Thursday, January 19, 2012

Health Care of Retired Railway Employees.

To                                                                                              Date: 19-1-2012.
Shri Dinesh Trivedi,
Hon. Minister of Railways, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi- 110001.

Sub: Health Care of Retired Railway Employees.
Ref: Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare`s National Programme for Health Care of Elderly (NPHCE).

The National Programme for the Health Care for the Elderly (NPHCE) is an articulation of the International and National Commitments of the Government as envisaged under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), National Policy on Older Persons (NPOP) adopted by the Government of India in 1999 & Section 20 of The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 dealing with provisions for medical care of Senior Citizens.  Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare has formed a National Programme for Health Care Of Elderly during 11th Five Year Plan, which comprises- National Programme for Health Care of Elderly (Main Scheme) and development of National Institutes of Ageing with a total allocation of Rs 400 crores during Plan Period.

Salient features of the National Programme for Health Care of Elderly are brought out below in brief for getting appropriate action taken for Retired Railway Employees at an early date, the Railways having independent Medical Directorate.

Major activities proposed under the main scheme are as below:

 A)  Development of 30 bedded health care units for Elderly Persons in 25 Medical Colleges in the Country. (Such Units may be provided in Zonal Hospitals).
B) Development of 10 bedded Geriatric Units at District Hospitals in 100 districts of the Country @ 4 districts attached to each Medical College.(Such Units can be provided in Divisional Hospitals).
C) Development of Physiotherapy Unit at all the CHCs falling under 100 Districts.
 D) Weekly once OPD for Elderly and arrangement for Health Melas at the level of PHCs.
E) Involvement of ASHA at Community Level. 
F) As regards the NIAs, these will be the apex referral institutes of the Country with 200 beds facility. Basic aim of these institutes will be development of specialized manpower, research in gerontology and patient care.
 G) Health Ministry has started accreditation of Hospitals and Health Providers to ensure better medical service to Senior Citizens.
 H) Director General of Health Services has carried out projects on training of health manpower as well as developing training modules on geriatrics for different health functionaries for the purpose of providing training. A survey was conducted to find out the burden of diseases among geriatric population & the Report has been published in 2007.National Programme for Health Care for Elderly,  approved by Ministry of Finance in June, 2010 has been notified with operational guidelines on their Web Site. A few meetings of stakeholders have been convened for finalizing the implementation strategy. Funds are released to Regional Medical Centres & States.
 I) Free of cost health services are already being provided to all Below Poverty Line (BPL) citizens including Senior Citizens.
J) The Policy for providing land at subsidized rates for construction of private hospitals & charitable trusts already exists.
K) As regards provision of geriatric wards in all the hospitals, article 20 of
`` Maintenance and Welfare of Parents & senior Citizens Act, 2007`` directs the State Governments to provide beds for all senior citizens as far as possible. Under NPHCE, there is provision for developing 30-bedded geriatric wards in 8 Regional Geriatric Centres and 10-bedded wards for Senior Citizens in 100 District Hospitals during 11th Five Year Plan.
L) There is a proposal in the NPHCE to provide training to the Community Members in geriatric care by ANM at sub-centre level. Ministry of S.J. & E. is also taking care in respect of the training of geriatric care givers.
M) One of the important components of NPHCE is information, communication and education. Strategy will be devised to increase awareness of the community in respect of the role of balanced diet, proper exercise, yoga etc in prevention and control of diseases. Mass media programme will be framed to increase the awareness of the public as well as the medical care givers on the various provisions being provided under NPHCE.
 N) NPHCE will provide funding for research programme which will include all the important geriatric problems including Alzheimer disease. Apart from this, the mental health problems are being taken up separately through a dedicated National Mental Health Programme, which will take care of elderly also.

