Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Elder Abuse.

Elder Abuse. M. V. Ruparelia.

!5 th June is an Elder Abuse Prevention Day. Let us see, what is this Abuse, where it is and let us resolve to reduce it to the extant possible.

There is a general feeling amongst Senior Citizens that children of to-day do not bother about their parents, their wishes, their happiness, their requirements etc and some children misbehave and/or beat their parents! They do not recollect that their parents had the same feelings for their children!! Not respecting parents is also termed by some as elder abuse, as parents expect that as they have brought up their children well as per their then capacity, children must accept this and feel grateful and respect them.

Expectations create problems! In our Society, we rear our children with love & devotion. We expect that our children shall look after us in our old age! While rearing children, it is seen that some times, we become harsh and beat them also for their good, for doing their lessons, preparing for exams etc. Some parents misbehave for their own problems and tensions without any fault or concern of children. Government had to legislate to ensure that children are not maltreated by parents & others! Some of us had not behaved properly with our parents in the presence of our children. All such occasions get recorded in subconscious minds of children and such tapes get repeated by children with us! It is said that life is a series of experiences and all are slave to their experiences and social conditionings. All react helplessly to such social conditionings. This social conditioning is required to be changed consciously by all to avoid abuses & unpleasantness. Each elder should be capable to understand this. He must realize, visualize and accept the situations around him in family & society and do his best to reciprocate for services taken by him sofar from family members & society at large.

The dictionary meaning of Abuse is to take undue advantage, to betray, to misrepresent, to disrespect, to deceive, to mal-treat and to violate. Abuses are at different levels and of different magnitude. First and Foremost Abuse in our Country is Self Abuse!! A person retires from service, he feels he has done a lot and now deserves rest! He rests and does not remain active, resulting in deteriorating health & connected problems! He abuses himself!! He develops inertia of doing nothing; he does not participate in any functions, does not go to any Associations, and does not want to learn anything new. He feels, he need not waste his energy, which requires to be preserved at this age! He forgets that we have unlimited energy and even in active life, we have used a very small % of energy. In old age also, we have unlimited energy and the Principle is ``USE IT OR LOOSE IT.`` So, plan out your life, once you retire from busy life; you have lot of time at your disposal, which you should use for self, family and society at large. American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has identified the following symptoms and signs in respect of such Abuse:
Increased depression, timidity, anxiety, longing for death, confusion, self-neglect, vague health problems, mounting resentment, unusual fatigue, withholding of food or medicines, hostility, unresponsiveness etc.

Next abuse arises in family. In some cases, though the retired person gets pension, which is more than what he was getting while in service due to no deductions for taxes, refund of loans etc, he is not respected in the family itself, as he was respected while in service. This is perhaps due to his continuing to behave as he was behaving while in service and do not change his habits, ego, requirements and expectations! So far, he was the head of the family, now he is not! If he is not getting pension or sufficient income from investments etc, position shall be still worse and more unpleasant. In Society also, his value is not, as it was while in service. Perhaps, a Social Conditioning!

On conversation with inmates of Vrudhashrams and conversations by various Senior Citizens in discussions on this subject, the following types of cases of Abuse have also come to light. There are cases, where parents continue to stay with one of the children or say, in some cases, children continue to stay with their parents. There are no major conflicts till children get married. In cases, where accommodation belongs to children, it is alleged that parents are made (forced) to do baby-sitting, bring children from & to schools, bring milk in early morning, grocery, vegetables etc and some parents feel offended instead of feeling happy to be useful to their busy children. Daughter in laws, having not been able to make husband’s parents go away, are reported to be insulting, misbehaving as and when possible.

In some cases, daughters in law are sending her children to play boisterously, when and where Senior Citizens are resting and on beds of elders during their day sleep. They are encouraged to use T.V., Music Systems etc very loudly. They are taught to insult elders. When elders use Dining Table, T.V., Computer (even in cases these are provided at elder’s cost), children are taught to insist to use these by them at that very time. If some near relative comes to meet Senior Citizens, daughters-in-law shall not come out from kitchen or bed room for a long time to say hello or give water, tea etc to the visitor. There are different types of elder abuses in different families at different times.

In some extreme cases, where mother in law is widow, she is asked, though not physically capable, to do all house hold work of cleaning the house, utensils, clothes etc, not given sufficient & proper food and not in time and that too with contempt and by throwing by some daughters in law. Speaking harshly is also a daily affair. Sons, some how see and understand only, as they are told by their wives and misbehave with parents and occasionally beat also! If father has money and property, all sons will do their best to get it as early as possible and in extreme cases, there will be frequent quarrels and sometimes beating also. There are cases of confining elders in one room, not allowing them to go out or talk to others, making them remain out of the house for the whole day, not giving medicines, not taking to doctors, not taking to social functions, taking away pension, disposing of their precious belongings, furniture etc and so on.

In one of the peculiar case, which will also indicate why such cases continue to occur, it was observed that widow mother already in Vrudhashram is forcibly brought back & sent back 3 times on work being done by son aged 50, who has misspent his lakhs and forced his wife to abandon him along with children. He argues with the mother that it is her duty to feed him, as she has produced her! When money comes to him, he forces her to go away. Mother has only 2 lakh for which she gets less than 1700 p.m. interest. She, at 72, is not able to stand or walk without several orthopedic belts. She does home work and cooks and feeds the son, who beats her often mercilessly for no reasons! He takes money forcibly and spends on what some priest tells him to perform and puts pure ghee for whole day in lamps etc! If mother tells this is not good and should give up such habits, he beats her! He does not go for any work saying that no body gives him work! Our advice to son does not bring any result and our advice to mother brings only one reply she does not want to report to police & put her son in custody. This is her fate and every day happening and after crying, she just forgets the severe beatings! She was happy singing bhajans with other inmates in Vrudhashram but missing relatives and is happy with beatings and living with son also!! This is perhaps our Culture! There is large number of different types of abuses in various families but very few cases are reported to police or Help Lines provided by various Social Organizations.

In cases, where couples stay separately from children, some spouse abuse the other one less powerful to do house hold work, demand sex etc instead of sharing some responsibility.
Secretary and Working Committee Members are doing good work for Senior Citizens but some of these bearers do nothing at all, which is an abuse of members!
Society is doing good to elders by financial help, medical camps etc but examples of Social Abuse are not vacating by some the seats earmarked for Senior Citizens in public transport & shouting and removing the boards for separate ques for Senior Citizens in Hospitals, Post Offices etc. Doctors do yeoman service to Elders but those not attending them sincerely are abusing them!
Government is also doing a lot through its Legislative & Executive Machinery for Senior Citizens by laying down an extra ordinary National Policy on Older Persons, 99 and the Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Bill, 07 etc but Government Abuse of Senior Citizens is lethargy in their implementation by some Officers!
Judiciary, although empowered and instructed to expedite cases of Senior Citizens, little progress is achieved, which is an abuse!
Our most powerful 4th Estate-Media is not doing much for its 30% elder readers & viewers and do not take special steps to create respect for elders in the society and this is the abuse of Senior Citizens by Media!

Psychologists & Sociologists should analyze available cases in detail and suggest ways & means to avoid elder abuses and to create better Social Conditiong.

Don`t Retire, Rewire.

Don’t Retire, Rewire. M.V.Ruparelia.

Due to unprecedented progress in Medical Science, especially in respect of Stem Cells & Gene replacements etc, Life Span of human beings is expected to be 200/600 years! According to Dr Deepak Chopra, Body is Ageless!! With the present scenario in our Country, the present generation of Senior Citizens is not going to die soon! Whatever the Span, the Death, though certain, can not be predicted and as such each Senior Citizen has to accept that he has to live long and should therefore plan out his own life style and career for good quality of his long innings of life.

Career is defined as (1): A way some one makes his living over a significant period of his life and (2): The progress and development of a person.

To-day, many of the elite & middle-class Senior Citizens enjoy (!) their own (!) life playing cards or golf, gardening, chit-chatting with their neighbors in a park or just spending longer hours on the couch (in front of the TV) and reading newspapers, with attitude of `` Why bother about others? Others are like this or that! `` Retirement doesn't have to mean aimless walks and endless hours in a rocking chair. They forget or even do not bother or even need to know that they are given the Status of Senior Citizen with several privileges and some expectations from the Society & government. Their retired life has no direction, no goal, and no necessity to progress or to develop the Self or Others! They must awake and find out fields of their choice to serve the community with or without honorarium and give benefit to the Society of their experience of their first innings. All educated Senior Citizens and Associations of Senior Citizens must try their best to bring all Senior Citizens out of inertia of remaining aloof & idle and encourage them to do some thing useful. There are lots of NGOs doing good work towards Society and those interested can join as active workers of such NGOs and give back to the Society, which they have taken sofar. There are so many local social issues, which can be tackled by Senior Citizens. If one looks around with an open mind to do some thing useful, he will find lots of things to do. Now that each Association of Senior Citizens can get a classroom in Municipal Schools, at least in Maharashtra, it should be possible to meet often and discuss and find out fields of activities useful to the Society as well as avenues of employment in near about places.

Whether you call it economic compulsion or their keenness to keep themselves busy and use their expertise, these days a lot of senior citizens in India are looking out for a second career post-retirement. The corporate world is known for utilizing the services of healthy retired personnel to not only cut costs, but also benefit from their expertise and experience. They provide various facilities to Senior Citizens in respect of Work-environment as well as short working hours etc. Senior Citizens and their Associations must remain in contact with prospective corporate sector and take advantage of the present trend of Corporate Social Responsibility. This will be mutually advantageous to Corporate Sector as well as Senior Citizens. Each Senior Citizen must think of the long remaining life span and plan out self-utilization fields for progress and development of Self & Society!

Vedic Way of Life.

Vedic Way Of Life:
Vedant is the concluding portion of the Vedas – Rig Ved, Yajur Ved, Sam Ved and Atharva Ved. Vedas are the religious scriptures of Hindus, representing the cumulative philosophical wisdom of divine Saints. Vedant, also called Upnishads, deal with Life – its meaning & purpose –the View of Life as well as Way of Life. Life is nothing but continuous series of experiences. Each experience is considered as “unit of life.” The type of experience that an individual goes through determines the nature of his life. An individual gains an experience (the relationship with the subject & the object), when he (the subject) receives and responds to any stimuli (the object) from external world. Rishis (seers) selected the Experincer (the subject) as their field of research for developing the inner personality of man (the subject), so that he can enjoy true bliss within, irrespective of pleasant or unpleasant external environment and happenings.

In every experience, man contacts the world through 4 constituents-Body, Mind, Intellect and Consciousness. The physical Body is grossest aspect of human personality, which contains five Organs of Perceptions (eyes, ears, nose, tongue & skin) and five Organs of Action (hands, legs, speech, genital organ, and anus). The size and shape of body differ from person to person but the essential material composing it and the functions of organs are common to all human beings.

Mind is a flow of thoughts- a seat of feelings and emotions. Continuous flow of thoughts creates the world of plurality. Generally, man acts according to whims & fancies of his mind and such actions are generally detrimental & dangerous to his welfare and prosperity. In day to day dealings with others, he reacts and does not act judiciously, resulting in confusion within, leading to dissatisfaction & discontentment in life.
Intellect is a discriminating power over the mind. Man has to develop its Intellect – the capacity to discriminate & analyze his feelings and then to act judiciously. As the experincer is Mind & Intellect Equipment, it requires proper training. When this equipment is perfectly tuned up, man experiences harmony & rhythm. When it is out of tune and neglected, there is discord & harshness. This equipment is different in each human being. Vedantic principles help Man to keep his intellect alert and apply its faculty of discrimination to the choice of right action. For understanding the proper functioning of the composite personality of man, our Rishis, after much research, have found out the steps for improving Mind & Intellect Equipment to raise the Standard of Life of all human beings.

It is Pure Consciousness, which provides capacity to perceive to sense organs, capacity to act to action organs, capacity to feel to mind organ and capacity to think to intellect organ. Pure Consciousness is the changeless reality, which enables one to recognize the changes occurring at physical, mental & intellectual levels. Pure Consciousness is Brahman itself and common to all. The nature of it is absolute Bliss.

