Saturday, February 16, 2013

Welfare of 12 crore Elders of the Country.

To                                              Date: 15-2-13.
Kumari Selja, Hon Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment,
 Government of India, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi-110 001.
Respected Madam,
Sub: Welfare of 12 crore Elders of the Country.
1.     We were happy to know your sincere feelings for your 12 crore Elders of the Country through your inaugural speech on the First Ever National Conference on Ageing held on 6th & 7th November, 12. We hope that our Nodal Ministry will improve its working under your able guidance and come up from long inertia of inaction very early.
2.    We are shocked to get the following information under RTI Act from Shri Surendra Rawat, Dy Secretary & CPIO under his letter no.15-37(80)/2011-12-AG.II dt 30-1-13 received on 8-2-13, which indicates inertia prevailing in Nodal Ministry:-
i)                No decision is taken by Government for creation of Independent Department for Senior Citizens: According to para 92 of National Policy, 99, a separate Bureau for Senior Citizen was to be created but no action was taken for last 13 years. On 14-5-12, Bureau under Shri T R Meena, Joint Secretary was notified in Web Site, which has now been changed and Web Site gives names of 6 officers without scales and includes officers connected with other than senior citizens-e.g. Shri Sanjeev Kumar, JS (SCD), Deptt. of SJ&E dealing with Schedule Caste Development. Somebody is shown as concerned with BC, Work relating to R&R of Narmada Project. Audit paras of all departments, Administration etc etc. Unless, separate Department with adequate officers and staff with pro-elderly attitude exclusively for Senior Citizens on par with Nodal Ministry for Pensioners is created, no improvements can be expected in working of Nodal Ministry.
ii)              Revised National Policy, 2011 submitted by Review Committee on 30-3-11 is still lying without finalization even after 2 years: Review Committee was nominated on 28-1-10 and no action is being taken by Nodal Ministry on existing Policy, 99 since that day nor it is taking prompt action to finalize New Policy. There are 38 provisions out of 98 in the Policy, 99, which require action for which detailed write-up was sent by E/Mail on 10-1-13 to Secretary (W), Jt Secretary & Director. In Review Committee, eminent Senior Citizens and representatives of Central Ministry & State Representatives were nominated. Even inspite of this, Nodal Ministry again asked each State/UT for remarks and delayed the finalization. It is now proposed by Nodal Ministry to wait for examination by National Council for Senior Citizens and to get remarks from all Central Ministries before getting approval of Cabinet. Formation of New National Council was notified on 22-2-12, but Council is not formed even after one year of notification. Last Meeting of such Council was held on 2-11-11 and frequency of Meeting, though laid down as 6 months, it is held after 2-3 years!! Finalization of New Policy may thus take many more months/years to notify. Action on Policy, 99 should therefore be not stopped but expedited.
iii)            No meetings of Inter-Ministerial Committee are held after 7-2-08:When as many as 38 provisions of Policy, 99 are not yet implemented even after 14 years, not holding these meetings for 5 years is nothing but clear indication that Nodal Ministry is not interested in welfare of its Elders. Nodal Ministry is not even obtaining Annual & Five Year Action Plans from any Ministry, as laid down in para 93 of Policy, 99.
iv)             No minutes are prepared and placed on Web Site for last 2 Meetings of National Council held on 23-10-09 & 2-11-11: With no National Association of Senior Citizens recognized as NAOP to function as Watch Dog to generate pressure for implementation of Policy (paras 96 &91) and National Council made completely ineffective by not holding Meetings every 6 months and taking no action on its deliberations, the position of 12 crore Elders of the Country has remained static, unproductive, unsatisfying and without any improvement in quality of their last spell of life.
v)               Report/recommendations of the Conference held on 6th & 7th November are said to have been sent to concerned Ministries/Departments for appropriate action: Just, sending 44 pages of deliberations of conference without accepting the suggestions by appropriate competent authority and indicating who has to do what will be of no use and it will lie with them, as Policy, 99 is lying for 14 years!! Let some one accept various suggestions and decide modality of action-Action Plan for each suggestion.
