requires an informed citizenry and transparency of
information which are vital to its functioning and also to contain corruption and to
hold Governments and their instrumentalities accountable to the governed".
information which are vital to its functioning and also to contain corruption and to
hold Governments and their instrumentalities accountable to the governed".
M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav,
Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East) Dist. Thane. 401107. M.
09821732855. E/Mail: mvrup@yahoo.co.in
Smt. Pratibha Patil,
President of India,
Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
Respected Madam,
Sub: Functioning of Central
Information Commission.
It is observed for last five years
that functioning of Office of Central Information Commission, Delhi and some of
the Information Commissioners is deplorable and is getting deteriorated day by
day and requires to be looked in to at the highest level at an early date
before it becomes too late. Action is required to be taken under Sec 27 (e); 29
& 30 of RTI Act, ignoring the proviso of 2 years limitation to Sec 30.
- As per Gazette Notification for Central Information Commission
(Appeal Procedure) Rules, 2005 as per Sec 27(2) e of RTI Act, 2005 and Guidelines issued by
DOPT under their Memorandum no. 1/4/2009-IR dt 5-10-09, the Commission has to decide an
Appeal/Complaint by inspection of documents produced by the Applicant, peruse or inspect documents, public records or
copies thereof; and inquire through authorized officer further details or
facts etc. Deciding Appeal is a quasi-judicial
function. A.A. should see to it that JUSTICE is not only done but it
should also appear to have been done. In order to do so, the ORDER passed
by A.A. should be a SPEAKING ORDER giving justification for the DECISION arrived.
These orders are not being complied by ICs/CIC in most of the cases and
cases are being decided on the basis of verbal presentations of
representatives of Public Authority during Hearing in cases, where
Applicants are not present.. Large number of documents and arguments put
in IInd Appeals and rejoinders are not even discussed or taken note of in
Speaking Orders. Even request to
hear on phone instead of Video at faraway places is ignored. In all my
cases, where hearing is not given, the Appeals/Complaints are thrown out
on the basis of incorrect verbal information given by CPIO?AA or their
representatives (even APIOs, who are not allowed by the Act to give
information). Instead of requesting you to go through arbitrary decisions
in all my cases during last 5 years, I would request you to see last two
decisions, which will give the sorry state of affairs prevailing .I am not
talking about my experience in respect of functioning of CIC Office but
many citizens are just fed up with such working. I enclose the comments of
Shri Karira of RTI India Team in the Web Site of RTI India on 7-5-12(Annexure
A) in which, he clearly mentions that
``The offices of the CIC are in one big MESS``
Decision no.
CIC/SM/A/2011/000611/SG/18358 dt 12-4-12 12 by Shri Shailesh Gandhi, IC:
In this
decision, position brought out in IInd Appeal dt 3-2-11 with 20 enclosures and rejoinder dt 26-3-12 (received and
diarized under no. 124441dt 3-4-12
(9days before Hearing) along with E/Mails to IC and others, which were received
by them on 26-3-12 (17 days before Hearing) {Copy of rejoinder dt 26-3-12 enclosed as Annexure B}were not at all
considered nor request for hearing on phone and Appeal disposed of without giving any
reasons. Shri Dhirendra Kumar, Dy Secretary & Dy. Registrar had informed
that my letter dt 26-3-12 was sent to IC before Hearing. Representation dt
16-4-12 Annexure C} against this decision dt 12-4-12 is also not considered and
it has been advised under letter no. CIC/SM/A/2011/000611/SG
dt 3-5-12 that`` the Commission has decided not to take any further action on
this matter. The matter is now closed at the commission`s end.` In this Appeal,
rejoinder for Hearing of earlier case was sent by Registered Post & E/Mails
to CIC, Secretary, Coordinating CPIO & Concerned CPIO but nothing was put
on file, though received 23 days before Date Of Decision. Even 2 copies by post
were diarized on 23-7-10 & 27-7-10, again many days before Decision on
9-8-10 and wrong information was given by concerned CPIO (Shri Shreyaskar) that
it was received on 10-8-10 after day of Decision. Dated acknowledgement for
these 2 diarized letters is not being given nor the procedure about sending
diarized letters from Central Registry to concerned Registry. This wrong
information was required to be rectified in this Decision dt 12-4-12 but here
also, neither IInd Appeal with 20 enclosures nor rejoinder dt 26-3-12 diarized
on 3-4-12 (9 days before Hearing) was considered.