Absolute Happiness is the Goal of all human efforts. We have a common and firm belief that joy – happiness experienced by us lie in sense objects and we therefore strive to acquire, possess and aggrandize more & more wealth and objects of the world. However, the fact is that same objects /circumstances / situations give different degree of joy-happiness or sorrow/unhappiness to different people and at different times to same people.. Once the art of quitening the mind is learnt, man will not find it necessary to pursue the material world and its enchanting objects for gaining peace & happiness. The best way of establishing permanent happiness is to reduce the number of desires by directing your thoughts to all pervading Divine Reality.

If Man identifies correctly with his consciousness, which is the life- centre , around which all the activities of body, mind and intellect revolve, he is no longer victimized by sorrows of the changing phenomena of perceptions, emotions and thoughts. Vedant teaches man to focus his attention on Real Self-Supreme Bliss- a total dispassion for every thing that the material world can offer. Rare few pursue this path.

Vedant helps eliminating vasnas (desires) and reduce Rajas & Tamas and increase Satwa. Improvement is achieved through thought extinction. For thoughtlessness, detailed procedure of Meditation with Mala & Japa helps achieve moments of self- realization, when `awareness of thought` becomes `pure thoughtlessness awareness.` When thoughts are completely eliminated, man achieves Bliss- Pure Consciousness.

Change in thoughts can be effected by 3 Yogas. The quantity of thoughts can be reduced by Karma Yoga-the Path of Action. The quality of thoughts can be improved by Bhakti Yoga- the Path of Devotion. The direction of thoughts can be changed from the realm of perceptions and emotions to the consciousness principle by Gnana Yoga- the Path of Knowledge. World is a projection of one’s mind. Master the mind and you can master the world.

Self-control (Brahamcharya), Non-injury (Ahimsa) and Truthfulness (Satyam) are the cardinal principles of Upnishads for mastering the world and regulating the physical, mental and intellectual personalities. There are 2 paths in life- the Path of Pleasant & the Path of Good. Vedant shows the dangers of Path of Pleasant and advocates following the Path of Good. Life of Harmony is attained, when man rises above his limited egocentric view of life by recognizing the totality of the world.

Selfish actions performed with ego and egocentric desires create vasnas (desires). Vasnas are removed by study of scriptures, reflection and meditation. Selfless actions for others dedicated to higher altar exhaust existing vasnas and prevent formation of new vasnas leading to Bliss. Remembering and thanking God for whatever He has given to us, while going to bed and getting up in the morning also helps.

Vedic principles do not prescribe unintelligent, forced denial or suppression of all sensual enjoyments but enjoins the principle of sublimation- the intelligent self-control by understanding higher values of life. Upnishads clearly indicate to enjoy every thing in the world judiciously, as every thing is created by God for your enjoyment. Earn as much wealth as you can but never crave for it nor develop a sense of possessiveness and attachment.

Some other Very Important Principles are as under:-
1) Licentiousness (uncontrolled indulgence of sensual pleasures) leads to sorrow. Knowledge of higher values given by scriptures helps to check licentiousness. Renunciation of desires is the only way to happiness.
2) World is a mixture of Good & Bad. One who learns the art of contacting the world properly, as envisaged in scriptures, can derive maximum happiness even out of worst environment and situation.
3) Emotion is virtue, emotionalism is a weakness.
4) Happiness is a state of mind.
5) Standard of living & Standard of life should be balanced.
6) When philosophical values are lost, culture is lost. Thereafter, immorality, confusion and disintegration of Society/ Nation sets in.
7) Philosophy is not only a View of Life but complete Way of Life .Vedant not only clearly indicates complete View of Life but also a complete Way of Life.
8) World is constantly changing. The Self within is the changeless Reality.

It would be observed from above that Vedant deals with Life theoretical as well as practical and its teaching is Universal and for all time to come. These principles and practical solutions enumerated by our ancient Rishis before thousands of years were practiced in those days and thereafter from time to time till today. Whenever, these were forgotten, there was chaos in Society, Nation and World. No scientists, who have been working sincerely in the fields of economics, politics and natural resources and who have provided lot of facilities and material objects, leading to Gene & Stem replacement, Mobile phones, Computers, Internet, Discovery Van etc have been able to give us peace.

Nana-Nani Parks for Senior Citizens.

Nana-Nani Parks for Senior Citizens.

Walking is the Best Exercise and it is a must for Senior Citizens. In present day crowded localities with rickshaws, buses and private vehicles all-around, where to walk? Shri Pramod Navalkar, Maharashtra`s the then MLA and a friend and well-wisher of Senior Citizens thought of this concept of Nana-Nani Parks for Senior Citizens. With his untiring & outstanding efforts, the First Nana-Nani Park was inaugurated on 26th January, 1998 at Girgaon Chowpatty. This beautiful garden was a Home within a Home for Senior Citizens, facilitating meeting with their own age to share their joys & sorrows. It relieved Senior Citizens from urban congestion and gave them spacious space not only for walking but also to enjoy the company of other Senior Citizens for the time, they like. This proved socially, mentally and physically of therapeutic value to Senior Citizens. You will be surprised to know that this beautiful Park was created on a garbage dun on the beach of Girgaon Chowpatty. It has served dual purpose of cleaning up the area and beatifying it. In the Morning & Evening, large number of Senior Citizens is taking advantage of this beautiful natural atmosphere of the Garden with a cup of tea. They arrange many programmes in the Garden including medical camps, lectures, discourses, bhajans etc and go for picnics also. They enjoy king size life in company of each other.

This Garden has served as a Model and large number of Gardens on this pattern has come up in Mumbai at different places in all most all suburbs. This idea of separate garden for Senior Citizens has become the world wide phenomenon. Hanging Garden and Kamla Nehru Park in the vicinity of this garden are very good gardens of Mumbai worth visiting.

One more created by efforts of Shri Navalkar is Aji-Ajoba Garden at Shivaji Park in Dadar, which is also exclusively for Senior Citizens. Here also, large number of Senior Citizens takes advantage in the morning & evening. Free maintenance by Private Company with free supply of tea in the Morning & Evening and several newspapers increases the pleasure of Senior Citizens. In many of the other such named Gardens, other citizens are also allowed and some portions are earmarked for Senior Citizens.

Dada- Dadi Park in Veer Savarkar Udhyan at Borivali is worth visiting. More than 1800 Senior Citizens are the Members of the Association of Senior Citizens running under the `Pushpa-Ma-Foundation`. In addition to a big portion of the Garden exclusively for Senior Citizens, they have been given large portion of space for Office & Get Together under the bridge provided for walkers. They have been provided with T V, Computers, Newspapers, Magazines, Yoga Centre etc. They arrange debates, games, fashion shows, religious, spiritual & cultural programmes. They celebrate all festivals and take Members to Picnics, Drama, Cinema etc also at very nominal charge, major expenses being born by Foundation. Birth Day of all Members is also celebrated once in a month. Free tea & eatables are provided by Foundation. This lovely garden is a creation of popular MLA Shri Gopal Shetty and is managed by the same team of Poisure Gymkhana in Kandivali, which is also worth visiting and which is also having a corner for Senior Citizens. Two more worth visiting gardens have come up in Borivali recently, one Chhatrapati Shivaji Garden near Yogi Nagar and another at Devidas Road.

Dream Park near Evershine at Thakur Village, Kandivali is an exceptionally wonderful garden fully equipped and you will be thrilled just as you enter this Dream Park, especially in late evenings, when lights and gushing fountains are on! These gushing water fountains and coloured lights surpass the beauty of Vrindavan Gardens of Mysore & Pinjore Garden near Chandigarh! As you walk further on walking track, sweet light music will enchant you throughout. Every thing here is of international standard with exceptional features!! The time, you pass here shall be of immense delight to you and every thing here shall relieve you of all stress and fill you with exceptional joy! It is also having a corner for Senior Citizens.

In this polluted city of Mumbai, there are as many as 804 gardens, recreation grounds and play grounds spread in various suburbs and work is in progress for 2 Theme Parks at Bhandup & Mulund. There is also a thinking of providing Love Gardens for young ones.

Compared to the population of Senior Citizens and their pressing need to have space for them to meet and pass time joyfully and usefully, there is urgent need for all Municipal Corporations in the country to provide more and more Nana-Nani Parks with facilities of benches, meeting place, newspapers, periodicals, music and other facilities.

A Wonderful Dream Park.

A Wonderful Dream Park. M.V.Ruparelia.

As you enter this garden, you will feel like having come to World Famous Vrindavan Gardens of Mysore! You will wonder how such a beautiful and vast garden can be in our City of Concrete Jungles & Slums!! A creation of Private Builders-Evershine!! Can we believe that our greedy builders can give us such a Heaven-like Dream Park, which can fulfill dreams of every one- whether a child of 2 years or Senior Citizen of 100 years! Many builders have started realizing their Corporate Responsibility to the Society and are giving/maintaining good gardens at several places but this one is exceptionally different, the first of its kind in India!! Situated near Thakur Theatre/College in Thakur Village in Mumbai’s very well developed suburb Kandivali (East). This Dream Park is spread in 3.5lakh sq.feet land. It was opened for Public recently.
This is an exceptionally wonderful garden fully equipped and you will be thrilled just as you enter this Dream Park, especially in late evenings, when lights and gushing fountains are on! These gushing water fountains and coloured lights surpass the beauty of Vrindavan Gardens of Mysore & Pinjore Garden near Chandigarh! As you walk further on walking track, sweet light music will enchant you throughout. Every thing here is of international standard with exceptional features!! The time, you pass here shall be of immense delight to you and every thing here shall relieve you of all stress and fill you with exceptional joy!

There is a Thrilling Toy Train for children and Riveting Road Train for the entire family to go round the whole garden. Shape of Toy Train is worth seeing and children get mad to get into it and get excited, when the Train passes through the tunnel. There are two Kid Zones, where from children would not like to come out! Many swings, see-saws, slides and what not of international standard are provided. There is a pulsating Amphitheatre and four spectacular Moon-Walkers on which children can jump and jump with glee!
There is an awesome Castle, visit to which is a must. You can also visit the Nakshatra Garden with plants and flowers of various colors! You & Children can watch clowns, jokers and cartoon characters in Open Air Theatre and laugh & joke with them. You will be surprised to see a huge Skating Ring for every body to spin around to your heart’s content. Magical Maze is also nearby. There is also a separate nice and peaceful Corner for Senior Citizens with 8 zoolas to relax & enjoy with a small temple inside. Thus, Dream Park has taken special care and provided facilities for all from children of 2 years to Elders of 100 years.

This Dream Park is easily approachable by road and is well connected by BEST bus from Kandivali (East) station (Route 287) and even from Mira Road/Borivali stations (Route 703). Admission fee is Rs.5 and separate charges for cameras. You will go on clicking endlessly with joy & not feel any pinch for the money spent for entry and/or camera. No outside food is allowed but several Food Courts with nice seating arrangements are provided. It is open from 6 in the Morning to 9 in the night and Schools as well as any body can have full day Picnics. Visit to this Dream Park should be in agenda of not only all Mumbaikars but all in India & abroad coming to Mumbai! The entire Garden is so nice that it gives so much pleasure that its full description is beyond words! Visit only can give heavenly joy to the tired Citizen of the World!

A Visit You Will Cherish.

An Institution Of Naturopathy. M.V.Ruparelia.

In 2003, I had an opportunity to visit the Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Science (INYS), Bangalore for 10 days. It was a heaven on earth. My stay was benificial, comfortable and enjoyable. The staff, there, were sincere, loving and devoted from the time of entering to the time of returning, every aspect was so well planned and precisely laid down and executed by the Institute that one would wonder how in these days of general indiscipline and don’t care atmosphere, such a well organized institute exists in our country. I was much benefited and impressed by Disciplined Organized Machinery that I thought, I may bring out this to the notice of senior brothers and sisters, so that they may also be able to take advantage of this Unique Institute.

This Institute was established in 1978 by Dr.S.R. Jindal, an eminent Industrialist, Philanthropist & a Satwik Man, totally committed to the welfare of the poor and service to the suffering human beings. It is managed by Jindal Charitable Trust of Jindal Aluminum Ltd. It is a Charitable Hospital, situated on the outskirts of Bangalore city (20 Km. from Railway Station) in a pollution free area over 90 acres, where environment is so pure, scenic & beautiful that any person coming here would feel like having come to heaven. Beautiful Fountains, fresh unpolluted breeze and chirping of birds in the morning make you forget the din and bustle of your day mundanity. Fresh fruits and vegetables are grown through organic farming for patients, which ensures proper quality of nutrients in diet. The green land is full of lush greenery with spreading lawns, orchids, vegetable farms and flowering plants.