3.     We have been continuously sending our suggestions on all important aspects of Policy, 99 for last several years with a view to help the officers and staff to initiate proper action on important matters and when response was not forthcoming, we even wrote the following letters to Hon Minister on important aspects of Policy but not a single letter to Minister is replied.
i)                15-4-10.        For special action to give wide publicity to Integrated Programmes.
ii)              27-7-10.        For taking action on various specific provisions of Policy on eve of All India Protest Day on 16-8-10.
iii)            2-8-10.           For recognition of Associations & Separate Web Site.
iv)             15-1-11         For making Budget Provisions and early implementation of certain paras of NPOP, 99.
v)               12-8-11.        For taking action on various specific provisions of Policies on eve of All India Solidarity Day on 16-8-11.
vi)             11-8-12.   Memorandum for taking action on various specific provisions of Policies on eve of All India Protest Day on 16-8-12.
These letters were sent by Post/Speed Post & E/Mails with copy by E/Mail to Director, joint secretary, secretary  etc but are stated to have not been received in Director`s Office and he will not take action on copy received by him through E/Mail, unless original with instructions are received from Minister`s Secretariat.
4.    We brought the poor working of Nodal Ministry to the notice of New Secretary Shri Anil Goswami under our letters dt 11-7-12, 5-10-12 and 17-10-12 with specific issues like not replying more than 75 letters/RTI Applications/Appeals, early formation of New National Council and pending important issues. Though, no reply is received for any of these 3 important letters, he appears to have taken some action in changing the dealing officer, though not known much. We request you to strengthen the strength of Officers and Staff with pro-elder attitude officers and get separate Bureau and separate Web Site for Senior Citizens at an early date, so that Nodal Ministry is helpful to 12 crore Elders of the Country and the Main Aim of the Policy declaring  the Older Persons as respected Citizens requiring strengthening of their legitimate place in the Society and to take all actions to help them to live their last phase of life with Purpose, Dignity and Peace is achieved early.  
Thanking You, 

Yours Sincerely,


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Working of Central Information Commission, Delhi.

IInd Appeal under Section 19(3) of The Right To Information Act, 2005.              (Senior Citizen Priority Case as per CIC`s Circular no. CIC/Legal/2007/006 dt 13-2-08 and Minutes of Meeting of Commission held on 13-12-11)
The Central Information Commission (Right To Information Act, 2005),
Government of India, R.No. 326, Bhikaji Cama Place,New Delhi-110066.
1) Name of the Applicant:             M.V.Ruparelia. Age: 79- d.o.b. 1-3-34.
Address: A503 Rashami Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road(East).  Dist. Thane 
 401 107. Telephone No.& E/Mail:   M.09821732855. E/Mail:
2) Name of CPIO with Address to whom Application was addressed: G.Subramanian, Nodal CPIO & Dy Secretary, CIC, B Wing-August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066.
3) Name & Address of CPIO, who gave reply to Application: G.Subramanian, Nodal CPIO & Dy Secretary, CIC, B Wing-August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066.Reply received under no. CIC/CPIO/2012/1613 dt 29-10-12 received on 5-11-12 to Application dt 21-9-12.
4) Name of First Appellate Authority & address who decided the First Appeal: Shri Tarun Kumar, First Appellate Authority and Joint Secretary, Central Information Commission, Government of India, August Kranti Bhawan, B Wing, Room no. 302, 2nd Floor, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110 066.   
5) Particulars of Application: i) Application dt 21-9-12. Ist Appeal dt 19-11-12 (Copies enclosed).  
6) Particulars of the Orders including number, if any, against which the Appeal is preferred: Speaking Orders no.CIC/AA/A/2012/534 & CIC/CPIO/2012/1613 dt 14-1-13 (Copy enclosed) received on 18-1-13.