We shall be very much thankful, if early action is taken on above issues for Retired Railway Employees.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

(  M.V.Ruparelia  )

Copy forwarded for necessary action:
i)                    Shri  Dr. V.K.Ramteke, Director General, Railway Health Services, Ministry of Railways, Railway Board, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
ii)                  Shri Dr. A.K.Kanchan, Chief Medical Director, Central Railway, CST station, Mumbai-400 001.
iii)                Shri Dr. H.M.Jain, Chief Medical Director, Western Railway, Churchgate,
Mumbai-400 020.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

National Savings Scheme, 1987.

To                                                                                              Date: 15-1-2012.
Shri Pranab Mukherji,
Minister of Finance, North Block, New Delhi-110001.

Sub: National Savings Scheme, 1987.
Ref: Ministry of Finance`s Notification no. GSR 335 (E) dt 30-3-1987.

The above scheme was introduced by Finance Ministry before 25 years. Very large number of government employees had deposited various amounts in this Scheme to save income tax from year 1987 onwards till retirement. Crores of rupees of retired employees are lying in this Scheme with meager interest of 7.5%. Nature of a government employee is to save something from tax by adopting officially permitted channels. As withdrawals from this Scheme are chargeable with income tax, many have, due to having mental block of saving tax, not withdrawn any amounts and many have expired also without any withdrawals.
We shall be grateful, if these small savings from hard earned meager salaries during those years of retired employees is allowed to be withdrawn without deduction of income tax as a special gesture towards Your Elders during forthcoming Budget for 2012-13. This will also save Post Offices to discontinue very large number of individual accounts of very large number of government employees, reducing their workload.
A line in reply in terms of para 66 of Office Manual will be very much appreciated.

Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,


Monday, January 9, 2012

National Solidarity Day (16-8-11) Request for position of Demands to Ministry of Railways.

Application For Information Under The Right To Information Act, 2005.
                         (Senior Citizen Priority Case)
To Sh. V.K. SAMUEL, D.D. (PG) & C.P.I.O.(Registration & Coordination), R.No 05, RTI Cell / RB, Railway Board,
New Delhi -110001
1) Name of the Applicant:             M.V.Ruparelia.( Age 78 ).   

2) Address:                              A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park,
                                                 Mira Road (E). District Thane, Maharashtra. 401 107.

3) Particulars of Information:  Information in respect Of Action taken on our letter dt 12-8-11  to Prime Minister & copy to  Shri Dinesh Trivedi, Hon. Minister of Railways, Government of India, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110 011 and Under Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi`s letter no. 15-39/12/2006-07-AG dt 28-10-11 addressed to Joint Secretary, Public Grievance, Railway Board and copy to me (copy enclosed).