The Institute is open to all without any restriction of caste, creed or religion. Every year, thousands of people not only from India but abroad also, get admitted for curing their ailments. The Institute is running on no profit no loss basis. It provides free accommodations in dormitory with separate bed and locker. Free wholesome diet and free treatments for needy patients. Some special treatments are only charged & that too at 50% of the prescribed charges. For those who want separate room with toilet, there is following types of accommodation at laid down charges. For single bed room, Rs .150/- per day & for double bed room Rs.300/- per day for two persons is charged (2003 tariff). For such paying patients also, free diet, free treatments and 50% for special treatment is charged. Other higher types of accommodation like Executive Rooms, Cottages, Huts & Nests is charged at prescribed rates. Free diet & free treatments are provided to these occupants also. However for special treatments, they have to pay full charges. All patients whether free or paid have to pay prescribed charges for X-Rays, Laboratory Tests, ECG, Other Tests and physiotherapy. On admission, charges for all days of stay and equivalent amount will have to be paid in advance. Admission will be subject to their doctors`approval. Admission is made between 9 am to 5 pm for Monday to Saturday. Every patient has to bring loose garments (pajama & kurta or salwar kameez, towel, fitting dress for yoga and gymnasium, canvas shoes for walking, woolens during winter, cotton underwear for massage, tooth brush, soap, hair oil etc). Patients are not allowed to go out of Institute premises, as in all Hospitals and are advised not to use telephones often. Mobile can not be used in the premises, except in your room. No Jewellery or valuable should be brought. Application in prescribed form has to be sent well in advance (It may take 2-3 months to get appointment) with preferred dates. Those, who desire paid accommodation, have to send 3 days accommodation charges along with Application by M.O., P.O., Bank draft, Cash payable at Bengaluru. Application Form and complete information can be downloaded from or can be had by post from Institute Of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences, Jindal Nagar, Tunkur road, Bengaluru-560073. Phone no. 28394926/6337/7154/5/6. E/Mail:
The Institute is not only a Hospital for treating various diseases but also an Institute to orient our thinking to lead a natural and Satwik life. Its aim is to provide relief and cure to our ailments as well as to educate us to follow a simple, regulated, natural life style for maintaining good health. Patients below 20 and above 70 years of age are not admitted. Children between 16 & 20, when with parents, are allowed. Pregnant women are not allowed. Patients, who are not able to walk at least 1 km without support, are not allowed. Patients weighing above 130 kg are not admitted. For those with muscular body and height of more than 6 ft, weight limit is up to 140 kg.

After your arrival and completing formalities, you are taken to your accommodation in a nice trolley with luggage. This arrangement of comfortable trolley itself shall give you an idea as to how small small things are taken care by Institute. Your treatment starts from the day, you have arrived. Next day starts at 4-45 am with music from the channel in your room. You can take morning walk on 2km Walking Track with a lake on one side and green trees & fields on the other side with open sky above. At 6-50, come for laughing session for 10 minutes. After juice at 7, come for Pranayam at 7-30, Naturopathy Treatments twice a day between 8 to 11-30 and 13-30 to 17-30, Yoga at your prefixed time, Yoga Nidra or eye exercises at 17-30, Lectures or Entertainments at 19 hrs. and at other times, Gymnasium, Recreation Centre, Library, Acupuncture, Reflex Zone, Sky Cycle, Physiotherapy, Picnic on Sunday afternoon and what not! Your day gets over without your knowing!

In addition to herbal tea, a cleansing drink, you enjoy different juices five times a day, as prescribed, lunch at 11 and dinner at 18, all free but very delicious, hygienic and in cordial peaceful atmosphere. No break fast please! Diet is given more importance in curing ailments. Fasting is also prescribed in some cases. After last juice at 20 hrs, there is no specific programme. You can sit together in open air at various places and sleep by 21-30 hrs. No outside eatables & medicines are allowed to be kept with you.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act.

The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007.

The Government of India had announced a very comprehensive and farsighted National Policy on Older Persons, 1999 with a declaration in para 16 that:

16. The Policy visualizes that the State will extend support for financial security, health care, shelter, welfare and other needs of older persons, provide protection against abuse and exploitation , make available opportunities for development of the potential of older persons, seek their participation and provide services so that they can improve the quality of their lives. The Policy is based on some broad principles.

It was also declared in para 94 that:

94. Every three years, a detailed review will be prepared by nodal Ministry on the implementation of the National Policy. There will be non-official participation in the preparation of the document. The Review will be a Public Document. It will be discussed in a National Convention. State Governments and Union Territory Administrations will be urged to take similar action.

It is now after 8 years that Bill for Maintenance & Welfare of Parents is passed by Parliament and has become a Law in December, 07. Now, each State has to make rules to carry out the provisions of this Act including the action plan for providing protection of life & property of Senior Citizens and implement the provisions of the Act by arranging funds! Only 12 States have so far notified dates of implementation of this Act.

The policy laid down in para 24 for Welfare of elders read as under:

24. A great anxiety in old age relates to financial insecurity. When the issue is seen in the context of fact that one-third of the population (1993-94) is below the poverty line and about one-third are above it but belong to the lower income group, the financial situation of two-thirds of the population 60+ can be said to be fragile. Some level of income security in old age is a goal which will be given very high priority. Policy instruments to cover different income segments will be developed.

The provisions of the Act in respect of Maintenance Allowance pertain to all parents, irrespective of age, who are not able to maintain themselves from their own earnings or out of property owned by them. This appears to have been provided, keeping in view large number of younger destitute widows and unemployed/under employed persons below 60 in our country. Other provisions of welfare appear to be limited to Senior Citizens of 60 and above.

All provisions of the Act are very good and beneficial to a section of Senior Citizens, though the Act is not as comprehensive as NPOP, 99. The main provision is in respect of forcing the children to provide monthly Maintenance Allowance to all parents, who are not able to maintain themselves from their own earnings or out of their property. Each such person is entitled to make an Application for maintenance from his/her children/relatives to the Tribunal to be established by State Governments in each subdivision. Children include all adult sons, daughters, grand sons, and grand daughters but do not include any minor. Relatives include legal heirs of childless persons, who are in possession of or would inherit the property of persons on death. Maintenance includes food, clothing, residence and medical attendance & treatment. The Application can be made against any or all children by Senior Citizen (person) himself or by any registered Association, authorized by him or with the help of the State District Social Welfare Officer. Tribunal can take cognizance of such cases suomoto- i.e. without application. Tribunal shall give opportunity to Applicants and children/relatives to represent their cases. Neither party can represent through legal practitioner. Tribunal shall finalize all cases within 90 days of serving notice to other parties. If no one attends, Tribunal can pass orders ex-parte. Even during the pendancy of proceedings, Tribunal can pass orders to children/relatives to make payment of monthly allowance, as deemed fit. On finalizing the case, Tribunal can pass orders for Monthly Allowance from any date, not before the date of Application with simple interest from 5% to 18%, where necessary. Maximum Monthly Allowance shall be as decided by State but should not exceed rupees ten thousand. Cost of proceedings can also be awarded. If children/relatives delay payment, it should be brought to the notice of Tribunal within 3 months. Tribunal can fine them and even imprison them for a month or till payment is made, whichever is earlier.

The right of parents without any means to be supported by their children having sufficient means is provided in Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code and the Hindu Adoptions & Maintenance Act, 1956 also. Parents have an option to go to any one of the machinery and not more than one. On establishment of such a Tribunal, parent can withdraw from other courts and go to the Tribunal.

There will be an Appellate Tribunal also. Any Senior Citizen not satisfied with the orders of the Tribunal can appeal within 60 days from the date of order of the Tribunal. Delay in appeal can be condoned by Appellate Tribunal, which will decide all appeals within one month of receipt.

It would be observed from above provisions that Senior Citizens not able to maintain themselves can get Maintenance Allowance from their children/relatives through a simple Application expediously and to that extent, this Act, when implemented, will solve financial problems of large number of Senior Citizens having no or insufficient financial sources of their own for leading a normal life.

It is not very clear as to whether this Act will be helpful to those Senior Citizens, whose children, though maintaining their spouse & children but not having sufficient resources to spare for parents. If such children can not be forced by Tribunal, what will be the remedy for such Senior Citizens? Those under poverty line may be paid pension under the relevant scheme but how those not under poverty line but not having sufficient source to lead normal life in respect of food, clothing, residence and medical attendance & treatment will be treated by Tribunal? The Tribunal could have been authorized to fix Maintenance Allowance in each such case and after considering available resource determine the M.A., which, if can not be awarded from children, may be requested from earlier employer, if possible. If this is not possible, the State may be directed to give some relief. Provision also appears necessary for those below poverty line to be permitted to approach Tribunal for disputes/delay in payment of pension.
Many Senior Citizens would like to be with their children in their last phase of life. Some provision may be made to force children to keep their parents with them, where possible. Provision is already made in Clause 24 of the Bill that whoever, having the care or protection of Senior Citizen leaves such Senior Citizen in any place with intention of wholly abandoning him, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term, which may extend to 3 months or fine which may extend to 5 thousand rupees or both. Any offence in this respect shall be summarily tried by a Magistrate. Such offence shall be cognizable & bailable. This is a good provision and will deter children throwing parents out! Similar provision for those staying alone but now desirous of staying with children may be made. For such children keeping parents with them, tax concessions should be provided as recommended in NPOP, 99. Provision should also be made to approach the Tribunal for abuse of parents and awarding sever punishment for proved abuse.

Now, let us see other Welfare provisions of the Bill. The Act lays down that each State may establish Old Age Homes to the extent necessary in a phased manner beginning with at least one such Home in each District to accommodate minimum 150 Senior Citizens, who do not have sufficient means to maintain themselves. All facilities necessary for medical care and entertainment of occupants may be provided by State Governments. No target or probable time limit is provided in the Bill for establishment of such Homes.

Next provision is in respect of medical care of Senior Citizens and States have been requested to ensure that

The Government Hospitals or Hospitals funded fully or partially by Government provide beds to Senior Citizens as far as possible.
Separate queues are arranged for Senior Citizens.
Facility for treatment of chronic elderly diseases and ageing is expanded.
There are earmarked facilities for geriatric patients in every district hospital duly headed by a medical officer with experience in geriatric care.
It would be observed that no mention is made about providing any facility without any charge to those, who can not maintain themselves or at concessional rate to other Senior Citizens.

Next provision is for Protection of Life and property of Senior Citizens. The provisions for this aspect laid down in para 65 of NPOP, 99 are as follows:

65. Old Persons have become soft targets for criminal elements. They also become victims of fraudulent dealings and of physical and emotional abuse within the household by family members to force them to part with their ownership rights. Widows` rights of inheritance, occupancy and disposal are at times violated by their own children and relatives. It is important that protection is available to older persons. The introduction of special provisions in IPC to protect older persons from domestic violence will be considered and machinery provided to attend all such cases promptly. Tenancy legislation will be reviewed so that the rights of occupancy of older persons are restored speedily.

The Act provides that the State Government shall prescribe a comprehensive action plan for providing protection of life and property of Senior Citizens. It further provides that if after the commencement of this Act, if any Senior Citizen has transferred his property to anyone with specific condition that transferee shall provide him basic amenities and physical needs and now refuses to provide the same, the transfer of property shall be deemed to have been made by fraud or coercion or under undue influence and shall at the option of Senior Citizen be declared void by the Tribunal. Similar provision is made, where Senior Citizen receives maintenance out of an estate.

State Governments are expected to give wide publicity to the provisions of this Act through public media at regular intervals. It is also laid down to give periodical sensitization and awareness training on issues pertaining to Senior Citizens to all officers of Central and State Governments including police & judicial service. There should be proper coordination by concerned Ministries dealing with law, home affairs, health and welfare.

No Civil Courts shall have jurisdiction in respect of any matter to which provisions of this Act applies and no injunction shall be granted by them in respect of any thing done or intended to be done by or under this Act.

Reverse Mortgage Loan.