7) Brief facts leading to Appeal: Item 1: A.A. has not dealt with Ist Appeal by examining the papers and facts brought out in Appeal nor given any information about streamlining/ rectifying the defects in procedure of giving preference to cases of Senior Citizens, as laid down in CIC`s Circular no. CIC/Legal/2007/006 dt 13-2-08 and Minutes of Meeting of Commission held on 13-12-11. If proper instructions to concerned dealing staff are not issued at the time of issue of circular dt 13-2-08 and Minutes dt 13-12-11, these can be issued atleast now, when pointed out. Instead of appreciating this, AA blames the Applicant of giving advice!! During Hearing, he says there are large number of Senior Citizens applying to CIC and all can not be given preference. It may be true that CIC is an independent Unit and may not be governed by any Rules/Procedures/Instructions issued by DOPT for running an Office/Organization and may not be required to maintain any Records for running the Office/Organization but it also should have some Rules/Procedure/Instructions of their own, which must be laid down and notified!! It is a Public Undertaking and should be responsible to People of India and governed by Policies laid down by Government with approval of Cabinet. Government has laid down National Policy for Older Persons, 99 (NPOP,99), which lays down various preferences/facilities/concessions to Elders of the  and these orders dt 13-2-08 (perhaps earlier to that also, some orders were given by CIC) and 13-12-11 were issued by CIC due to this Policy. In each of my IInd Appeal/Complaint, it was indicated that case is from Senior Citizen & requires to be given preference as per CIC`s Orders but no one read it nor gave any preference at any time to any of Appeals and even registration is not done even after 8 months (e.g. IInd Appeal dt dt 30-6-12 against Postal Department under Ministry of Communication & I.T.), as no instructions to dealing staff are issued and no records are maintained, as required by any office/organization and attitude is just to say boldly that no records are maintained and that is the information to be given as per Act. This will not improve working of this Public Authority and main Aim of the Act to streamline the working of such Public Authority will never be achieved!! AA is of the opinion that earlier Circular dt 13-2-08 issued to Public is withdrawn and minutes of 13-12-11 are more transparent but he does not have a single case in which these 2 Orders of giving preference to cases of Senior Citizens are followed in last 2 to 5 years!! He has not given proper opportunity to hear me for all items even on third day of fixing the Hearing, except only for item i) & ii). After hearing about these ii items, he went away with promise that he will again talk to me but never talked and has sent his Speaking Orders by incorporating completely incorrect versions of CPIOs in his Speaking Orders!! Sec 19(8)(a)(iv) of the Act gives powers to CIC to make necessary changes to its practices in relation to the maintenance, management & destruction of records and this may kindly be done.The factual position of each of the items of 1st Appeal is as under:-
ii) a): 12-8-10:  As desired by AA, full set of IInd Appeal dt 12-8-10 is sent 4th time by incurring avoidable expenditure of zeroxing 4 sets with copy to CPIO & AA. Each IInd Appeal, just as in this IInd Appeal containing 23 enclosures as per Index and 4 pages of IInd Appeal (Total 27  in to 4 sets=108 pages at Rs 2 per page) works out to Rs 216. Again, sending multiple applications in one envelop to save postage should not result in registering only one application & throw away or pinned up others with one letter in any office!! If 12-8-10 IInd Appeal is now traced due to proper efforts of AA, why again ask for full sets? Anyhow, this has been done and 4 sets prepared and sent to IC (@ sets) and one each to CPIO & AA of Ministry of S.J.& E. Please, give preference atleast now after 30 months to this Public Interest IInd Appeal from Senior Citizen and get the information from Ministry of S.J.& E.
b)     1-2-12: Dy Registrar has linked the letter (IInd Appeal dt 1-2-12) to the file after more than one year and has now fixed Hearing on 21-2-13 by calling unconcerned APIOs instead of dealing CPIOS/AAs of Ministry of Railways to make mockery of Hearing! He is not reading any contentions made in IInd Appeal. He has taken more than 1 year to link this Appeal to the file for action!! Can any Office work like this?
c)     18-5-12: This is not an endorsement, as stated by CPIO but IInd Appeal dt 18-5-12 to CIC for Application dt 9-1-12 and is pending Hearing. This IInd Appeal dt 18-5-12 is now advised as registered under 002144 dt 29-10-12. Kindly, get it given preference and get information requested in Application dt 9-1-12 atleast after more than 12 months from Rail Ministry, if not within 30 days, as laid down in RTI Act.