Kindly give the following information, keeping in view the spirit of Section 4 (1)-c & d and 6(3) of Right To Information Act, 2005.
i)                        When our letter our letter dt 12-8-11 to P.M. & copy to Shri Dinesh Trivedi, Hon. Minister of Railways, Government of India, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110 011 and Under Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi`s letter no. 15-39/12/2006-07-AG dt 28-10-11 addressed to Joint Secretary, Public Grievance, Railway Board and copy to me was received and what action was taken on that, giving copies of notings thereon and when reply will be sent in terms of para 66 of Office Manual. It may also be stated whether it was put up to Hon.Minister and if not, up to which level it was put up, sending copy of instructions about putting up such important representations affecting 12 crore  Elders of the Country.
ii)                      Information in respect of action taken on our following requests contained in above letter may please be advised:-
a) One free attendant to be permitted to accompany the oldest old Senior Citizens [80+]:
The 80+ Senior Citizens usually suffer with age related physical disabilities and require the help of an attendant. We request that an attendant may be permitted to travel free with them to assist and help them. Similar facility is provided to the physically disabled and the Freedom Fighters.
b) Provision of separate Compartment for Senior Citizens in local trains:
The local trains are often so much crowded that it becomes impossible for Senior Citizens to get into the train. In view of the same problem, separate compartments are provided for the disabled and women. We request that same facility may be provided exclusively for Senior Citizens also. Though in Mumbai suburban trains restricted time reservation [10 PM to 5 PM] is available, yet it is not very useful because it is not possible to get in from the common entrance. Therefore, we request that a small compartment of the same capacity of 14 seats reserved for senior citizens in 2 compartments should be provided for the whole day with reservation of some seats in all First Class Coaches.
Separate coaches are provided in suburban trains for handicapped as per directives from Railway Board for smaller percentage of population and these coaches do not go fully packed even during peak period but Railway Board is denying similar facility to 12 lakh Elders of Mumbai, who are more handicapped than these certified handicaps, though National Policy for Older Persons, 99 lays down a directive that ``Older Persons are to be treated as respected Citizens requiring strengthening of their legitimate place in the Society and to take all actions to help them to live their last phase of life with Purpose, Dignity and Peace. The Policy (para 68) provides fare concessions in all modes of travel with preferences in reservation of seats in Public Transport.`` Further, Government is required to provide Age-friendly, barrier-free access in buses and bus stations, railways and railway stations, airports and bus transportation within the airports, banks, hospitals, parks, places of worship, cinema halls, shopping malls and other public places that senior citizens and the disabled frequent. BEST, NMMT, TMT, MBMT, ST- all transport corporations in Mumbai have accepted the Government Policy and provided separate seats & separate entrance for Senior Citizens with specific provision to utilize 2 additional seats meant for handicapped, if vacant inspite of their buses going more crowded than Suburban trains. In fact, BEST has recently increased the reservation to 5 seats i.e. 10% of total seats. Banks, Passport Offices, Post Offices have provided separate Counters for Senior Citizens. It is only Railways, which have miserably failed to follow this Policy for last 12 years for Suburban Trains on wrong pretext of inconvenience to other passengers, resulting in abuse of Senior Citizens of the Mumbai by Railways. It may be advised whether the provisions of NPOP, 99 were considered, while denying giving separate coach/separate entrance to Senior Citizens, as this decision affects the life of all Senior Citizens of Mumbai.

c)Provision of escalators on important railway stations and ramps on others:
In one of the previous Rail Budget, there was an announcement that escalators/lifts would be installed on stations but this facility is yet to be installed at most of the stations. It is often a torture for senior Citizens to climb up the platform bridges with luggage. Provision of this facility will be a great boon for the Senior Citizens, elderly women, the sick and the disabled. Where escalators cannot be installed, provision of ramps may be considered. We request you to seek for escalators/ lifts/ramps on all Railway Stations.

d) 50% Concession to all Senior Citizens in Railways:
Female Sr. Citizens (50+) have been availing 50% concession in rail fares for the last 2-3 years, while the male Senior Citizens have been given at 40% in this budget. We request you to please remove the differentiation of gender and grant 50% concession to all Senior Citizens [60+]. We also request you to get a small separate coach in Suburban Trains in all Metro Cities and reservation of some seats in First Class Coaches of Suburban & Metro Trains.