Decision no.
CIC/SM/A/2011/0002469+002470/SG/18665 dt 30-4-12 by Shri Shailesh Gandhi, IC:
In this
decision also, IInd Appeal dt 5-10-11 with 35 enclosures and rejoinder dt 19-4-12 {Annexure D} sent by registered
post & E/Mail to IC and others were not considered nor request for hearing
on phone and Appeal was disposed
of without giving any reasons. Rejoinder was delivered by Post Office to CIC
Office on 24-4-12(6 days before Hearing but was purposely not diarized till
1-5-12), as advised by Supdt of Post Offices, Thane Division in writing vide
their letter no. 400500-22473 dt 3-5-12.
- CIC has laid
down that IInd Appeal with all enclosures should be sent to them in
duplicate and one copy of the entire batch should be sent to Ist A.A.
& all CPIOs. Each IInd Appeal with enclosures consists of more than
40-50 pages in most of the cases. Thus, citizen is forced to get very
large number of papers typed & zeroxed. Each page typing costs Rs 10
and zeroxing Rs 2 per page. One has to spend more than Rs 500 for more
than 200 copies. Registration & Speed Post Charges for heavy packages
also cost heavily. One has to pay more than Rs 100 for postage. Thus after
spending more than Rs 600, IInd Appeals are filed, which come for Hearing
after more than one or two years from date of IInd Appeal/ Application.
Rejoinders are called for by CIC, which are not put on file nor brought to
the notice of ICs/CIC. Once you are not present, no cognizance is taken of
40-50 pages of IInd Appeal sent at a huge cost nor rejoinder and Appeals
are disposed off without discussion of any arguments of appellant by Information
Commissioners in Speaking Orders.
- No action is
taken on E/Mails sent by citizens, though Internet facilities are provided
to large number of officers and ICs and CIC at very high public cost.
E/Mails are not registered nor put on files and they say that no
rules/procedure exists for registering E/Mails or taking action on
E/Mails. Such a procedure is not notified under Sec 4 that E/Mails will
not be registered nor action taken on E/Mails. Even Appeals recorded on
their Web Sites (specifically created for direct recording of Appeals etc)
are not considered till hard copy is received by post. This is too much!!
- Maintenance of records: No letters, even if followed
by large number of reminders, are replied. Recording of letters,
Applications, Appeals, and Complaints in Status Position of Web Site is
defective, resulting in non location of receipts of letters from Status
Position. Dates of letters etc given by citizens are not entered. In many
cases, Departments/Ministries to which they pertain are also not indicated.
On asking information about that through Application under RTI (as no
reply is ever given to any letters), information is not given or wrong
information is given by CPIOs and no action taken by Appellant Authority
& Information Commissioner on Ist & IInd Appeals. This is nothing
but an example of anarchy and carelessness prevailing in office of CIC,
Delhi, as would be seen from Annexure B & D. They do not follow any rules laid down
by DOPT and give in writing boldly that there is no procedure in their
office for any matters;`` there is no record of daily
movement of files within the Commission. There is no system of a file
being given to various officers and any notings or record of this being on
the files.`` Each case is dealt with as per whim/discretion
of the dealing Registrars & ICs. Such irresponsible procedures
followed for last 7 years have to be notified for information of citizens
under Sec 4 of the Act. They treat any properly filed IInd Appeals under
Sec 19 (3) as Complaints under Sec 18 (1) and do not give opportunity to
be heard for Complaints. Even after treating them as Complaints at whim/discretion,
these complaints are also not examined as required under Sec 18 (2) &
(3) by discussing the arguments put forward in IInd Appeals, their large
number of enclosed documents and rejoinders.