d)     5-7-08: It has been stated by Shri Subramanian that there is no non-compliance and case is decided vide CIC/SM/A/2011/0002469+2470 as per copy enclosed. Kindly, see Speaking Order for item 3 of Information sought (RTI-2), ``As per our Receipt Management System, your letters have not been received in the commission. You may send a copy of the same so that necessary action can be taken``. Copies of all letters were sent on 25-6-11. As per item 2 of the same speaking orders, some information was to be given within 15 days but no information is yet given by him. As per item 5 of same speaking order for RTI-1, it was stated in Speaking Order that without prejudice to duties and responsibilities of CPIO, the matter is to be relooked in case there is error in facts or error in application of law. All errors in facts are shown repeatedly  and errors in application of law as under was also pointed out:- `` As per Gazette Notification for Central Information Commission (Appeal Procedure) Rules, 2005 as per Sec 27(2) e and Guidelines issued by Central Government under their Memorandum no. 1/4/2009-IR  dt 5-10-09,  the Commission has to decide an Appeal/Complaint by inspection of documents produced by the Applicant, peruse or inspect documents, public records or copies thereof; and inquire through authorized officer further details or facts etc.   Deciding Appeal is a quasi-judicial function. It is therefore necessary that A.A. should see to it that JUSTICE is not only done but it should also appear to have been done. In order to do so, the ORDER passed by A.A. should be a SPEAKING ORDER giving justification for the DECISION arrived.`` No examination of any papers out of 35 documents sent with IInd Appeal dt 5-10-11 nor facts repeated in rejoinder dt 19-4-12 nor in letter dt 3-5-12 were considered nor an opportunity was given to speak in this case. What is requested in this item is to see your own IC`s orders dt 6-10-09 & 19-1-10 given in case no.00634 and get them complied by Ministry of Railways for giving information requested in Application dt 10-1-08 or to fix date of Hearing for IInd Appeal registered as early as 9-7-08 under no. CIC/OK/C/2008/00634 by giving preference to IInd Appeal dt 5-7-08 for which no Hearing is fixed even after more than 4 years!! It is repeatedly requested to stop giving such incorrect information in all such cases and IC also accepting such incorrect information by CPIO as ``understood to have been supplied by Shri Subramanian`` in same speaking order for item 1 & 2 of same Speaking Order for RTI-1 without examining any papers and not giving opportunity to speak on phone. If any IC disposes of cases only to show that he is the only one, who can dispose of maximum cases in shortest time compared to other ICs without reading & examining any available papers and does not give opportunity to applicant to speak and accept completely incorrect versions of CPIOs without examining available papers, there should be the authority of CIC or Bench to look into such pitiable disposals by ICs. Even Judges of High Court are taken up for such lapses! I request CIC to examine the disposal of this IC in cases no. CIC/SM/A/2011/0002469+2470 and CIC/SM/A/2011/000611/SG/18358 instead of directing to go to Court, as Sec 23 of the Act bars the jurisdiction of courts and recommends an Appeal under the Act.
e)     12-4-11: Please, see my Application for this item. It talks about IInd Appeal dt 12-4-11 against Ministry of Finance, whereas completely incorrect information is given by Shri Subramanian, nodal CPIO in his letter dt 29-10-12 that no such letter is received in the Commission and no information is given about letters dt. 4-11-11, 20-3-12, 12-5, 15-6-12 for this IInd Appeal dt 12-4-11, copy of which was enclosed for giving preference and fixing date of hearing atleast after 22 months!! Shri Vijay Bhalla, concerned CPIO in his letter dt 17-10-12 talks of some other Appeal dt 13-4-11 and blames the appellant of giving wrong date!! It is not clear why he should waste his valuable time in giving information about case against President instead of Ministry of Finance with which he is concerned and information is requested for his portion of work and why should he go on blaming appellant for giving wrong date again!! He has not given remarks for 4 reminders sent to him for this specific Appeal mentioned in each of these 4 letters!! AA has miserably failed to examine and again sent the wrong version of CPIO Shri Vijay Bhalla as Enclosure 1 to his Speaking Order!!
f)       25-11-10: Here again wrong information is being repeated for a long time inspite of repeated clarification. IInd Appeal pertains to PMO and simple information is requested as to how many representations were received by PMO. This information can not be given by Ministry of Social Justice to whom he has transferred IInd Appeal dt 25-11-10 and kept pending for more than 2 years!! In this Application, it is requested to give preference, which may now be given. All 12 letters/reminders are specifically for this IInd Appeal and not for some irrelevant appeals with IC(SS) or CIC (SM), as brought out by him in his letter dt 19-9-12. AA has again miserably failed to read & examine the contention made by appellant in his 1st Appeal and repeated the wrong version of CPIO in his Speaking Orders!!
g)     8-7-12: Shri D.C.Singh, CPIO has stated in his letter dt 23-10-12 again sent by AA as Enclosure 2 in his Speaking Orders without examining the contention of appellant in his 1st Appeal that this IInd Appeal is registered as 2708 and the contention of CPIO that information asked does not fall within the meaning of information is incorrect!! This appeal was registered on 29-9-12 after more than 2 months and no intimation about registration and preference is ever given as per one way practice!! He is not aware of any Circular issued to Public under no. CIC/Legal/2007/006 dt 13-2-08 nor minutes of meeting held by Commission on 13-12-11. It is requested that necessary preference, as decided from time to time may be implemented and working streamlined.