e) District hospitals/PHC should have a special Geriatric Ward with latest facilities. Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare has formed a National Programme for Care Of Elderly during 11th Five Year Plan, which comprises- National Programme for Health Care of Elderly (Main Scheme) and development of National Institutes of Ageing with a total allocation of Rs 400 crores during Plan Period. ii) Major activities proposed under the main scheme are as below:
A)  Development of 30 bedded health care units for Elderly Persons in 25 Medical Colleges in the Country. B) Development of 10 bedded Geriatric Units at District Hospitals in 100districts of the Country @ 4 districts attached to each Medical College. C) Development of Physiotherapy Unit at all the CHCs falling under 100 Districts. D) Weekly once OPD for Elderly and arrangement for Health                                                                                Melas at the level of PHCs. E) Involvement of ASHA at Community Level. F) As regards the NIAs, these will be the apex referral institutes of the Country with 200 beds facility. Basic aim of these institutes will be development of specialized manpower, research in gerontology and patient care.
 G) Health Ministry has started accreditation of Hospitals and Health Providers to ensure better medical service to Senior Citizens. H) Director General of Health Services has carried out projects on training of health manpower as well as developing training modules on geriatrics for different health functionaries for the purpose of providing training. A survey was conducted to find out the burden of diseases among geriatric population & the Report has been published in 2007.National Programme for Health Care for Elderly,  approved by Ministry of Finance in June, 2010 has been notified with operational guidelines on their Web Site. A few meetings of stakeholders have been convened for finalizing the implementation strategy. Funds are released to Regional Medical Centres & States. I) Free of cost health services are already being provided to all Below Poverty Line (BPL) citizens including Senior Citizens. J) The Policy for providing land at subsidized rates for construction of private hospitals & charitable trusts already exists. K) As regards provision of geriatric wards in all the hospitals, article 20 of `` Maintenance and Welfare of Parents & senior Citizens Act, 2007`` directs the State Governments to provide beds for all senior citizens as far as possible. Under NPHCE, there is provision for developing 30-bedded geriatric wards in 8 Regional Geriatric Centres and 10-bedded wards for Senior Citizens in 100 District Hospitals during 11th Five Year Plan. L) There is a proposal in the NPHCE to provide training to the Community Members in geriatric care by ANM at sub-centre level. Ministry of S.J. & E. is also taking care in respect of the training of geriatric care givers. M) One of the important components of NPHCE is information, communication and education. Strategy will be devised to increase awareness of the community in respect of the role of balanced diet, proper exercise, yoga etc in prevention and control of diseases. Mass media programme will be framed to increase the awareness of the public as well as the medical care givers on the various provisions being provided under NPHCE. N) NPHCE will provide funding for research programme which will include all the important geriatric problems including Alzheimer disease. Apart from this, the mental health problems are being taken up separately through a dedicated National Mental Health Programme, which will take care of elderly also. Railway Ministry is requested to have similar action on all Railways.

Ministry Of Railways: Various Paras of National Policy, 99 requiring action:
A.    Para 35: To expand the health services in various Railways including other independent Units for preventive, rehabilitative and geriatric care facilities for retired employees.
B.      Para 39: To issue instructions for separate ques for retired employees and to ensure its implementation by monitoring and/or reiterating instructions. Geriatric wards are to be set up in all Railway Hospitals.
C.      Para 40, 41, 86: To issue instructions for training of Railway Doctors & other Para-Medical staff for proper care and respect for retired employees. To provide Mobile care and hospice care for bed ridden employees in various hospitals.
D.       Para 42 & 43: To issue instructional/guidance/nutritional material on self care of retired employees.
E.        Para 44 & 45: To issue instructions to promote healthy ageing amongst the retired staff. To issue instructions to treat their retired elders properly and to educate them for healthy ageing and to provide facilities of yoga, meditation etc. There should be proper education programmes for retired staff and they should be taken on Advisory Committees to bring out difficulties faced by them in getting treatment, keeping in view the spirit of NPOP, 99. Repeated orientation training and instructions to treat retired staff with respect by Doctors and staff are necessary.
F.        Para 46: To provide Counseling facilities in various hospitals. 
G.      Para 68: a) To persuade Railways to give 50% concession to all Senior Citizens,  as by Air & State Road Transport without distinguishing between Gents & Ladies.
 b) No quota is fixed for reservation for Senior Citizens in any of the trains, though large quotas are fixed for ladies, handicaps, military & VIPs. Senior Citizens above 70-75 are more vulnerable than handicaps and ladies.
c) In suburban trains also, not only some compartments but entire trains are reserved for ladies but Senior Citizens are denied a small separate coach, as given to handicaps. With the deteriorating health condition, when they are required to go to doctors, consultants, Hospitals etc in the morning for pathological tests, they are facing hardships and as such, they should be provided separate coach or permitted to go in coaches/trains reserved for ladies & handicaps.
d) Railways are having large number of Holiday Homes, Rest Houses, and Convalescent Homes etc and not given concessions in rent though provision of this para provides for concession to Senior Citizens.

