which illiterate person had sent it to IC(AD) and which illiterate person accepted it and placed on irrelevant file and kindly give correct information/position.
c)     You may kindly see reply dt 14-6-13, which again indicates that some illiterate person has put up completely incorrect reply for some other case no. CIC/SM/A//2011/002203 and dy registrar has just signed it, as there was no letter of same date for case no.002203. How Shri Jha gets a dream to connect file 002203 pertaining to President of India for letter dt 21-3-13 addressed to Shri Basant Seth by name for Postal department? Kindly, give correct information. Arguing and playing games with words that according to RTI Act, information, as available in records only is to be given and no action is to be taken for rectifying the blunders by streamlining the work does not help the citizen and very important Aim of the Act of streamlining and giving correct information to citizens is not fulfilled.
d)     You may kindly see my Application for this item. I have requested information for IInd Appeal dt 12-8-10 and information is again and again being given for some letter of same date pertaining to Rail Ministry`s file no. 001260. This very CPIO has dealt with this IInd Appeal dt 12-8-10 earlier 3 times with same incorrect information!! AA had informed in earlier case in January, 13 that he had asked Shri DC Singh to register this and I should send him all papers etc again, though all papers were traced and available in office of CIC.  I have sent all papers immediately to him in duplicate with one copy each to CPIO and AA of Ministry of Social Justice, making me spend lot of money to get papers typed and zeroxed for sending 4 copies. Compensation should be given for such careless working instead of hurryingly disposing of appeal. I reminded Shri Singh twice but no case no. 00805, as stated by AA appear in Status Position till date, hence this item. Correct position my kindly be given.

9)  Prayer or Relief:  Kindly, get proper correct information.
10)  Whether 2 sets sent: Yes.
11) Page numbering:      Done bottom toward top.
12) Whether self attested all documents:  Yes.
13) An Index:  Attached.                                                                             
14) 1 full set to CPIO & A.A.:    Sent.
Mira Road:  1-10-13.                                                                    Signature of the Applicant

Copy along with all enclosures forwarded to:-
i)                Shri P K P Shreyashkar, Nodal CPIO & Director, CIC, B Wing-August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066.
ii)              Shri Tarun Kumar, First Appellate Authority and Joint Secretary, Central Information Commission, Government of India, August Kranti Bhawan, B Wing, Room no. 302, 2nd Floor, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110 066. 
Sr No.  Name of Document.                                                                        Page No.
Application dt 12-6-13.
Reply of CPIO no. CIC/CPIO/2013/759 dt 18-7-13  
Ist appeal dt 28-7-13.
Reply of A.A. no. CIC/AA/A/2013/303 DT 13-9-13 received on 23-9-13.