Reverse Mortgage Loan: M.V.Ruparelia.
Finance Minister has clarified that no Income Tax is payable on amounts received by neither Senior Citizens from Mortgaging Organization nor any capital gain is payable on higher assessed value of their flats given on mortgage. This Scheme has now become quite advantageous to Senior Citizens having their flats needing additional income. Let needing Senior Citizens take advantage of this Scheme and improve their standard of living.
Number of Senior Citizens in our country as well as the whole world is increasing day by day due to various factors like overall economic growth, low mortality, advancement of medical science etc. Such a huge number of experienced and talented think tanks of the society can not be ignored by any Government or Society! With a view to provide a steady stream of income to Senior Citizens owning residential premises, Finance Minister had announced the introduction of a novel Loan Facility called ``Reverse Mortgage Loan`` (RML)in his Budget Speech of 2007. Government owned National Housing Bank has notified detailed operating instructions for guidance of Primary Lending Institutes (PLI) viz Scheduled Banks and Housing Finance Corporations (HFCs). PLIs have been advised to observe and maintain high standards of conduct with Senior Citizens and their families and treat them with special care, fairness and sympathy. They are also advised to disclose and explain all terms of the loan clearly. They should give full details of methodology followed in valuation of Residential Premises, quantum of loan and all pros and cons of loan. They will also explain the details of Agreement to be entered into for Mortgage. As a customer-friendly gesture, even after loan is sanctioned and documents executed, borrowers shall be given 3 clear days time to cancel the transaction (Right of Rescission). Amongst the Banks, Punjab National Bank (PNB) was first to introduce its Loan Scheme named ``Bagban`` and amongst HFCs, Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd (DHFL) was first to introduce its ``Saksham``. Thereafter almost all Banks & HFCs have also notified their schemes from time to time.
Generally, Loan is not acceptable or advisable in our culture but culture not of our country but almost the entire World to-day is completely changed. Farmer takes loan for tractor, seeds etc to increase production. Citizens take loans for bikes, cars, T.V., Fridge, and House Building etc. Governments are taking loans for food grains to feed population, water supply schemes, roads, machinery, arms etc for welfare as well
as quick development of the country. Due to abnormal increase in dearness, overall progress and easy availability of various things and facilities, it is difficult for many Senior Citizens to live comfortably within their present income. Many had not planned for such a long life span. There are Senior Citizens, who have some income out of pension or savings but not sufficient to meet all their basic needs. There are some, who have good income for basic needs but not sufficient for good health care facilities, picnics, pilgrimages, sight seeing or similar needs of better life. They are not able to spend much for social obligations like marriages of children etc. There are some, who have enough income to meet such needs but not sufficient for fulfillment of their childhood desires, fancies and fantasies like visits to Far-East, Alps, Switzerland, Europe, America or similar desires! Almost all Senior Citizens have worked hard during their prime time and spent their hard earnings for family and social obligations etc and hardly anything on self. Many have saved and/or taken loan for providing Residential Premises and take pride of having such premises. They are staying in such self acquired premises for quite some time and have personal attachment to that place. Their children do not require these premises or anything from them, being well off and staying independently and want their parents to enjoy and live comfortably. Senior Citizens do not wish to sell off and go to smaller premises or native place, even when they need more income. The price of their property has increased considerably, as compared to their purchase price and it has become their `Home –Equity Wealth`. This Reverse Mortgage Scheme is to help all such Senior Citizens to augment their income and empower them to enjoy the fruits of the booming economic progress of the country in their last spell of life and to live decent life, if not King-size, at least quite comfortably. Flat is procured by them with their own efforts & earning. Parents do not want to give them to their children for some reasons or this is not required by their children, as they are well-off or away. Flat or any material things can not be taken with us on our death. It is for staying and under this scheme, staying till death of both is guaranteed, so why not encash and enjoy our last spell of life with better financial resources available to us now due to our past efforts.
Under this Scheme, any Senior Citizen of 60 years and above, resident of India, having a self-acquired and self-occupied Residential Premises having residual life of at least 20 years and without any encumbrances and in which he is staying at present for one year or more can mortgage the premises to any PLI of his choice. Married couple will be eligible as joint borrowers. In such cases, only one of the borrowers need be 60 and above. One great advantage for borrowers is that there is no service of loan during their life time/tenor i.e. no pay-backs.
Amount of Loan:
The amount of Loan by P.L.I. shall depend upon realizable market value of residential premises assessed by P.L.I., age of borrowers and prevalent rate of interest. According to guide lines of N.H.B., the loan amount along with interest on the basis of Reverse Annuity Mortgage that will accrue till the end of tenor of loan may generally be limited as under:-
Age Group Loan amount to be limited to Assessed Value of Residential Property.
60-65 40%
66-70 50%
71-75 55%
Above 75 60%
As these are guide lines only, P.L.I.s follow their own standards. e.g. Punjab Nation Bank is keeping margin of 20% and has kept the upper limit of loan with accrued interest as 1crore. Rate of interest by P.N.B. is 10% ; by D.H.F.L. 12%and Indian Bank 10% by keeping uniform margin of 61% in all cases for 15 years tenor and loan to asset value 39%. The methodology adopted by each P.L.I. for determining the quantum of loan including the detailed tables of calculations, the rate of interest and assumptions, if any, shall be clearly disclosed to the borrowers. The valuation of property shall be reassessed at some intervals but at least once in 5 years and amount of loan shall be revised upward or downward as per revaluation. P.N.B. has fixed 5 years, D.H.F.L.& Indian Bank as 3 years for revaluation. Borrowers shall have full liberty to accept or reject the revaluation by paying the amount due at that time to P.L.I. All P.L.I.s have to ensure that the equity of borrower in residential premises (Equity to Value Ratio-EVR) does not at any time during the tenor of loan fall below 10%. The following tables of P.N.B. and Indian Bank shall give an idea as to what amount of loan per month may be available for different tenors of loan per 1 lakh of value of residential property:-
Tenor-years 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Amount Rs. 490 420 360 315 275 240 215 190 170 150 135 P.N.B.
216 I.B.
410 DHLF.
468 225 S.B.I.

461 393 337 291 252 220 Allahabad Bank
As per DHLF rates, a property worth Rs. 20 lakhs for instance will earn Rs. 4100 per month for 10 years. After adding up interest at 12 %, the amount payable to DHFL would be around Rs. 10 lakhs.
Nature of Payment:
The loan shall be payable in one or more installments in lump sum or monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annual installments, as may be mutually decided by borrowers & P.L.I.s. It can also be paid by way of committed line of credit. Lump sum payments may be made conditional and limited to special requirements such as medical emergencies, home improvements, maintenance, upgradation, renovation, extension, insurance of residential premises. This can be used even for repayment of existing loan taken for the residential property to be mortgaged and any other genuine needs of borrowers. This loan is to supplement the existing income, if any, but can not be used for any speculative, trading or business purposes. The loan-amount shall generally be paid to borrowers directly except where payments are required to be made to outside parties for repairs, maintenance, insurance, property tax, repayment of loan of residential premises to be mortgaged etc. The Loan shall be secured by way of equitable mortgage of self-acquired & self-occupied residential property in favour of P.L.I. in suitable form/agreement. The PLI shall enter into a detailed loan Agreement setting out all salient features of loan mortgage security. No Income Tax is payable on amounts received by Senior Citizens from Mortgaging Organization nor any capital gain is payable on higher assessed value of their flats given on mortgage.
Initial Cost:
The P.L.I.s will provide in writing a fair and complete package of RML material and specimen documents covering the benefits and obligations of the product. They shall also make available interest rate and details of capitalization of interest on loan etc. The initial costs (closing costs) may include the customary and reasonable fees and charges for Origination, Appraisal, Inspection & verification, Title Examination Fees, Legal Charges/Fees, Stamp Duty, Registration charges, Property Survey & Valuation charges. A detailed schedule of all such charges shall be provided to prospective borrowers by PLIs.
Settlement Of Loan:
The loan shall become due and payable only when the last surviving borrower dies or would like to sell the premises or permanently moves out of home to stay with some relatives or some institute of aged care home. If the borrowers do not live in the premises continuously for one year or more or do not intend to live there continuously, it shall be treated as moving out permanently. Settlement of loan along with accumulated interest shall be met with by proceeds received out of sale of mortgaged property. The balance surplus, if any, shall be passed on to borrowers or their heirs/estate. The borrowers or their heirs can repay the amount due from any other source and get back the mortgaged property. They can also prepay the loan and interest at any time during the loan tenor also without any levy/penalty/charge for such prepayment. The borrowers shall be allowed to continue to stay in the premises till they are alive or cease to use the property as their residence. Even in cases, where, due to accrual of interest till death of both Senior Citizens i.e. self & spouse, total amount due to the Mortgagee Organization exceeds the value of the mortgaged flat, no amount shall be payable from other property of the borrowing Senior Citizens or their kith & kin!
Obligations of borrowers:
i) Borrowers must continuously live in the mortgaged premises and not leave that for continuous 1 year or more and keep the premises in proper livable and saleable condition, keep them insured against fire, earthquake and other calamities.
ii) Continue to pay all taxes, maintenance charges, insurance, repairs & maintenance etc.
iii) Will not give away the premises on rent or by way of donation or gift or create in detail encumbrances etc or will not abandon or make any changes, which may affect the security of the premises.
iv) If the premises are declared by the government etc authorities as not fit for residence due to health or safety reasons or they desire to acquire for public purposes, the PLIs shall be
v) notified immediately.
vi) Borrowers shall not make any testamentary disposition of premises and if it is done, it would be subject to the mortgage created in favour of PLI. Will must clearly indicate that this property is subject to the discharge of the mortgage debt and heirs shall not be entitled to challenge the validity of the mortgage. PLIs may obtain a registered will in its favour stating that the borrowers have availed of RML from PLI on security by way of mortgage.
vii) Permit PLI to enter the premises for inspection, as and when necessary.

The above is only to give some idea about the new facility offered. Before applying for RML, each Senior Citizen should assess his needs, make a reasonable assessment of life expectancy and life style and approach the PLI of his choice and discuss with PLI in detail, obtain detailed scheme and then take his decision.

Right to Information.

Right To Information Act, 2005. M.V.Ruparelia.

This is an Act of Parliament, giving to all Citizens an access to information in order to promote transparency & accountability in the working of all the Public Authorities. Obligations of all Public Authorities as laid down in the Act include among many aspects, the publication of procedure followed in the decision making process, norms set by it for discharge of its functions, the procedure of consultation with Public, giving all relevant facts while formulating important policies/decisions affecting Public, provide reasons for its administrative or quasi judicial decisions to affected persons.

For the purpose of giving information under the Act, each Public Authority shall nominate Public Information Officer and Appellate Public Information Officer in all administrative unit/office. Public Information Officer shall give the required information to the Applicant without asking the reasons for soliciting any information within 30 days of receipt of the Application. No specific Form is prescribed for asking information. Application shall be addressed to P.I.O. concerned and generally be in the following proforma:-

1. Name of the Applicant. 2. Address of the applicant.
3. Detailed particulars of information required.
4. Whether information is required by Post/ Internet/ in person.
5. Fee paid (in case the applicant is below poverty line, no fee but photo copy of proof to be attached).
Place, Date & Signature of the Applicant.

Fees prescribed for Application is Rs. 10. No fee is prescribed for Ist & IInd Appeal for Central Government Departments and others under jurisdiction of CIC, Delhi. Some States have prescribed Rs.20 for 1st & 2nd Appeals. For supplying information, only reasonable fee is to be charged not exceeding Rs. 2 per page of information/Rs. 50 for floppy/CD. No fee is to be paid for inspection for first 1 hour, Rs. 5 per every next hour for Central Government Units and for every 15 minutes for Maharashtra State. Fees can be paid in cash, D.D., Bank’s Pay Order, Post Office, and Court Fee in Maharashtra State. No fee is to be paid, if reply is not given within 30 days/ 45 days for Application/Ist Appeal. No time limit is prescribed for IInd Appeal to Commission.

Reply to each Application shall contain the details of Appellate Authority and time limit (30 days of receipt of reply) within which appeal has to be filed in case the applicant is not satisfied with reply. If Application is rejected, specific reasons are required to be given with details of Appellate Authority. If no reply is received, Appeal can be filed to the Head of the Unit/Office. Exemptions from disclosure of information are specified in the Act and generally pertain to security, strategic interests etc of the Country.