H.     Para 70: Railways are having a big Publicity Department but no instructions are issued by Ministry to  Railways to highlight the issues pertaining  to their retired staff every year on 1st October and call them on that occasion for Get-Together and meeting each other and know about their problems etc. Existing Welfare Branches at Ministry as well as local levels can be instructed to do needful, as envisaged in various paras of the Policy.
I.        Para 73: Railways are having well organized Personnel Department with Efficient Negotiating Machinery. They may be pursued to have continuous dialogue with NGOs doing welfare of Senior Citizens of Railways and recognize/encourage Associations of Senior Citizens of Railways by giving accommodation, place for their meetings etc. They have large number of Welfare Centres through out the Country and these can be allowed for retired staff & their Association of Senior Citizens.
J.        Para 76: Railways can set up voluntary programmes for participation of retired staff in their various programmes, celebrations of Railway Week etc. They can also provide Colonies for Retired Staff with basic facilities.
K.       Para 78 & 79: Railway work is specialized one and retired staff is well trained to tackle various works efficiently. Railways need trained staff in different circumstances and also during vacation period, there is lot of absenteeism. Retired staff should be engaged freely. Instructions should be issued by Ministry of Railways to utilize capable retired staff and enrich & update their knowledge.
L.       Para 93: Annual Plan & Five Year Plan for implementing various provisions of the Policy are required to be prepared.

iii)                     In terms of Sec 4© & (d) of RTI Act, 2005, Public Authority has to provide reasons for its administrative decisions to affected persons. Para 8 & 9 of Guide Lines to Public Authority-Part II of Memorandum no. 1/4/2009-IR dt 5-10-09 issued by DOPT reads as under:-
Publication of Facts about Policies and Decisions
8. Public authorities formulate policies and take various decisions from time to time. As
provided in the Act, while formulating important policies or announcing the decisions affecting
the public, the public authority should publish all relevant facts about such policies and
decisions for the information of public at large.
Providing Reasons for Decisions
9. The public authorities take various administrative and quasi-judicial decisions which
affect the interests of certain persons. It is mandatory for the concerned public authority to
provide reasons for such decisions to the affected persons.

4) Reply may be given by E/Mail on or Post. 
5) Fee of Rs 10 is paid in Post Office.                                                                                 
Mira Road  9-1-12.                                                           Signature of the Applicant

National Solidarity Day (16-8-11) Request for position of Demands to Ministry of Social Justice.

Application For Information Under The Right To Information Act, 2005.
                         (Senior Citizen Priority Case)

To Sh. Shri Lalsanglur, CPIO & Director (SD),
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, R.N. 635, A Wing,
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.

1) Name of the Applicant:             M.V.Ruparelia. ( Age 78 ).   

2) Address:                              A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park,
                                                 Mira Road (E). District Thane, Maharashtra. 401 107.

3) Particulars of Information:  Information in respect Of Action taken on our letter dt 12-8-11  to Prime Minister & copy to  Shri Mukul Wasnik, Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 sent through E/Mail dt 12-8-11 and sent to you by PMO under their letter no. 14/3/2011-PMP 3/319591 dt 5-9-11.