- Now
Director & CPIO(Shri Shreyaskar) has started to refuse Applications on
the plea `` It is stated that though you have mentioned in your RTI
Application that you have submitted Rs 10 as fee at Post Office, I am not
willing to treat as a valid RTI Application, since the Post Office is not
an APIO of this Commission. In view of this, I am returning your
application (in original) herewith.`` ( Letter no. CIC/CPIO/2011/1953 dt
2-11-11). As per notification of Department of Posts, their nominated Post
Offices are ACPIOs of all Central Government Public Authorities.
Commission was accepting all Applications with fee deposited with such
nominated Post Offices. Now taking
such funny & discretionary stand by CPIO, who are required to help
Applicants in all respects is not understood. Going in Appeal to A.A.
& I.C. will not bring any result, as they will side their CPIO, as in
all cases.
- More than 2 years is
taken for Decisions, mostly negative, after the date of IInd Appeal &
from date of Application due to improper functioning of CIC at huge cost
to Public Exchequer and they are not keen nor prepared to remove or reduce
anarchy prevailing in their office inspite of requests from citizens.
You with a hope that Justice will be done,
1. Annexure
A- Comments of RTI India Team Leader Shri Karira.
2. Annexure
B- Rejoinder dt26-3-12.
3. Representation
dt 16-4-12 after Decision.
Rejoinder dt 19-4-12.
Annexure A- Position of working of CIC
Office by Shri Karira, Leader of RTI India Team.
offices of the CIC are in one big MESS !
No one knows what is going on............not the commissioners, nor the registry staff, nor the other staff.
Papers get lost, disappear and are never found.
DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME by sending letters/emails/rejoinders - by email or through the Internet.
The staff and officers of the CIC are computer illiterate and lethargic (ie even if they can read your emails, they will not do anything about them). No rejoinders will ever reach any file etc....if sent by email or internet or filed online.
(I sent 1 email and 7 email reminders + 1 letter and 4 letter reminders + met him 4 times personally in Delhi + complained against him to the Chief Commissioner, the Secretary....and everything else. And guess what - he got a promotion recently !)
I have learnt the hard hard way and in spite of all the shouting that I have done for the last 4 years, the situation has become worse. Since you and me cannot change the obstinate and lethargic staff of the CIC (and the Commissioners are unwilling to do anything about training their staff), the only option is to change ourselves !
No one knows what is going on............not the commissioners, nor the registry staff, nor the other staff.
Papers get lost, disappear and are never found.
DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME by sending letters/emails/rejoinders - by email or through the Internet.
The staff and officers of the CIC are computer illiterate and lethargic (ie even if they can read your emails, they will not do anything about them). No rejoinders will ever reach any file etc....if sent by email or internet or filed online.
(I sent 1 email and 7 email reminders + 1 letter and 4 letter reminders + met him 4 times personally in Delhi + complained against him to the Chief Commissioner, the Secretary....and everything else. And guess what - he got a promotion recently !)
I have learnt the hard hard way and in spite of all the shouting that I have done for the last 4 years, the situation has become worse. Since you and me cannot change the obstinate and lethargic staff of the CIC (and the Commissioners are unwilling to do anything about training their staff), the only option is to change ourselves !
Annexure B- Rejoinder dt 26-3-12.
M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav,
Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park,
Mira Road (East) Dist. Thane.
401107. T.No. 022-28123691. M. 09821732855.
Date: 26-3-12.
The Central Information Commissioner
(Right To Information Act, 2005),
Club Building, Opp. Ber Sarai Market, Old JNU Campus, Government of India,
New Delhi-110 067.
Sub: Hearing of Case no.
CIC/SM/A/2011/000611/SG on 12-4-12 at 11-15 a.m.
Ref: Your letter no.
CIC/SM/A/2011/000611/SG dt 16-3-12 received on 24-3-12.