Ist Appeal (under Section 19(1) of the Act) can be in the following proforma:-

1. Name of the Appellant. 2. Full Address of the Appellant.
3. Particulars of Public Information Officer.
4. Date of receipt of the order appealed against.
5. Last date of filing Appeal (30 days from date of receipt).
6. The grounds of Appeal.
7. Particulars of information required & name of office/ department to which information pertains.
Place, Date & Signature of Appellant.
Ist Appellate Authority is generally belonging to the same department but senior to the PIO and shall conduct quasi-judicial proceedings and shall give fair & unbiased orders on your appeal. He can call the Applicant but it is not mandatory for Applicant to attend. He shall give reasons for arriving at his decision. Decision shall be conveyed within 30/45 days.

If the reply is not satisfactory or not received within 45 days, IInd Appeal can be filed with State/Central Information Commission, as the case may be within 90 days (can be extended by Commission).Central Information Commission has laid down the following proforma to be submitted in duplicate with certificate that copies of This Appeal with all enclosures are sent to the concerned Public Information Officer & Appellate Authority. Each page of Appeal & enclosures are required to be self attested.
1) Name of the Applicant:
2) Address:
3) Telephone No.& E/Mail:
4) R T I Request/ Information sought:
5) Name of CPIO with Address & T.No.:
A) Date of request: . B) Date of reply:
6) Name of First Appellate Authority & address with T.No.:
A) Date of 1st Appeal: B) Date of Orders of A.A.:
7) Prayers or Relief sought: .
8) Grounds of Prayer or Relief:
9) Verification by Appellant:
10) Any other information:
11) Whether 2 sets sent:
12) Page numbering:
13) Whether self attested all documents:
14) An Index: Attached.
15) 1 full set to CPIO:
16) 1 full set to A.A.:
17) Certificate that matters under this Appeal have not been filed or are pending with any court or tribunal or with any other authority:

Central Information Commission consists of Chief Information Commissioner and such number of Central Information Commissioners (not exceeding 10). All these Commissioners shall be appointed by President of India on recommendations of Prime Minister, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha and one Cabinet Minister nominated by Prime Minister. These Commissioners shall be persons of eminence in public life with wide knowledge and experience in law, science, technology, social service, management, journalism, mass media or administration & governance and shall be appointed for 5 years or till 65 years age. Each State shall also follow the same guidelines and appoint Commissioners with recommendations of Chief Minister etc with the approval of the Governor. These Commissioners are vested with powers of Civil Courts. No Court can interfere or entertain any matter arising out of this Act. No time limit is fixed for disposal of IInd Appeal and this is causing lot of unrest amongst the Applicants. Large number of IInd Appeals is pending in each State & Centre. Commissions are authorized to penalize Public Information Officers, who refuse to receive the Application or do not give information or give incorrect information knowingly, to the extent of Rs. 250 per day till Application is received by him or information is given, as the case may be subject to the maximum of Rs.25000. Even disciplinary action can also be ordered against Public Information Officer. This Act does not apply to certain organizations like Intelligence, Security etc. However, cases of corruptions & human rights violations are not excluded. Commission shall give a report on implementation of the provisions of the Act every year to the appropriate Government and such report shall be placed before both Houses of Parliament/State Legislature. It would be observed from this that Legislative Authority has given so much importance to this Act and given right to Public to ensure the transparent & efficient working of the Executive Authorities. People should take advantage of this Act and exercise their democratic power to ensure proper functioning of all Public Authorities.

However, it is observed that Act is taken as not a Grievance Solving Machinery by many of the Departments and detailed logical arguments brought out, while asking the basis of a particular wrong decision are not replied and thrown out as not covered under Right To Information Act, 2005. After getting information as available from Public Authorities, the Public is expected to take up separately for rectifying the wrong decision. The same old music of ``Apply, Apply-No Reply`` continues on representations and hardly any one (except Activists) prefers to go to Courts or is able to get Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed! As reply to individual representation is not statutorily laid down, except under Right To Information Act, 2005, the position of the Citizen remains the same! If you inquire about your case/matter on phone, most of the times, it will be ringing or give engage tone, as if the person has a devise to keep so or is not available. All phones in Utility Offices, including those at top of the administration, should have an answering machine, so that complaints are recorded and the higher ups know as to how long the person on duty remains not available!! An appropriate clear provision for replying the arguments/grievances also could have helped the suffering Public! The intention of the Act in Preamble for Accountability and Obligations of Public Authorities in Section 4 of the Act do not make the Public Authorities to review their wrong decisions (without going to the Judiciary)! The desire of Indian Public for better governance & better policies can not be achieved due to such attitude of Public Authorities! General Public continues to suffer.

However, the Act enables the Citizen to get information on rules, government expenditure (even from P.M.`s Fund), reasons for taking decisions and copies of Government Orders etc.This Act is very useful and all Citizens should use it properly and ensure proper functioning of the Government Machinery.

Central Information Commissioner, Delhi has clarified that Associations, Firms, Private & Public Companies can also ask information under Right to Information Act, 2005. He has also clarified that Applications/Appeals from Senior Citizens shall be given preference and finalized within 4 months of receipt.

Facilities & Concessions to Senior Citizens.


The Government of India had declared the National Policy on Older Persons as early as 1999 covering all aspects required to be taken into account for real welfare of Older Persons. It was really a very comprehensive document leaving not a single matter. It covered all the following major aspects in detail in favour of Older Persons:-
1. Financial Security.
2. Health Care & Nutrition.
3. Shelter.
4. Education.
5. Welfare.
6. Protection of Life & Property.
The Policy declared the Older Persons as respected Citizens requiring strengthening of their legitimate place of Elders in the Society and to take all actions to help them to live their last phase of life with Purpose, Dignity and Peace. It recognized the Older Persons as a Resource of the Country. It sought the cooperation of all government & non-governmental Organizations including the most powerful Media-our Fourth Estate.
Health Care was given higher priority. Public Hospitals were asked to provide separate doctors/counters for Senior Citizens to avoid long waits. Group Housing for Senior Citizens, keeping in view their life styles & common facilities necessary, loans at reasonable rates etc were provided. Provision of welfare services including Old Age Homes on priority basis were laid down. Protection of life & property was also given priority. It encouraged the children to co-reside with parents by giving various incentives to such children. It recognized the NGOs as a very special & important Institutional Mechanism to provide User-friendly affordable Services to Senior Citizens. Trade Unions, Employers` Organizations & Professional bodies were also requested to provide Services to Senior Citizens. Media was expected to highlight the changing situation of Senior Citizens and identify emerging issues and areas of action.
It was laid down in the Policy that facilities, concessions and relief given by Central & State Governments and other Agencies shall be compiled, updated from time to time and shall be made available for Wide Dissemination but only the following information, as given by The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment in their Web Site: is available:-
1. Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment: - i) Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment is the nodal Ministry responsible for welfare of the Senior Citizens. It has announced the National Policy on Older Persons covering all concerns pertaining to the welfare of older persons. The National Policy on Older Persons recognizes a person aged 60 years and above as a senior citizen.
ii) The Ministry is also implementing following schemes for the benefit of senior citizens:
(a) An Integrated Programme for Older Persons (Plan Scheme) – This Scheme has been formulated by revising the earlier scheme of “Assistance to Voluntary Organizations for Programmes relating to the Welfare of the Aged”. Under this Scheme with effect from 1-4-2008, financial assistance up to 90% of the project cost is provided to NGOs, Panchayati Raj Institution/local bodies for establishing and maintaining Programmes catering to basic needs of Older Persons particularly food, shelter & health care to destitute elderly; Programmes to build & strengthen inter generational relationships between children, youth & eiders; Programmes for encouraging Active & Productive Ageing; Programmes for providing Institutional as well as Non-institutional Care/Services to Elders; Research, Advocacy & Awareness building Programmes in the fields of Ageing and Any other Programmes in the BEST INTEREST of Older Persons. Schools, Colleges, Educational Institutes & Recognized Youth Organizations starting such Programmes for Older Persons shall be given 100% cost of such Projects. On going Projects under pre-revised scheme shall continue to get grant-in-aid for establishing & maintaining Old Age Homes, Day Care Centres, Mobile Medicare Units etc, as in (b) below.
(b) The Scheme of Assistance to Panchayati Raj Institutions/ Voluntary Organizations/Self Help Groups for Construction of Old Age Homes/Multi-Service Centres for older persons (Non Plan Scheme) - Under this Scheme, one time construction grant for Old Age Homes/Multi-Service Centre is provided to non-governmental organizations on the recommendation of the State Governments/ UT Administrations
2. Ministry of Finance: - i) Income tax rebate up to an income of Rs. 2.25 lakh p.a. from 1-4-08.
ii) Higher rates of interest on saving schemes of Senior Citizens: A Senior Citizens Savings Scheme offering an interest rate at 9% per annum on the deposits made by the Senior Citizens in post offices has been introduced by the Government through Post Offices in India doing savings bank work. (Now through Banks also).
3. Ministry of Road Transport & Highways: - i) Reservation of two seats for Senior Citizens in front row of the buses of the State Road Transport Undertakings.
ii) Some State Governments are giving fare concession to Senior Citizens in the State Road Transport Undertaking buses and are introducing Bus Models, which are convenient to the elderly.
4. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare: - Separate queues for older persons in hospitals for registration and clinical examination.
5. Department of Telecommunications: - i) Faults/complaints of Senior Citizens are given priority by registering them under Senior Citizens category with VIP flag, which is a priority category.
ii) Senior Citizens are allowed to register telephone connection under N-OYT Special Category, which is a priority category.
6. Ministry of Railways: - a) Indian Railways provide 30% fare concession in all Mail/Express including Rajdhani/Shatabadi/Jan Shatabadi trains for Senior Citizens aged 60 years and above for males and 50% to women.
b) Indian Railways also have the facility of separate counters for Senior Citizens for purchase/booking/cancellation of tickets, for Main Line Trains.
c) Two lower berths are reserved in each train for Senior Citizens & Women of 45 & above traveling alone.
d) Wheel Chairs for use of older persons are available at all junctions, District Headquarters and other important stations for the convenience of needy persons including the older persons.
e) Ramps for wheel chairs movement are available at the entry to important stations.
f) Specially designed coaches with provisions of space for wheel chairs, hand rail and specially designed toilet for handicapped persons have been introduced.
7. a) Indian Airlines is providing 50% Senior Citizen Discount on normal economy class fare for all domestic flights to Indian Senior Citizens (males aged 65 & above-females 63 & above) subject to certain conditions.
b) Air India is offering discount to Senior Citizens of 60 plus on flights to USA, UK and Europe and now on domestic routes as well.
c) Sahara Airlines is offering 50% discount on basic fare for travel on its domestic flights only to Senior Citizens who have attained the age of 62 years. Discount is applicable in economy class only
8. Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution: - i) Under the Antyodaya Scheme, the Below Poverty Line (BPL) families which also include older persons are provided food grains at the rate of 35 kgs. per family per month. The food grains are issued @ Rs.3/- per kg. for rice and Rs.2/- per kg. for wheat. The persons aged 60 years & above from the BPL category were given priority for identification.
(ii) Under the Annapoorna Scheme being implemented by the States/UT Administration, 10 kgs. of food grains per beneficiary per month are provided free of cost to those Senior Citizens who remain uncovered under the old age pension scheme.
iii) Instructions are issued to State Governments for giving priority to the Ration Card holders who are over 60 years of age in Fair Price Shops for issue of rations
9. MCD, Delhi: - i) MCD, Delhi, has opened a separate counter to facilitate the Senior Citizens for submission of property tax bills.
(ii) A rebate of 30% of the property tax due on the covered space of a building up to one hundred sq. mtrs. of the covered space has been allowed by the corporation in the case of any self-occupied residential building singly owned by a man who is 65 years or more in age
10. Miscellaneous: Courts in the country accord priority to cases involving older persons and ensures their expeditious disposal.
11. According to provisions of Chapter III of the Personal Law (Hindu) and Chapter IX of Code Of Criminal Procedure, older persons can claim maintenance from their children.
Social security programmes at a glance: Social security programmes were launched, at the national level, in the 1980s with an old age pension scheme. Currently, there are four major national social security schemes:
National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS), which provides a pension to people above the age of 65 with no source of income or financial support. This has now been revised as Indira Gandhi National Pension Scheme.
National Family Benefit Scheme, which provides Rs 10,000 to families living below the poverty line when their main earning member dies.
National Maternity Benefit Scheme, which provides Rs 500 to pregnant women of families living below the poverty line.
Rural Group Insurance Scheme, which provides a maximum life insurance of Rs 5,000 (now 30000) covering the main earning members of families living below the poverty line on a group insurance basis; The government pays half the premium of Rs 50-Rs 70.
Other programmes: The largest of the 'other' programmes is the Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY), which provides houses free of cost to below the poverty line scheduled caste and scheduled tribe families living in rural areas.
The maximum cost of a house is Rs 22,000; the cost is shared by the central and state governments, on a 75:25 basis.
Since the launch of the programme in 1985-86, till February 2003, over 9 million houses were constructed at a cost of over Rs 16,000 crore.
However, in any given village/block/district a large number of eligible families have not yet been covered by the IAY. Recently, several other poverty alleviation programmes have been launched including:
Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana, which provides additional funds to states so that they can provide basic minimum services such as primary health, primary education and drinking water. In 2002-03, Rs 2,800 crore was provided for this scheme.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana there are two schemes, Gramin Awas for rural shelter and the Rural Drinking Water Project for water conservation in DPAP and DDP programme areas.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, launched in December 2000, to provide road connectivity to 1.6 lakh remote habitations with a population of over 500 by the end of the Tenth Plan period. Till December 2002, connectivity was provided to over 12,000 habitations at the cost of around Rs 3,300 crore.
Antyodaya Anna Yojana, launched in December 2001, to provide 25 kg of foodgrain at highly subsidised rates to 100 million of India's poorest families living below the poverty line. In 2002, around 24 lakh tonnes of foodgrain were provided by the central government under this scheme.
The Annapurna Scheme to provide 10 kg of foodgrain per month free of cost to persons who are eligible for pension under the NOAPS but haven't received any.
It would be observed from the above that out of 22 Ministries and large number of States, implementation report is given for only 8 Ministries! This speaks a lot for the implementation of Policy after more than 8 years! Nodal Ministry should make out proper plan for all Ministries, States and other stake holders with Targets for early implementation of NPOP, 99, as advised by Chief Information commissioner on 27-6-08.