Kindly give the following information, keeping in view the spirit of Section 4 (1)-c & d and 6(3) of Right To Information Act, 2005.
i)                        When our letter our letter dt 12-8-11 to P.M. & copy to Shri Wasnik, Hon. Minister of Social Justice , Government of India, New Delhi and again received under PMO`s letter no. 14/3/2011-PMP 3/319591 dt 5-9-11 was received and what action was taken on that, giving copies of notings thereon and when reply will be sent in terms of para 66 of Office Manual. It may also be stated whether it was put up to Hon.Minister and if not, up to which level it was put up, sending copy of instructions about putting up such important representations affecting 12 crore  Elders of the Country.
ii)                      Information in respect of action taken on our following requests contained in above letter may please be advised:-
a)       You may be aware that United Nations Economic & Social Commission for Asia Specific (ESCAP), Bangkok is watching the progress of action taken by the Governments  for Welfare of Elders and has requested all member countries to advise them by 30-6-11, the progress report for 19 Questionnaire in terms of The Economic and Social Council resolution 2010/14 for their Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA REVIEW), 2011. This process calls for Governments to consult with Civil Society (Organizations of Senior Citizens) on how their Policies & Programmes are being implemented. The United Nations believes that feedback from the grassroots level is the only way for successful policies to be made. A copy of reply sent to UNO, Bangkok may kindly be given.
b)      National Policy for Senior Citizens (NPSC), 2011 was submitted to Hon Minister of S.J. & E. on 30-3-11 by Review Committee appointed under  Ministry`s Memorandum no. 15-40(2)/2009-10-AG II dt 28-1-10. Action taken on the revised Policy may kindly be advised, sending copies of relevant notings, Notes/Communications to other Ministries/States etc and time by which this is likely to be finalized and declared for benefit of Senior Citizens of the Country, indicating present position.
c) The First & Foremost Action from your side is requested to establish a separate full fledged Department exclusively for Senior Citizens, as the present Directorate dealing with various subjects is not able to devote any time to the issues pertaining to Senior Citizens. You will be surprised to know that Inter-Ministerial Committee Meetings for coordinating action by various Ministries are not held regularly even once in a year and no follow up is done; Meetings of NCOP with representatives of Senior Citizens are also not held, as required and there is absolutely no control/coordination with States/UTs and other Stake Holders like Media, Charitable Trusts, Private Hospitals; NGOs, Corporate Sector etc by Nodal Directorate and concerned Ministries. Position at State/UTs level is still worst, as no Directorate/Nodal officers are exclusively nominated. Separate Directorates at Central & State/UTs level may please be given immediately.
d) Next important issue requiring your attention  is about formation of Autonomous National Association of Senior Citizens as per para 97 of NPOP,99 or to recognize the existing Associations for negotiations & sending them various directives from all Ministries for matters affecting Senior Citizens at Central; State/UTs & Municipal/Panchayat levels for information of Senior Citizens. To-day, there is no machinery to listen the voices of Senior Citizens or to get information of what Government is doing for their Elders. Even the Nodal Ministry has no touch with any of the existing Registered Associations of Senior Citizens and none from Registered Associations was nominated on Review Committee. Separate Web Site for Senior Citizens is also absolutely necessary and may be provided.
e)  You will agree with the fact that elders have waited for years on end to get attention from our rulers but all that we have received is indifference towards our issues. While we are keen to play our role in the development of our Country and the activities for the welfare of community, we also demand that our concerns must be addressed.
f)       Last year on 16th August 2010, we (JAC) had organized All India ‘Senior Citizens National PROTEST Day’. Joint Action Committee (JAC) of Senior Citizens was formed by 23 Organization/ Federations, Associations, NGOs working for Senior Citizens to protest against continuous neglect and ignorance by the central & state government. This year too on 16th August,2011, we have planned ‘ Senior Citizens National Solidarity Day ‘ to once again highlight our issues and to demand concrete action from Central and State governments. Kindly, advise action taken since 16-8-10 by Nodal Ministry.

g)      We request the Government to consider the following pending demands in addition to action on various paras of NPOP, 99 as given below for your Ministry urgently and concede them:

A.    Implementation of NPOP 1999 / National Policy on Senior Citizens  (NPSC) 2011 by central and all states in India by fixing a time bound Action Plan in terms of Para 93 of NPOP,99 & Chief Information Commissioner, Delhi `s orders dt 27-6-08 vide his no. 2701/Senior Citizens/(A)/2008 in Case no. C I C/MA/A/ 2008/00645 to Ministry Of Social Justice & Empowerment to outline the plan of action in a time bound manner for the larger benefit of older persons. It would not be out of place to mention that even in most progressive State like Maharashtra, National Policy is not yet adopted or notified and State Council not constituted even after 12 years. At present, no action is being taken either on Policy, 99 nor on Policy, 2011!