Thank you for fixing the date of
Hearing. Venue fixed for Hearing at NIC District Centre, Thane is 17 km away
from my residence and being 79, it will not be possible for me to be present there.
I shall be obliged, if Tele-Conference is arranged and I am heard. If this is
not possible, kindly decide the case on the basis of representations made as
My IInd Appeal dt 3-2-11 with
enclosures may kindly be examined. In addition,
my further submission is given below with a hope that it will be put up
to Shri Gandhi, Information Commissioner before Date of Hearing and shall not
meet the same fate, as of my submission dt 15-7-10, under dispute, though
received on 23-7-10 and 27-7-10 and not put up to CIC on day of hearing on
Item wise position of Application
dt 14-10-10 is as under:-
Item no. i to iv of
Application: My rejoinder dt 15-7-10 to PMO`s Comments on CIC`s letter dt
24-6-10 was received in CIC office on 23-7-10 (Diary no. 50387) & 27-7-10
(Diary no. 51935) as advised vide CPIO of CIC under his letter no.
dt 17-1-11 and sent to the Registry of Hon IC
(AD) by their CR Section. CPIO under his earlier letter dt 15-11-10 had advised
that Designated Officer had received this letter dt
on 10-8-10 after the matter was decided on 9-8-10. This information given by
concerned interested Designated Officer is incorrect, as 2 Diaries sent by CR
section on 23 & 27-7-10 can not reach next door Designated Officer after
17/13 days!! No one gives information as to when these 2 letters were sent by
CR Section and what date these were received by Designated Officer/his section
and who failed to put up to CIC before deciding the case on 9-8-10! This
requires investigation for giving correct information & may kindly be done
in interest of Justice. Again, this designated officer had received this letter
by E/Mail on his personal E/Mail address on 15-7-10 but no action was
contemplated by him on that!! Even CIC himself was sent a copy of this letter
dt 15-7-10 by E/Mail on his personal E/Mail address but it was not put up to
him by staff dealing with his E/Mail! Secretary of CIC was also sent a copy and
he had received it on the same date but he has also not put up to CIC! This also needs investigation for giving
correct information and Justice. The very Designated Officer treated regular
IInd Appeal as Complaint, though Complaint under Sec 18 is for only those
cases, where CPIO is not appointed or CAPIO is refusing to accept the
Application. In this case, CPIO exists in PMO`s Office and regular IInd Appeal
in prescribed proforma & details is preferred against CPIO & AA of PMO
for not giving information on wrong plea that his APIO (nominated Post Master)
has not sent enclosure of receipt, even after Appellant has sent copy of
receipt of payment made to APIO to CPIO of PMO & also CIC. In such
complaints also, CIC has to inquire by summoning, discovery and inspection of
documents, receiving evidence on affidavit etc as laid down in Sec 18 of the
Act. This has not been done and whatever is stated by CPIO of PMO in her letter
dt 7-7-10 is recorded in Speaking Order without examining with reference to my
IInd Appeal with enclosures and various letters to CIC from time to time and
withholding rejoinder dt 15-7-10. I enclose a copy of PMO`s letter dt 9-1-10 to
Sub Post Master, Mira Road asking him to
confirm the payment of fee by the applicant for my Applications dt
7-10-09 & 1-12-09. These two are replies to their letters and not
Applications for information under RTI Act, 2005. Application was dt 8-7-09 for
which no letter is ever written by PMO to Post Master, Mira Road. This has been
repeatedly explained in my letters to PMO & CIC from time to time.