h)     3-5-12: It has been stated by Shri Das that letter dt 3-5-12 was sent to IC(DS) but has come back and no provision exists for review. Please, see the speaking order for item 5 of RTI-1, which reads as under:- ``However, without prejudice to the duties and responsibilities of CPIO, the matter is relooked in case there is error in facts or errors in application of law.`` All errors in facts & all errors in application of law are pointed out in my letter dt 3-5-12 and decision no.2469 & 2470 require to be reviewed and proper detailed reply by competent reviewing authority of Bench or CIC is required to be given, giving preference to Review Appeal dt 3-5-12. AA is insisting that there is no provision for review, as requested in my letter dt 3-5-12 and I should not waste time of Commission. As explained above in item d), Sec 23 of the Act requires resort to Appeal and my letter dt 3-5-12 is an Appeal to CIC to verify facts and decide.
8 Prayer or Relief:  Kindly review these cases sympathetically and fix dates of Hearing early by giving preference, as laid down by CIC.
9) Grounds for Prayer/Relief: Explained in detail above.
10)  Whether 2 sets sent: Yes.
11) Page numbering: Done bottom toward top.
12) Whether self attested all documents:  Yes.
13) An Index:  Attached.                                                                            
14) 1 full set to CPIO & A.A.:    Sent.
Mira Road   6-2-13.                                                                               Signature of the Applicant 

Friday, February 1, 2013

How To Live After Retirement.

How To Live After Retirement.                                     M.V.Ruparelia.
As soon as a person retires from service, he feels he has done a lot and now deserves rest! Retirement doesn't have to mean aimless walks and endless hours in a rocking chair, just brooding. He rests and does not remain active and most of the time, just lies down on sofa, read newspapers, watch TV, at the most goes to temples, ponders over upliftment of his Atma etc, and lead sedentary life, resulting in deteriorating health & connected problems! He thus abuses himself!! He develops inertia of doing nothing, does not want to learn anything new. He feels, he need not waste his energy, which requires to be preserved at this age! He forgets that we have unlimited energy and even in active life, we have used a very small % of our energy. In old age also, we have unlimited energy and the Principle is ``USE IT OR LOOSE IT. Due to unprecedented progress in Medical Science, especially in respect of Stem Cells & Gene replacements etc, Life Span of human beings is expected to be 200/600 years! According to Dr Deepak Chopra, Body is Ageless!! With the present scenario in our Country, the present generation of Senior Citizens is not going to die soon! Whatever the Span, the Death, though certain, cannot be predicted and as such each Senior Citizen has to accept that he has to live long and should therefore plan out  his own life style for good quality of his long innings of life. He has lot of time at his disposal, which he should use for self, family and society at large.
He must live life King Size. He must develop himself in all respects possible. He must learn new things, adopt all latest gadgets like mobile, computer etc, as necessary and which he can afford and encourage others to do same. He must look after his health, take proper diet, exercise, develop hobbies and take keen interest in surroundings. He must remember that Life is nothing but series of experiences to each one of us. On the basis of our experiences, we form habits, thinking process and our perceptions. We see the world as per our perceptions. As we see, so is our world to us. ``Dristi aisee Shrusti. As experiences are different to different persons, their perceptions are different and they see things and world differently! After retirement, say after 60/65 or so, one should be able to understand clearly and realize this process of Life based on experiences, habits and perceptions. As our perceptions are based on experiences, which we got in the then prevailing circumstances, we should be able to change/modify our perceptions with efforts, looking to the present circumstances, which are definitely different than those prevailing earlier. Everything and anything is not ``THIS`` or ``THAT`` (Neti-Neti) but it is as you believe and accept. This maturity of thoughts and understanding of perceptions should make us analyze and accept all situations and people, as they are and we should not feel bad about anything or anybody’s bad behavior with us! This philosophy of understanding shall keep us happy and we shall lead life peacefully and usefully. It is we, who have to help ourselves for our welfare, we are our friend and we are our enemy. It depends on us as to what we want and it is we only who can achieve what we want. We must avoid ego, one-up ship, hypocrisy and general tendency of criticizing others and everything, as many are doing. We must respect others and not treat others as inferior to us, we must not try to make show and take false credit for any achievements of others. We must develop apathy and see that we do not do anything to others, which we would not like being done to us. We should not have negative attitude leaving everything to God, Luck, Stars, Our actions of previous birth etc. Generally, man acts according to whims & fancies of his mind and such actions are generally detrimental & dangerous to his welfare and prosperity. In day to day dealings with others, one reacts without rational thoughts and does not act judiciously, resulting in confusion within, leading to dissatisfaction & discontentment in life. Intellect is a discriminating power over the mind. We have to develop our Intellect – the capacity to discriminate & analyze our feelings and then to act judiciously.