B.     Implementation of ‘The Maintenance & Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens ACT -2007’: The Maintenance & Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens ACT -2007 has not been fully implemented so far by most of the States. Many States have only notified Rules but Act has not been fully operationalised. Awareness about it is lacking both in public and administration. Details of Tribunals should be given wide publicity in local Newspapers & TV Channels. Immediate steps should be taken to Pan India implementation of the act for benefit of senior citizens and State/UT wise latest position may please be advised.

C.    National Commission for Senior Citizens:
As the Longevity is increasing, there is dramatic rise in number of people above 60 yrs. Today, there are around 100 million Senior Citizens in India . To address various issues and grievances, especially elder abuse cases, a National Commission for Senior Citizens on the lines of Human Right and Women commission is requested with representation form NGOs and Senior Citizens Organizations. Action taken on this request may be advised.

D.    To declare Comprehensive National policy for Dementia and Alzheimer’s

E.     Inclusion of Ageing in Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)  and reservation of minimum 10% of CSR budget for welfare projects of Senior Citizens.

F.     Specialized Courses in Social Science & Medical Colleges in Gerontology and Geriatrics respectively.

G.    Fast track Courts for speedy, time-bound disposal of pending cases of Senior Citizens in all Courts.
H.    Uniform Old Age Pension Scheme for all Senior Citizens in BPL in all states by increasing amount of Pension and taking over this work by Nodal Ministry.

I.       Fast Implementation of National Programme for the Healthcare of the Elderly (NPHCE) started in February 2011

J.       Charter of Rights and Responsibilities for Senior Citizens.

K.    In NRHM /NUHM special provision for Senior Citizens

L.     Decent old age homes with Public-Private mode for the benefit of seniors at reasonable charges should be promoted.

M.   Free Home for Destitute should be established in all districts.

N.    Special attention/schemes/programmes for Rural Elderly, Tribal Elderly, Transgender Elderly, Destitute Elderly, Women Elderly and 80 + population.