It was
requested to give Copies of existing instructions/Procedure Office Orders etc
indicating how letters received from complainant are to be dealt with and
disposed off and whether all letters are required to be dealt with promptly and
put on relevant files, indicating the names & designation of concerned
staff, who have failed in this case. If any target is fixed for putting up
papers to concerned officers & by concerned officers to CIC may also be
given. For this, information given by CPIO of CIC in his letter dt 15-11-10 is
no such information is available. AA in her Speaking Order dt 6-1-11 states
that there are no written instructions as to how letters received from
complainants are to be dealt with. This means that this office has no
procedure, no rules to follow and any one can keep any papers any where he
likes and there is no authority to make them work as required in any Public
Authority! As one of the aims of RTI Act is to streamline the working of Public
Authority, Information Commissioner is requested to look in to this anarchy
prevailing in this office and adopt the procedure already laid down by DOPT for
all Public Authorities under Government of India, if CIC Office is a Public
Authority under Government of India and if not, lay down and notify a procedure
for following, so that Citizens do not suffer! He may also lay down a Procedure
for making out Speaking Orders, which must discuss in Speaking Order all points raised by Appellant in his IInd Appeal
& enclosures to that Appeal, as many of the Speaking Orders are based on
what is stated by CPIO or his representatives present at the time of Hearing.
Procedure for treating IInd Appeal as Complaint may also be examined.
Incidentally, Practice followed by ICs
of remitting the case to First Appellate authority to avoid dealing with
IInd Appeal may also be looked in to, as there is no such provision in RTI Act.
Item v of Application:
List/details of all documents put up to CIC at the time of Hearing in this case
may please be given. Whether my letter dt 7-10-09 sent to CIC under my letter
endorsement dt 15-1-10
(CIC/WB/C/2009/000486) explaining in detail and giving copy of Receipt
of Rs 10 dt 11-7-09 paid as fees for
Application dt 8-7-09 to Post Master, Mira Road and letter endorsement dt 17-6-10 explaining that
no fees are prescribed for my replies dt 7-10-09 & 1-12-09 were put up to
CIC at the time of taking decision on 9-8-10 or at any time earlier, giving
copy of relevant notings. This is denied and correct information is not given.
Item no. vi of Application
reads as under: It has been stated in Decision announced on 9-8-10 that ``it is
clear that the communication received from the Post Office, Mira Road does not
explain the details of the fee paid by the complainant``. Kindly, send copy of
communication received from Post Office, Mira Road, which led to this clarity.
This is not given yet. This may be given.
You with a hope that Justice will be done,
Annexure C: Representation after Decision.
M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav,
Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East) Dist. Thane. 401107. M.
09821732855. E/Mail:
The Central Information Commission (Right
To Information Act, 2005),
Club Building, Opp. Ber Sarai Market, Old
JNU Campus, Government of India,
New Delhi-110 067.
Sub: Decision No.
CIC/SM/A/2011/000611/SG/18358 dt 12-4-12.
No. CIC/SM/A/2011/000611/SG.
Ref: Your letter no. CIC/SM/A/2011/000611/SG
dt 16-3-12 received on 24-3-12.
1. In response to your above letter dt
16-3-12, rejoinder & request to hear on phone were sent
under my letter dt 26-3-12
diarized at yours under no. 124441dt 3-4-12 (9days before Hearing) along with E/Mails
to you and others, which were received on 26-3-12 (17 days before Hearing). As
no phone came till 12 hrs on 12-4-12, I contacted phone no.011-26161796 and I
was informed that I may see the Decision on CIC Web tomorrow. On seeing
Decision, I was surprised to see that there was no mention of rejoinder in Your
Speaking Decision. I contacted Shri Dhirendra Kumar, your Dy Secretary &
Dy. Registrar, who informed that my letter dt 26-3-12 was sent to you before
Hearing and I may write to you for any clarification. We shall be obliged, if
you kindly advise whether this rejoinder dt 26-3-12 was received by you and it
was decided by you consciously not to give telephonic hearing and to ignore the
rejoinder or the dealing person had not sent the rejoinder to you before
Hearing, as done in the earlier case.
2. As per Gazette Notification for Central
Information Commission (Appeal Procedure) Rules, 2005 as per Sec 27(2) e and
Guidelines issued by Central Government under their Memorandum no.
1/4/2009-IR dt 5-10-09, the Commission has to decide an
Appeal/Complaint by inspection of documents produced by the Applicant, peruse or inspect documents, public records or copies
thereof; and inquire through authorized officer further details or facts etc.
Deciding Appeal is a quasi-judicial function.