If we are staying in joint family, we must help in various matters, as possible without keeping an ego that we were big officers and such work of bringing milk, vegetables, house hold works, taking care of grand children etc are below our status. We need not interfere in day to day affairs of our children or others but surely we must give benefit of our experience, knowledge, organizing capacity etc to our family as well as society. We must stroke, when necessary, whether positive or negative, as the situation demands. Do not accept any unjust thing lying down, point out to the doer, authority, write, represent relentlessly. Have no inertia but speak up, as necessary. It is not necessary that we should get everything/everybody changed by our stroking/action but our aim should be to do our Best in the arising situations. We must teach our life partner how to live without us in case, we precede her. We should take more care of our spouse, explain & show all papers about Will, Pension , Investment etc.
Senior Citizens have no doubt given a lot to the Society in their prime time but have taken also a lot from Society. It is now time to reciprocate. We are given the Status of Senior Citizen with several privileges and some expectations from the Society & government. Retired life of many has no direction, no goal, and no necessity to progress or to develop the Self or Others! They must awake and find out fields of their choice to serve the community with or without honorarium and give benefit to the Society of their experience of their first innings. All educated Senior Citizens must try their best to bring all Senior Citizens out of inertia of remaining aloof & idle and encourage them to do something useful. There are lots of NGOs doing good work towards Society and those interested can join as active workers of such NGOs and give back to the Society, from which they have taken advantages so far. There are so many local social issues, which can be tackled by Senior Citizens. If one looks around with an open mind to do something useful, he will find lots of things to do. Social Interaction is very much necessary for Senior Citizens. You observe bad roads, bad treatment to others, lethargy in implementing good orders issued by governments; you must not sit tight doing nothing. We can take up various social issues properly and promptly with proper authorities and get what best can be got done. We can take part in all projects like teaching adults & street children, Family Planning, Polio Drops, HIV Awareness, Non-smoking, Drinking, Respect for women & handicaps, Special Drives like Census, Elections etc, Volunteering for Law & Order Situation jobs at the time of festivals & other special occasions, if physically possible. We can form or be members of Peace Committees of our areas, Social Clubs etc and be helpful in neighborhood areas during situations like floods, earthquakes etc. We can collect full data of all Senior Citizens residing in our area and coordinate with other agencies for help of different kinds to needy, with Police for safety, registration of maid servants etc. In the field of our expertise, we should give free counseling to Senior Citizens as well as others. We should regularly visit Hospitals, Old men’ Houses etc and look after requirements of Senior Citizens like giving company, reading for them, giving fruits etc, as possible by self or through others. We should join Senior Citizens Associations of our area and do good to Senior Citizens as well as others collectively. Take part in Services of various Social Organizations. We should write our experiences & opinions on various social situations & problems for benefit of the Society in the field of our expertise without pride or prejudice & without fear or favour. We can give our Comments on news items pertaining to Senior Citizens in Newspapers. In short, we must utilize our energy, knowledge, experience, wealth and whatever, we have got, for helping others in whatever way, we can.

Instead of brooding over the past, remaining overburdened with sole objective of waiting to meet almighty God, we must live in the present. Just as physical exercise is necessary for maintaining good health, using our brain properly and usefully is also necessary for our mental health. We should try our Best to help others and do social work, keeping us usefully busy, as serving Society is serving God. Absolute Happiness is the Goal of all human efforts. We have a common and firm belief that joy/ happiness experienced by us lie in sense objects and we therefore strive to acquire, possess and aggrandize more & more wealth and objects of the world. However, the fact is that same objects /circumstances / situations give different degree of joy/happiness or sorrow/unhappiness to different people and at different times to same people. Having worked for several years for acquiring wealth for our worldly joy/happiness, it is now time to get absolute happiness by helping others. Act, Act & Act (Do not React due to Habits and Do not Inact due to inertia) is the need of hour for leading Satisfying, Useful & Active Life after Retirement.