iii)            Information in respect of action taken by Ministry Of Social Justice & Empowerment on Paras 24,25, 27, 59 to 64, 68 to 98 of NPOP, 99 may be advised, making Proper Budget Provisions in the forthcoming Budget for all above items and these items.
1.   Para 24, 25 & 27: There is no necessity of classifying BPL Senior Citizens as per 13 parameters of Rural Ministry for simple purpose of paying meager Pension. This work should be taken over by Ministry of S.J.& E. and different income segments for some level of income security in old age got decided in consultation with Ministry of Finance as laid down in para 24 of Policy.
2.      Para 59: No action is taken to identify more vulnerable and those staying without family support etc. This action is very important and may please be got done on priority basis for providing the needed welfare services.
3.      Para 60 to 62 & 64: No action is taken to communicate with voluntary organizations, NGOs, Private Sector etc  and no scheme to assist and give grants-in-aid etc to such organizations is yet formulated, as done for 16 schemes under Integrated Programme.
4.      Para 63: Though Welfare Fund is to be created by Ministry of Finance, Nodal Ministry must pursue this matter vigorously and get Welfare Fund set up for various purposes.
5.      Paras 68 & 69: No specific instructions are issued by Nodal Ministry to all concerned Departments and as such many have not implemented these instructions e.g. Banks, many Hospitals, most of Post Offices, Private & Public Organizations, where there are big ques for making monthly payments for electricity, telephone bills etc. Such instructions may please be issued & reiterated periodically.
6.      Para 71: No action is taken to ensure that information of all Stake Holders including States/UTs is included & updated periodically in Web Site of Nodal Ministry. There is a need for Separate Web Site for Senior Citizens.
7.      Paras 72 to 77: No action is taken to communicate with any NGOs, Trusts, Charities, Trade Unions, Professional Bodies etc for any of these provisions nor policy decided to give grant-in aid etc to such important Stake Holders, though issuing instructions do not require any huge funds. This may be done now very early.
8.      Para 78 & 79: No action is taken on these very important provisions even after 12 years. This may be expedite now.
9.      Paras 80 to 87: No action is taken. Please, expedite the action in consultation with concerned Ministries & Media and issue comprehensive instructions to all concerned Stake Holders very early.
10.  Para 88-89: No communication is made either by Nodal Ministry or Ministry of Information & Broadcasting with Media for these provisions. Kindly, pursue the implementation of these provisions and stress on Media to give some space regularly/periodically in all Newspapers & ½ hour slot in TV Media every Week or periodically for various aspects of life of Senior Citizens.
11.  Para 90: Absolutely no action is taken by Nodal Ministry to ensure that various features of Policy remain in constant Public Focus. Even advertisements twice in a year on Ist Oct for World Elders` Day and 15th June on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day are forgotten!! No State/UT also bother about any aspects of Policy and do not give any advertisements for public focus!!
12.  Para 91: No efforts have been made by Nodal Ministry to collaborate with Organizations of Senior Citizens, even though represented to recognize the registered associations of senior citizens for continuous dialogue and keeping them informed about good work done by government for welfare of senior citizens!! This may be looked in to sincerely & seriously and provisions implemented early. This does not require any Budget Provisions!!
13.  Para 92: No bureau of Senior Citizens is set up. Meetings of NCOP & Inter-Ministerial Committees are not held regularly to achieve implementation of any provisions of the Policy!! There is absolutely no coordination with State/UTs either for implementation or for monitoring!!
14.  Para 93: Factual position as per information received under RTI is that no Ministry prepares Five Year or Annual Plans. This is not done by Nodal Ministry also regularly, no targets are ever fixed, responsibility never fixed or even thought of and not got implemented by Stake Holders.
15.  Para 95: Nothing is known about such training!
16.  Para 96: Detailed working with number of meeting to be held and machinery to implement the decisions of such Council may be laid down in detail.
17.  Para 97: No action even to initiate such NAOP at any level in 12 years nor existing Associations are recognized and given some status for negotiations etc.
18.  Para 98: No instructions are issued for this by Nodal Ministry or any State/UTs.

iv)                   Reasons for forwarding PMO`s letter dt 5-9-11 to U to only Railway Ministry under your letter no. 15-39/(12)/2006-07-AG dt 28-10-11 and copy to me may please be advised. It is presumed that replies for other Ministries will be given by U and is so, position of all matters may kindly be given, asking them to make proper Budget Provisions in the forthcoming Budget.
v)                      In terms of Sec 4© & (d) of RTI Act, 2005, Public Authority has to provide reasons for its administrative decisions to affected persons. Para 8 & 9 of Guide Lines to Public Authority-Part II of Memorandum no. 1/4/2009-IR dt 5-10-09 issued by DOPT reads as under:-
Publication of Facts about Policies and Decisions
8. Public authorities formulate policies and take various decisions from time to time. As
provided in the Act, while formulating important policies or announcing the decisions affecting
the public, the public authority should publish all relevant facts about such policies and
decisions for the information of public at large.
Providing Reasons for Decisions
9. The public authorities take various administrative and quasi-judicial decisions which
affect the interests of certain persons. It is mandatory for the concerned public authority to
provide reasons for such decisions to the affected persons.
4) Reply may be given by E/Mail on or Post.   
5) Fee of Rs 10 is paid in Post Office.                                                                                 
Mira Road  9-1-12.                                                           Signature of the Applicant