It is therefore necessary that A.A. should see to it that JUSTICE is not only
done but it should also appear to have been done. In order to do so, the ORDER
passed by A.A. should be a SPEAKING ORDER giving justification for the DECISION
arrived. No justification is given in the Decision dt 12-4-12 and all points
raised for each of the items of Application by Applicant are just ignored, as
will be seen from the following:-
a) Item 1 of your Decision: My IInd Appeal dt
3-2-11 and rejoinder dt 26-3-12 (Diary no. 124441 dt 3-4-12) are not examined
in the Speaking Order and JUSTICE has not been done to 10 crore Elders of the
Country, who are deprived of information on their representation dt 27-5-09 to
Prime Minister of India due to deliberate
action of not putting up a single copy out of 5 copies of our rejoinder dt
15-7-10 to CIC before date of Hearing on 9-8-10 by Shri P.K.P.Shreyaskar, CPIO
of the then CIC and in this Application, he has given wrong information that it
was received on 10-8-10, though sent by Central Registry through Diary no.
50387 dt 23-7-10 & Diary no. 51935 dt 27-7-10. (CPIO`s letter no.
CIC/CPIO/2010/1679 dt 17-1-11). This wrong statement is not examined by you in
your decision by examining the office records of DS (P), which has received
documents/letters etc from Central Registry. This factual position by verifying
registers of receipt of these letters in the concerned Department/Section is
required to be examined to give correct information instead of just accepting
the wrong verbal statement that it was received on 10-8-10, though sent by
Central Registry on 23-7-10 and 27-7-10.
b) Item 2 & 3 of your Decision: There must be some clerical
assistance, who receive letters & put on relevant file and each letter sent
by Central Registry to concerned Section/Department, some one must be giving dated acknowledgement to Central Registry and maintain some
records of all letters received from day to day. If no staff is provided for
this and Dy Registrar himself receives letters, he also must be giving dated acknowledgement to Central Registry and must be maintaining
some diary for all letters/documents received by him. There may not be any
written instructions to receive letters & maintain records for all letters
received in their Section/Department and CIC`s Office may not be governed by
various rules/procedures laid down by DOPT for all Public Authority under the
Government of India but CIC Office must be following some procedure, as office
of CIC is functioning since last 7 years. Such procedure, though unwritten is
an established procedure for 7 years and that is also denied. This practice
followed may be given instead of saying that no information is available. 4
E/Mails were also ignored and correct information about orders of competent
authority not to take action on E/Mails (System provided at huge Public Cost)
is required. Decision taken on 3-3-09 and appearing in CIC Web Site reads as
under: The Commission in its meeting dt
3-3-09 has decided that the Appeal/Complaint received through e/mail can not be
registered unless filed on-line or other wise.in meeting
dt 3-3-09T
This restriction is only for not registering
Appeals and not for not taking any action on all the E/Mails!!!! There are no
orders to ignore other communications received through E/Mails and as per
rules/procedure from DOPT for all Public Offices, all E/Mails are to be
registered and promptly dealt with. However, as CIC Office may not be governed
by such rules, practice followed for 7 years for opening E/Mails, registering,
placing copy on file etc. may be an unwritten procedure in CIC Office and that
information is denied.
c) Item 4 of your Decision: Rules for
Complaints are given in Chapter V-Sec 18 of RTI Act, 2005 and Appeals in Sec
19. Complaints are also required to be dealt with under Sec 18 (3) a to f .No
records like my IInd Appeal dt 29-9-10
followed by detailed letters dt15-1-10 & 17-6-10 nor PMO`s records to verify whether my
Application dt 8-7-09 was accompanied by postal payment of Rs 10 or not were
not examined. Even after receiving 5 copies of Rejoinder dt 15-7-10, it was
recorded in Decision dt 9-8-10 that no rejoinder was received.