Let us see what other Facilities & Concessions are available to Senior Citizens:-
12. Financial & Taxation: a) Income Tax: Exemption limit for F.Y. 2008-09 is 225000. Those, whose gross income before any deductions is less than this limit, need not fill in Returns. Further exemption up to Rs. 1 lakh is given for investment in specified schemes. Separate wards are provided for filing Returns for Senior Citizens. All claims of Senior Citizens are settled on the spot. If not, refund is required to be given within 3 months of filing the Return. Deduction of Medical Insurance premium is increased to Rs.20000. Medical expenditure for some specific disease like heart, cancer is exempted up to Rs.60000. If Form H is filled in, exemption is given from recovery of TDS. The present limit of TDS is increased to Rs.10000 from Rs.5000 from 1-4-07.
b) Under Indira Gandhi Pension scheme, all those below Poverty Line (income below Rs 18000 p.a.), as against only destitutes earlier are entitled to get monthly pension of Rs 400 from the State with Center’s contribution of Rs.200.
c) State of Maharashtra exempts Senior Citizens from Professional Tax.
d) Senior Citizens are given .25 to 1% more interest by banks on deposits.
e) Senior Citizens Scheme: Senior Citizens of 60 and above can deposit Rs. 1000 to Rs. 15 lakh (30 lakh for husband & wife) at the fixed interest rate of 9% in any Post Office or Bank for a period of 5 years, extendable for 3 more years. This can be in joint account or separate account of individual. This account can be closed after 1 year. Income from this account is taxable.
f) Reverse Mortgage Scheme: Senior Citizens of 62 and above having their own houses can mortgage their house and get a monthly amount without payment of tax either on cash received from Mortgager or capital gain tax on excess valuation of the flat for day to day expenses and also for health care, home improvements, recreational, religious purposes etc under this scheme without vacating their house subject, of course to valuation of the house, age, interest rates etc. . When one dies or house is sold, the debt gets paid off. Spouse can continue to stay till survival. Those in need of monthly money for maintenance can take decision after studying the offer in detail.
13. Travel: Railways grant 75% concession to Senior Citizens undergoing major heart/cancer operations from starting station to Hospital station for self & one companion. In Mumbai suburban trains, certain seats are reserved from 12 to 15 hrs in specified compartments. Separate Ques are provided for reservation in other than suburban trains. In some of the States, concessions are given in fares in ST buses running out of City Area. In Punjab, women Senior Citizens are allowed free travel by ST buses. In many states, 2 seats are earmarked for Senior Citizens & in some cases; they are allowed to occupy seats reserved for handicaps, if vacant. In BEST buses in Mumbai, Senior Citizens are allowed to enter from front door. In MBMT (Mira-Bhayander Municipal Corporation) Buses running in city area also, 50% concession is given.
!4. Medical: a) Central, some State, some Municipal and some Private Hospitals give free or concessional treatment including pathological investigations. Many Trusts, Organizations, Lions` Club, Rotary Clubs, Associations etc arrange free/concessional camps, lectures, counseling, supply of required medical equipments free or concessional rate etc. Many Chemists give concessions in medicines. Large number of Organizations has come up with alternative Medical Care Systems like Ayurved, Homeopath, Yoga, Acupressure, Reiky etc etc free or at a cost.
b) National Insurance Company has introduced Varishtha Mediclaim Policy for Senior Citizens between 60 to 80 years EXTEDABLE UP TO 90 YEARS with a basic cover of Rs 1 lakh covering Hospitalization & domiciliary hospitalization and Rs. 2 lakh for critical illness. It shall cover pre existing diseases after claimless 1 year.
15: Accommodation: Large number of Old Age Homes/ Homes for terminally ill/Resorts for Senior Citizens exists, where free as well as paying arrangements are provided with various facilities. Separate Colonies for Senior Citizens with community kitchen, safety needs, social & cultural necessities, medical facilities etc are provided. Private enterprisers have started to produce various equipments etc, keeping in view the special needs of elderly population. Public transport also is providing Senior Citizen Friendly services.
16: Miscellaneous: a) Mumbai Police (1090), Dignity Foundation (23898078) & many other Organizations have given Help Lines for Senior Citizens.
b) MTNL gives 25% concession in rent of Land line telephones.
c) Large number of Association Of Senior Citizens have come up in all areas, giving opportunities to express & share one’s views, get knowledge about various facilities available, get entertainment, group support etc. Help Age, Dignity Foundation, Harmony Foundation, All India Senior Citizens Confederation and many others are doing Yemen service to Senior Citizens and fight for their cause & welfare.
17. i) Appellate Public Information Officer & Chief Post Master General, Maharashtra Circle, Mumbai has advised on 8-11-06 that they have issued instructions to all Units of Maharashtra to have 2 Ques in front of each Counter. One will be only for Senior Citizens, so that they can get their turn for service earlier.ii) Public Information Officer & Dy General Manager, Western Railway, Mumbai has advised on 2-4-06 that directives have been issued to all Divisions that there should be separate Ques for Senior Citizens for providing case papers, Consultation with Doctors and issue of Medicines in all Railway Hospitals, Dispensaries, Health Units etc
18. Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act, 2007 (Act 56) has been passed by Parliament and has been made law. It will have far reaching effects on Senior Citizens of India. This Act includes the following aspects:-
a) Senior Citizens can claim maintenance from children/grand children.
b) Tribunal shall decide such claims expeditiously.
c) Property of Senior Citizens shall be protected from forcible transfer.
d) A Geriatric Ward shall be provided in every District Level Hospital.
e) An Age Old Home shall be available in each District.
f) Abandoning a Senior Citizen shall be punishable with imprisonment of 3 months or fine up to Rs 5000 or both.
All States have not yet legislated similar Acts and not yet established Tribunals.

19. Reverse Mortgage Loan introduced by various Banks & Housing Finance Companies is also very beneficial to Senior Citizens having their own houses and payments received by them are not treated as income nor is their higher valuation compared to purchase price treated as capital gain. Senior Citizens needing more income can take advantage of this Scheme.
20. National Policy on Older Persons (NPOP), 99 lays down the formation of National Association of Senior Citizens by the Government with a provision of complete expenditure at Central & State level for initial 15 years for which no concrete action is taken by Government nor any of the Organization working for Senior Citizens has been able to get this done!! If such a National Association is established, it will ensure implementation of NOP, 99 expeditiously. Just as all Pensioners` Confederations, Foundations, Federations, Associations have joined to present one common Memorandum to VI th Pay Commission, as per initiative of Bharat Pensioners Samaj, Delhi, they must now give this their first priority, forgetting individual considerations!! All segments of the Society & Media should also perform their part, as laid down in NPOP, 99.
21. Maharashtra Government has directed all Government & Municipal Hospitals and Hospitals attached to Medical & Dental Colleges to provide free investigations & complete treatment to all Senior Citizens. Investigations include all laboratory investigations, X Rays, CT Scan, ECG. Minor & major operations, ICU etc are also included. There will be separate ques for Senior Citizens for case paper, consultations with doctors & medicines.
22. Maharashtra Government has also directed all Municipalities to make available a suitable class room in municipal schools to nearby Associations of Senior Citizens free of charge for the whole day on Sunday/Holiday for their meetings & activities. Education Officer, BMMC has issued orders for this vide para A© of circular no. SRSC/3943 dt 1-2-08. Associations may conduct Day-Care Centers with benevolence of Municipal Authorities in the same room from 17 hrs to 20 hrs.
23. Central Information Commissioner, Delhi has clarified that Associations, Firms, Private & Public Companies can also ask information under Right to Information Act, 2005. He has further clarified that Applications/Appeals from Senior Citizens shall be given preference. IInd Appeals to him can be filed on on-line in their Web Site.
24. Delhi Government has given the following facilities:-
i) Grant of Rs 50000(one time) & 15000(recurring) to 28 NGOs/ Associations for setting up & operationalizing Recreation Centres for Senior Citizens.
ii) State Policy is formulated and State Council and coordination committee are also formed.
iii) Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension is paid at Rs 600 p.m. to Senior Citizens of 60 and above having less than Rs 48000 income per annum. Those who have completed 100 years, pension of Rs 1000 is paid.
iv) 2 Old Age Homes are already provided and total 10 Homes are planned.
All States should follow this State.

Philosophy of Life.

Philosophy Of Life. M.V.Ruparelia.

What is Life? Life is nothing but series of experiences to each one of us. On the basis of our experiences, we form habits, thinking process and our perceptions. We see the world as per our perceptions. As we see, so is our world to us. ``Dristi aisee Shrusti``(Put in Devnagri instead of English, if possible-all quotes below also). As experiences are different to different persons, their perceptions are different and they see things and world differently! After retirement, say after 60 or so, one should be able to understand and realize this process of experiences, habits and perceptions clearly. As our perceptions are based on experiences, which we got in the then prevailing circumstances, we should be able to change/modify our perceptions with efforts, looking to the present circumstances, which are definitely different than those prevailing earlier. Every thing and any thing is not ``THIS`` or ``THAT`` (Neti-Neti) but it is as you believe and accept and for you and not for others! This maturity of thoughts and understanding of perceptions should make us analyze and accept all situations and people, as they are and we should not feel bad about anything or anybody’s bad behavior with us! This philosophy of understanding shall keep us happy and we shall lead life peacefully and usefully.

It is only the Individual on whom depends his happiness or unhappiness and how he wants to live. We have to help ourselves! Our Scriptures also say-
`` Udharet Atmanatmanam Natmanam Avsadyet,
Atmaiv Hi Atmno Bandhuh Atmaiv Ripuh Atmanah``
It is we, who have to help ourselves for our welfare, we are our friend and we are our enemy. It depends on us as to what we want and it is we only who can achieve, what we want.

