Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Reverse Mortgage Loan-Payments till both survive!

Life Long Reverse Mortgage Scheme:

Now, Central Bank of India & Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co. Ltd. have launched an Annuity Product called Cent Swabhiman Plus on 10-12-09, a Reverse Mortgage Loan Annuity (RMLA)- a unique & tailor-made product facilitating Senior Citizens to avail regular payments throughout life till both die, as against 15/20 years by other Schemes and that too with substantially higher payments than other Schemes. Rate of interest charged is 9.5(to be reset every 2 years) in place of 10.25 to 12% in other Schemes.60 to 75% of property value(to be revalued every 3 years) is considered for giving annuity, which can be taken at 25% as lump sum and remaining or full amount in monthly, quarterly, annually etc, as desired by borrower. The borrower should be of 60 & above and spouse 55 & above. Payment will be made by Insurance Company & not Central Bank. Keeping in view 2 schemes of repurchase of the mortgaged property by heirs, monthly payment per lakh works out to Rs. 396 or Rs 288 p.m. for property value of Rs 1 lakh. On death of the borrower, little higher payment is made to the surviving spouse. Payments made under this Annuity Scheme is taxable.