d) Item 5 of your Decision: My 2 letters dt15-1-10 & 17-6-10 were enough to convince that fees
of Rs 10 were paid and copy of receipt was sent to PMO & CIC under these
letters much before date of hearing (9-8-10). These letters, though sent much
before date of decision were not examined and brought to the notice of CIC. The
procedure for dealing with Complaints is laid down in Sec 18 (3) a to f and was
not followed.
e) Item 6 of your Decision: No remarks are given by
you on this item, though it is an
information on which reliance was placed by CIC.You have accepted Grounds
for the Second Appeal as Incomplete and unsatisfactory information
provided by the PIO and unfair disposal of the appeal by the FAA but not
examined above aspects indicating that
incomplete and unsatisfactory information was provided by the PIO and FAA
had unfair disposal of the appeal.We shall be highly obliged, if the Decision
dt 12-4-12 is reconsidered and JUSTICE done to 10 crore Elders of the Country, who are deprived of information on their
representation dt 27-5-09 to Prime Minister of India due to deliberate action
of not putting up our rejoinder dt 15-7-10 to CIC before date of Hearing on
9-8-10 by Shri P.K.P.Shreyaskar, CPIO of the then CIC.
Thanking You with a
hope that Justice will be done,
Annexure D- Rejoinder dt 19-4-12.
(Diary no. 130647 dt 1-5-12.
M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav,
Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park,
Mira Road (East) Dist. Thane.
401107. M. 09821732855. E/Mail:
Date: 19-4-12.
The Central Information Commission (Right
To Information Act, 2005),
Club Building, Opp. Ber Sarai Market, Old JNU Campus, Government of India,
New Delhi-110 067.
Sub: Hearing of Case no.
CIC/SM/A/2011/002469+002470/SG on 30-4-12 at 2.45p.m.
Ref: Your Office letter no.
CIC/SM/A/2011/002469+002470/SG dt 4-4-12, booked for Speed Post at JNU Post
Office on 11-4-12 and received on 17-4-12 A.N.
Thank you for fixing
the date of Hearing. Venue fixed for Hearing at NIC District Centre, Thane is
17 km away from my residence and being 79, it will not be possible for me to be
present there. I shall be obliged, if Tele-Conference is arranged and I am
heard. If this is not possible, kindly decide the case on the basis of
representations made as under.
A) Detailed facts
brought out in my IInd Appeal dt 5-10-11 containing 35 enclosures in duplicate
(copies of all documents given to 2 CPIOs & AA also).
A.A.`s orders to CPIOs in her Speaking Order dt 26-7-11 are not complied with
by CPIOs. My letter dt 19-8-11 to Shri M.C.Sharma with reference to his
incorrect and incomplete reply under his no. CIC/CPIO/2011/464 dt 5-8-11 is not
replied. Reply from Shri G.Subramanian, CPIO under his letter no.
CIC/CPIO/2011/464 dt 23-8-11 was incomplete and incorrect and as such detailed
position was brought to the notice of A.A. under my letter dt 5-9-11, on which
she has not taken action to either supply correct information herself or
initiate action to take Disciplinary action on CPIOs for not carrying out her
Orders as per Guidelines issued by DOPT in their Memorandum no. no. 1/4/2009-IR dt 5-10-09. Letter dt 5-9-11 to
A.A. may kindly be examined, while taking Decision. Efforts were made to get
information through AA under my letter dt 5-9-11 but AA has perhaps not
considered the necessity of giving information and asked P.K.P. Shreyaskar, Dy
secretary & CPIO to advise me to go in IInd Appeal to you as per his letter
dt 23-9-11 received on 3-10-11, stating that
Shri Shreyaskar has not stated in his letter as to whether he is writing this
letter, as directed by AA or has taken over as CPIO in place of Shri Sharma or
As per Gazette Notification for
Central Information Commission (Appeal Procedure) Rules, 2005 as per Sec 27(2)
e and Guidelines issued by Central Government under their Memorandum no.
1/4/2009-IR dt 5-10-09, the Commission has to decide an
Appeal/Complaint by inspection of documents produced by the Applicant, peruse or inspect documents, public records or copies
thereof; and inquire through authorized officer further details or facts etc.