Who are we? What is this Atma? Have you seen It? Can you see It? Can you see who you are? Can you see God? All these questions remain unanswered for Universal Acceptance. Whether you believe in God or not, the fact remains that some thing is there, which runs the Universe. Sankaracharya`s contention for Self/Atma is worth contemplating, which can be applied to Self, Atma and God also.
Aham Nirvikalpo Nirakar Rupo, Vibhu Vyapta Sarvatra Sarvendriyam,
Sada Me Samatvam Na Muktih Na Bandhanh, Chidanand Rupo Shivo Aham Shivo Aham.
We all- our Atma, Our God- are unique as well as same, without any physical structure but pervading the whole World & Omnipresent every where and in every one and every thing, we must see equality every where and in every one and everything! Once you accept every living being as same as your self, there will be no problem! This is the secret of philosophy of life and who so ever accepts and follows this remains eternally happy.

As regards, material happiness, God/Nature has created every thing in this World for all and in plenty. Every one must enjoy all things with a spirit that it is God’s Gift (Prasad ) to us and not try to be greedy and acquire in more than required quantity by depriving others of their portion. Our Scriptures say-
Sarva Khalu Idam Brahma Na Ih Nanasti Kinchan,
Ishavasyam Idam Sarvam Yet Kinch Jagatyam Jagat,
Ten Tyakten Bhunjitha Ma Grudhah Kasya Swid Dhanam.

Next to wealth is Social Interaction, very much necessary for Senior Citizens. We need not interfere in day to day affairs of our children or others but surely we must give benefit of our experience, knowledge, organizing capacity etc to our family as well as society. We must stroke, when necessary, whether positive or negative, as the situation demands. Do not accept any unjust thing lying down, point out to the doer, authority, write, represent relentlessly. Have no inertia but speak up, as necessary. It is not necessary that we should get everything/everybody changed by our stroking/action but our aim should be to do our Best in the arising situations. You observe bad roads, bad treatment to others, lethargy in implementing good orders etc, you must not sit tight doing nothing. We must take up various social issues properly and promptly with proper authorities and get what best can be got done.

We must not stop developing ourselves and others and learn new things, adopt all latest gadgets, as necessary and affordable for us and encourage others to do same. Instead of brooding over the past, we must live in the present. Just as physical exercise is necessary for maintaining good health, using our brain properly and usefully is necessary for our mental health. We should try our Best to help others and do social work, keeping us usefully busy.

Every one of us has tremendous energy but most of us, we use hardly 10% or less. This energy does not get reduced on ageing, as believed by some Senior Citizens, who prefer to relax after retirement doing nothing useful for others. All of us must utilize our energy, experience, organizing capacity etc with which we are blessed, for benefit of Society from which we have taken lot of advantages, facilities etc. We must remember that we have we have enough energy at present also and remember the principle- ``Use it or loose it``. We must utilize our energy, knowledge, experience, wealth and whatever, we have got, for helping others in whatever way, we can.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Letters to Prime Minister & Other Ministers for early implementation of National Policy for Older Persons,99.

To Date. 27-5-2009.
Dr. Manmohan Singhji,
Hon. Prime Minister, Government of India,
New Delhi-110 011.

Respected Sir,

Sub: Welcome and a Call to eradicate Elder Abuse done by various Ministries.

We, the nine crore Senior Citizens of India are very happy to welcome you as our Prime Minister and we are very proud that one of our Senior Citizens has become our Prime Minister. We wish you very bright success in your this very important assignment and hope that you shall bring up our Country as the Best in all respects in the entire World.

!5-6-2009 is the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day declared by UNO. According to the INPEA, Elder Abuse is a single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship, where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person. It can be of various forms-physical, psychological, emotional, sexual, financial or simply reflect intentional or unintentional neglect. Elder Abuse is a violation of Human Rights and a significant cause of injury, illness, loss of productivity, isolation & despair. Confronting & reducing Elder Abuse requires a multisectoral & multidisciplinary approach.

Our Government had declared a comprehensive National Policy of Older Persons in 1999 with clear directive in each of 99 paras of the Policy that provision made in each para will be done and no where words ``shall or may be done`` were used. Para 93 of the Policy clearly lays down that each Ministry will prepare Action Plan for the Year as well as for Five Year and fix Targets and Time Schedules to take steps to ensure flow of all benefits to older persons. Even Chief Information Commissioner, Delhi vide his orders dt 27-6-08 vide his no. 2701/Senior Citizens/(A)/2008 in Case no. C I C/MA/A/ 2008/00645 to Ministry Of Social Justice & Empowerment has taken note of non-implementation and given clear directive to outline the plan of action in a time bound manner for the larger benefit of older persons. Not implementing this Policy by Central & State Governments and other stake holders even after 10 years is nothing but Deplorable Abuse of Elders of India in light of INPEA`s above definition! UNO has also started taking stock of implementation by various Governments of their directives given in their United Nation International Plan of Action adopted by all Countries in Madrid in 2002.

As Finance Minister is processing the Budget for 2008-09, we request you to call for demands of all Ministries for implementation of their portion of the Policy and get them the required funds for your CO-AGERS (ELDERS) and get them their benefits denied for last 10 years.

First and Foremost Abuse in our Country is Non-utilization of Senior Citizens!! A person retires from service at 60 compulsorily and has nothing to do. He rests and does not remain active, resulting in deteriorating health & connected problems! He abuses himself!! He develops inertia of doing nothing; he does not participate in any functions, does not go to any Associations, and develops inertia in many respects. You can find many Senior Citizens just sitting in groups on closed premises of Banks or Shops, as they are not welcome in their houses. They have no respect in family or society! They just kill their time watching passing vehicles & women!! Just as employment guarantee is provided to rural population by enacting Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) and Bharat Nirman etc, Senior Citizens should be provided ample avenues of employment by passing suitable Act/ordinance and increasing retirement age etc. Daily Care Centers-Multi Service Centers should be provided early by the Governments, Municipalities-Panchayats and Corporate Sectors for enabling Senior Citizens to stop their own Abuse and pass their time actively and usefully. This is the first and foremost Abuse by these agencies and as such we request our very beloved Prime Minister to give serious thought to this pitiable position and problem and create sufficient avenues for utilization of this large Think-Tank of the Country. We request you to give a comprehensive plan for Senior Citizens covering all points enumerated in the Policy,99.

As per para 63, a Welfare Fund is to be created for Elders. This may also be got done during this year, as nothing is done in these 10 years.
Senior Citizen is defined as a person of 60 years. Finance Ministry gives concessions in Income Tax to those, who have completed 65 years. As a Senior Citizen needs financial relief immediately on retirement, this concession may be extended to all above 60 years. Many Senior Citizens have been paying Income Tax from their early careers for last so many years and they should now be completely exempted from paying Income Tax, as their income is now limited and enough taxes are being paid by them now also through consumables, service tax etc. If this not possible, at least the present exemption limit may please be increased to Rs. 3.50 lakhs.

As income of Senior Citizens is decreasing day by day due to increasing prices and World Recession factors, it is necessary to increase their income by way of 2% additional rate of interest for their Deposits in Banks & Post Offices, Savings Bank Accounts, Senior Citizens Saving Schemes etc. Certain % of jobs in social orientation works should be reserved for their part time employment. Legislation /ordinance should be passed to utilize them in various activities by Government Departments & Local Bodies by paying honorarium.

As per para 28, Finance Ministry has to give concessions/rebates to children keeping their parents. This will encourage children to look after their parents better and our Joint Family System shall get boost. This may be provided during this year.

Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension is a meager amount of Rs 200 from Central Government for a BPL Family of 5 persons, which is a mockery of human being. Even the procedure of classifying as BPL is very complicated and requires to be simplified. The amount of Pension and eligibility for being classified should be increased considerably, keeping in view the Country’s GDP and Average National Income etc and Abuse of poor elders reduced.

Another aspect of Elders` life requiring your personal advice to concerned Ministers is Health problems of elderly for which detailed provisions are made in paras 33 to 47 in the Policy but nothing much is done by Health Ministry. You will be surprised to know that no action is taken by Health Ministry for last 10 years on this Policy, 99, as there were no funds available for Health Care of the Elderly in 9th & 10th Five Year Plans, as advised in letter no. F.No.T-21014/02/2008-NCD dt 3-3-08. Health Care Needs of Elderly are required to be given high priority, as health problems are associated with age and cost of Health Care is very high and beyond reach of Elders. Health Ministry has to provide free/concessional treatments by legislating and controlling public & private Hospitals/Dispensaries/Doctors/Medicine Producers etc. Charitable Trusts etc are to be encouraged by giving grants, tax concessions, land at subsidized rate etc for providing free/concessional treatment to Elders. Geriatric wards are absolutely necessary in all Hospitals. Special Training to treat Elders with respect and care is necessary. Guidance about diet etc to Elders and proper training to Care Givers is also required to be provided early. Health Education programmes involving mass Media is also to be arranged. Provision for mental health, Alzheimer diseases, hose pices etc is required to be made early. Health Insurance has also to be made affordable, permitting entry at any age with pre-existing diseases etc. A separate Fund to provide subsidies for insurance for all is required to be created as per Sastry Committee recommendations. Just like IRDA, a Regulatory Authority for Private Hospitals and Fixation of charges for each Medical Process, as suggested by Armed Forces Medical College, Pune are required to be created very early. Medicines have to be made cheaper by obtaining concessions from manufacturers and providing subsidies.
States are also not implementing the orders/directives of Nodal Ministry and many have not adopted State Policy and created State Councils etc. You may draw special attention of Chief Ministers, giving them targets.

We request you to consider these aspects sympathetically and take prompt & proper action very early. A line in reply will be very much appreciated.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely

M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East), Dist. Thane. 401 107. T.No. 022-28123691. M. 09821732855.

To Date. 27-5-2009.
Shri Pranav Mukherji,
Hon. Minister of Finance, Government of India,
North Block, New Delhi-110 011.

Respected Sir,

Sub: Welcome and a Call to eradicate Elder Abuse done by your Ministry.

We, the nine crore Senior Citizens of India are very happy to welcome you as our Finance Minister and we are very proud that one of our Senior Citizens has become our Finance Minister. We wish you very bright success in your this very important assignment and hope that you shall bring up our economy from the bad effects of the present World Economic Depression.
!5-6-2009 is the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day declared by UNO. According to the INPEA, Elder Abuse is a single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship, where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person. It can be of various forms-physical, psychological, emotional, sexual, financial or simply reflect intentional or unintentional neglect. Elder Abuse is a violation of Human Rights and a significant cause of injury, illness, loss of productivity, isolation & despair. Confronting & reducing Elder Abuse requires a multisectoral & multidisciplinary approach.
Our Government had declared a comprehensive National Policy of Older Persons in 1999 with clear directive in each of 99 paras of the Policy that provision made in each para will be done and no where words ``shall or may be done`` were used. Para 93 of the Policy clearly lays down that each Ministry will prepare Action Plan for the Year as well as for Five Year and fix Targets and Time Schedules to take steps to ensure flow of all benefits to older persons. Even Chief Information Commissioner, Delhi vide his orders dt 27-6-08 vide his no. 2701/Senior Citizens/(A)/2008 in Case no. C I C/MA/A/ 2008/00645 to Ministry Of Social Justice & Empowerment has taken note of non-implementation and given clear directive to outline the plan of action in a time bound manner for the larger benefit of older persons. Not implementing this Policy by Central & State Governments and other stake holders even after 10 years is nothing but Deplorable Abuse of Elders of India in light of INPEA`s above definition! UNO has also started taking stock of implementation by various Governments of their directives given in their United Nation International Plan of Action adopted by all Countries in Madrid in 2002.
As you are processing the Budget for 2008-09, we request you to call for demands of all Ministries for implementation of their portion of the Policy and give them the required funds for your CO-AGERS (ELDERS) and get them their benefits denied for last 10 years. As per Policy, Finance Ministry has to arrange for funds. As per para 63, a Welfare Fund is to be created for Elders. This may also be done during this year.
Senior Citizen is defined as a person of 60 years. Your Ministry gives concessions in Income Tax to those, who have completed 65 years. As a Senior Citizen needs financial relief immediately on retirement, this concession may be extended to all above 60 years. Many Senior Citizens have been paying Income Tax from their early careers for last so many years and they should now be completely exempted from paying Income Tax, as their income is now limited and enough taxes are paid by them through consumable s, service tax etc. If this not possible, at least the present exemption limit may please be increased to Rs. 3.50 lakhs.
As income of Senior Citizens is decreasing day by day due to increasing prices and World Recession factors, it is necessary to increase their income by way of 2% additional rate of interest for their Deposits in Banks & Post Offices, Savings Bank Accounts, Senior Citizens Saving Schemes etc. Certain % of jobs in social orientation works should be reserved for their part time employment. Legislation /ordinance should be passed to utilize them in various activities by Government Departments & Local Bodies by paying honorarium.
As per para 28, Finance Ministry has to give concessions/rebates to children keeping their parents. This may be provided during this year.
First and Foremost Abuse in our Country is Non-utilization of Senior Citizens!! A person retires from service at 60 compulsorily and has nothing to do. He rests and does not remain active, resulting in deteriorating health & connected problems! He abuses himself!! He develops inertia of doing nothing; he does not participate in any functions, does not go to any Associations, and develops inertia in many respects. Just as employment guarantee is provided to rural population by enacting Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) and Bharat Nirman etc, Senior Citizens should be provided ample avenues of employment by passing suitable Act/ordinance and increasing retirement age etc. Daily Care Centers-Multi Service Centers should be provided early by the Governments, Municipalities-Panchayats and Corporate Sectors for enabling Senior Citizens to stop their own Abuse and pass their time actively and usefully. This is the first and foremost Abuse by these agencies and as such we request our very senior Finance Minister to impress upon Prime Minister & other Ministers to give serious thought to this problem and create sufficient avenues for utilization of this large Think-Tank of the Country.
Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension is a meager amount of Rs 200 from Central Government for a BPL Family of 5 persons, which is a mockery of human being. This should be increased and Abuse of poor elders reduced.
We request to consider these aspects sympathetically and take prompt & proper action very early. A line in reply will be very much appreciated.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely


M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East), Dist. Thane. 401 107. T.No. 022-28123691. M. 09821732855.