Deciding Appeal is a quasi-judicial function.
It is therefore necessary that A.A. should see to it that JUSTICE is not only
done but it should also appear to have been done. In order to do so, the ORDER
passed by A.A. should be a SPEAKING ORDER giving justification for the DECISION
The following information is still not given:-
My Application dt 8-4-11 :
i) When my IInd Appeals dt 12-8-10
& 16-11-10 against Ministry of S.J.& E. were received. (My letter dt
19-8-11 to CPIO & letter dt 5-9-11 to A.A.). This simple information was
requested on 8-4-11 and not yet given even after 375 days as against statutory
limit of 30 days. No information is given even after 375 days for IInd Appeal
dt 25-11-10 against PMO. Para 5 of A.A.`s Orders to CPIO may also be seen with
para 5 of my letter dt 5-9-11 to A.A.
ii) Copies of Rules/Procedure to register various kinds of
letters/applications/appeals etc , intimation to citizens about
receipt/position of their letters/applications/appeals etc, were requested, as
present procedure of showing in Status Position in Web Site, dates of
communications by citizens is not shown in any case and to which Ministry these
pertain are not shown in many cases. If
no written orders exist, at least practice followed for last 7 years during
which CIC Office is working can be given. Each case has to be dealt with
uniformly and as per predecided and notified procedures and not as per
discretion/whim of dealing staff. As per CIC`s Notification No.
CIC/Legal/2007/006 Dated, the 13th February,
2008, cases of Senior Citizens are to be given preference but no cognizance of
these orders is taken and dates of hearing is delayed abnormally.
iii) Procedure followed for dealing with E/Mails
is not given. As per Sec 4, (3 & 4) of the Act, all materials are to be
disseminated widely and also in electronic format. If procedure is not to
register E/Mails and not to take any action on E/Mails, it has to be notified
under Sec 4, so that citizens do not send any E/Mails and waste their energy.
Correct and authentic information about practice followed for 7 years for
dealing with E/Mails may kindly be given. Decision taken on 3-3-09 and appearing in CIC Web Site reads as
under: The Commission in its meeting dt
3-3-09 has decided that the Appeal/Complaint received through e/mail can not be
registered unless filed on-line or otherwise. t 3-3-09T
This restriction is
only for not registering Appeals and not for not taking any action on all the
E/Mails!!!! There are no orders to ignore other communications received through
E/Mails and as per rules/procedure from DOPT for all Public Offices, all
E/Mails are to be registered and promptly dealt with.
iv) Rules for Complaints & Appeals are laid
down in Chapter V of the Act. Reasons for treating Appeals as Direct
Complaints; Appeals & Combined Complaints/Appeals and showing same items in
both categories in Status Position in Web Site may kindly be advised and
notified, so that citizens may take care in preparing proper Appeals.
v) Reasons for classifying Appeals
as `Remanded`; Dismissed without Hearing and without informing the Appellant
about such decisions; Not fixing dates of Hearing for years together without
informing the Appellant may kindly be advised and notified, as required under
Sec 4 (b) iii of the Act for information
of Citizens.
vi) CIC/AD/C/2009/001260 dt
21-12-09: This is still pending.
My Application dt 25-3-11.
vii) Information was requested on action taken
on 11 letters to which information was given that only 2 letters dt
12-8-10 & 16-11-10 are received, though
all were sent and action on letter dt 16-11-10 is pending.If Delhi Post Office
is contacted, they may show the signature of receiving persons. During Hearing,
copies of all letters were called for and copies of all 11 letters were sent to
CPIO in my letter dt 25-6-11 and no information is given.
viii) It was requested to take action against Railway Ministry for
non-compliance of orders of CIC under no. 4582/IC/A/2009 dt 6-10-09 &
CIC/OK/C/2008/00634 dt 19-1-10 and to fix date of Hearing for IInd Appeal
registered as early as 9-7-08 under no. CIC/OK/C/2008/00634 but no action is
taken nor proper information is given.