To Date. 27-5-2009.
Hon. Mamta Banerjee,
Minister of Railways, Government of India,
Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110 011.

Respected Sir,

Sub: Welcome and a Call to eradicate Elder Abuse done by your Ministry.

We, the nine crore Senior Citizens of India are very happy to welcome you as our Railway Minister. We wish you very bright success in your this very important assignment and hope that you shall bring up the Railway Working to the Top Standard and bring out the human face of the Railways to forefront..

!5-6-2009 is the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day declared by UNO. According to the INPEA, Elder Abuse is a single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship, where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person. It can be of various forms-physical, psychological, emotional, sexual, financial or simply reflect intentional or unintentional neglect. Elder Abuse is a violation of Human Rights and a significant cause of injury, illness, loss of productivity, isolation & despair. Confronting & reducing Elder Abuse requires a multisectoral & multidisciplinary approach.

Our Government had declared a comprehensive National Policy of Older Persons in 1999 with clear directive in each of 98 paras of the Policy that provision made in each para will be done and no where words ``shall or may be done`` were used. Para 93 of the Policy clearly lays down that each Ministry will prepare Action Plan for the Year as well as for Five Year and fix Targets and Time Schedules to take steps to ensure flow of all benefits to older persons. Even Chief Information Commissioner, Delhi vide his orders dt 27-6-08 vide his no. 2701/Senior Citizens/(A)/2008 in Case no. C I C/MA/A/ 2008/00645 to Ministry Of Social Justice & Empowerment has taken note of non-implementation and given clear directive to outline the plan of action in a time bound manner for the larger benefit of older persons. Not implementing this Policy by Central & State Governments and other stake holders even after 10 years is nothing but Deplorable Abuse of Elders in India in light of INPEA`s above definition! UNO has also started taking stock of implementation by various Governments of their directives given in their United Nation International Plan of Action adopted by all Countries in Madrid in 2002.

As you are processing the Budget for 2008-09, we request you to provide liberally for implementation of various provisions of the Policy, 99 for your retired employees as well as other Senior Citizens and get them their benefits denied for last 10 years. Action to be taken by Railway Ministry on various paras of the Policy, 99 is shown in the Annexure.

You will be surprised to know that there is no reservation for Senior Citizens in any of the trains, except 2 berths for ladies above 45 & Senior Citizens traveling alone in AC & Sleeper Coaches. Sufficient number of berths is required to be reserved for elders in view of their physical weakness. Even in suburban trains, no separate coach as for ladies & handicaps is provided, making their travel in suburban train impossible. They have to go for medical treatment in morning hours but can not enter the train. Some seats are reserved between 12 to 3 but it is difficult to reach those seats due to heavy rush during that period also. We request you to give your personal attention to this burning issue and get us sufficient quota for reservation in through trains and separate coach in suburban trains. Reservation counters for Senior Citizens are also combined with different quota holders and tatkal bookings, causing lot of inconvenience for standing for reservation. Last year Concession to women elders is increased to 50%. We request to increase it to same level this year for gents also. There is a system of automatic upgradation from lower to higher class of travel without paying any difference to Railway. Preference should be given to Senior Citizens including retired employees in such upgradation.

As you have announced your desire to issue monthly passes for Rs. 50 for students and Rs. 20 passes for vendors, we request you to give such passes to us-your Elders also, who have serious problem of passing time. Such Passes to them will be well utilized in visiting various places of our Country and also for doing service to the Society.

We request to consider these aspects sympathetically and take prompt & proper action very early. A line in reply will be very much appreciated.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely


Annexure showing Action required to be taken on various Paras of NPOP,99:

ii) Para 35: To expand the health services in various Railways including other independent Units for preventive, rehabilitative and geriatric care facilities for retired employees.
iii) Para 39: To issue instructions for separate ques for retired employees and to ensure its implementation by monitoring and/or reiterating instructions. Geriatric wards are to be set up in all Railway Hospitals.
iv) Para 40, 41, 86: To issue instructions for training of Railway Doctors & other Para-Medical staff for proper care and respect for retired employees. To provide Mobile care and hospice care for bed ridden employees in various hospitals.
v) Para 42 & 43: To issue instructional/guidance/nutritional material on self care of retired employees.
vi) Para 44 & 45: To issue instructions to promote healthy ageing amongst the retired staff. To issue instructions to treat their retired elders properly and to educate them for healthy ageing and to provide facilities of yoga, meditation etc. There should be proper education programmes for retired staff and they should be taken on Advisory Committees to bring out difficulties faced by them in getting treatment, keeping in view the spirit of NPOP, 99. Repeated orientation training and instructions to treat retired staff with respect by Doctors and staff are necessary.
vii) Para 46: To provide Counseling facilities in various hospitals.

vii) Para 68: a) To persuade Railways to give 50% concession to all Senior Citizens, as by Air & State Road Transport without distinguishing between Gents & Ladies.
b) No quota is fixed for reservation for Senior Citizens in any of the trains, though large quotas are fixed for ladies, handicaps, military & VIPs. Senior Citizens above 70-75 are more vulnerable than handicaps and ladies.
c) In suburban trains also, not only some compartments but entire trains are reserved for ladies but Senior Citizens are denied a small separate coach, as given to handicaps. With the deteriorating health condition, when they are required to go to doctors, consultants, Hospitals etc in the morning for pathological tests, they are facing hardships and as such, they should be provided separate coach or permitted to go in coaches/trains reserved for ladies & handicaps.

d) Railways are having large number of Holiday Homes, Rest Houses, Convalescent Homes etc and not given concessions in rent though provision of this para provides for concession to Senior Citizens.

viii) Para 70: Railways are having a big Publicity Department but no instructions are issued by Ministry to Railways to highlight the issues pertaining to their retired staff every year on 1st October and call them on that occasion for Get-Together and meeting each other and know about their problems etc. Existing Welfare Branches at Ministry as well as local levels can be instructed to do needful, as envisaged in various paras of the Policy.
ix) Para 73: Railways are having well organized Personnel Department with Efficient Negotiating Machinery. They may be pursued to have continuous dialogue with NGOs doing welfare of Senior Citizens of Railways and recognize/encourage Associations of Senior Citizens of Railways by giving accommodation, place for their meetings etc. They have large number of Welfare Centres through out the Country and these can be allowed for retired staff & their Association of Senior Citizens.
x) Para 76: Railways can set up voluntary programmes for participation of retired staff in their various programmes, celebrations of Railway Week etc. They can also provide Colonies for Retired Staff with basic facilities.
xi) Para 78 & 79: Railway work is specialized one and retired staff is well trained to tackle various works efficiently. Railways need trained staff in different circumstances and also during vacation period, there is lot of absenteeism. Retired staff should be engaged freely. Instructions should be issued by Ministry of Railways to utilize capable retired staff and enrich & update their knowledge.
xii) Para 93: Annual Plan & Five Year Plan for implementing various provisions of the Policy are required to be prepared.

M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East), Dist. Thane. 401 107. T.No. 022-28123691. M. 09821732855.

To Date. 3-6-2009.
Shri Gulam Nabi Azadji,
Hon. Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India,
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi-110 011.

Respected Sir,

Sub: Welcome and a Call to eradicate Elder Abuse done by your Ministry.

We, the nine crore Senior Citizens of India are very happy to welcome you as our Health Minister. We wish you very bright success in your this very important assignment and hope that you shall raise the standard of health of all the citizens, including your Senior Citizens.

!5-6-2009 is the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day declared by UNO. According to the INPEA, Elder Abuse is a single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship, where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person. It can be of various forms-physical, psychological, emotional, sexual, financial or simply reflect intentional or unintentional neglect. Elder Abuse is a violation of Human Rights and a significant cause of injury, illness, loss of productivity, isolation & despair. Confronting & reducing Elder Abuse requires a multisectoral & multidisciplinary approach.

Our Government had declared a comprehensive National Policy of Older Persons in 1999 with clear directive in each of 98 paras of the Policy that provision made in each para will be done and no where words ``shall or may be done`` were used. Para 93 of the Policy clearly lays down that each Ministry will prepare Action Plan for the Year as well as for Five Year and fix Targets and Time Schedules to take steps to ensure flow of all benefits to older persons. Even Chief Information Commissioner, Delhi vide his orders dt 27-6-08 vide his no. 2701/Senior Citizens/ (A)/2008 in Case no. C I C/MA/A/ 2008/00645 to Ministry Of Social Justice & Empowerment has taken note of non-implementation and given clear directive to outline the plan of action in a time bound manner for the larger benefit of older persons. Not implementing this Policy by Central & State Governments and other stake holders even after 10 years is nothing but Deplorable Abuse of Elders in India in light of INPEA`s above definition! UNO has also started taking stock of implementation by various Governments of their directives given in their United Nation International Plan of Action adopted by all Countries in Madrid in 2002.

As you are processing the Budget for 2008-09, we request you to provide liberally for implementation of various provisions of the Policy, 99 for your Senior Citizens and get them their benefits denied for last 10 years. Health Ministry is concerned with paras 33 to 47 of the Policy, 99 and each para has a far reaching effect on health of Senior Citizens.

You will be surprised to know that no action is taken by Health Ministry for last 10 years on this Policy, 99, as there were no funds available for Health Care of the Elderly in 9th & 10th Five Year Plans, as advised in letter no. F.No.T-21014/02/2008-NCD dt 3-3-08. We therefore request you to look in to this extreme Abuse of Elders seriously and take immediate steps at your level and provide early relief to ailing Elderly Citizens by seriously and sincerely considering each para.

Health Care Needs of Elderly are required to be given high priority, as health problems are associated with age and cost of Health Care is very high and beyond reach of Elders. Health Ministry has to provide free/concessional treatments by legislating and controlling public & private Hospitals/Dispensaries/Doctors/Medicine Producers etc. Charitable Trusts etc are to be encouraged by giving grants, tax concessions, land at subsidized rate etc for providing free/concessional treatment to Elders. Geriatric wards are absolutely necessary in all Hospitals. Special Training to treat Elders with respect and care is necessary. Guidance about diet etc to Elders and proper training to Care Givers is also required to be provided early. Health Education programmes involving mass Media is also to be arranged. Provision for mental health, Alzheimer diseases, hose pices etc is required to be made early. Health Insurance has also to be made affordable, permitting entry at any age with pre-existing diseases etc. A separate Fund to provide subsidies for insurance for all is required to be created as per Sastry Committee recommendations. Just like IRDA, a Regulatory Authority for Private Hospitals and Fixation of charges for each Medical Process, as suggested by Armed Forces Medical College, Pune are required to be created very early. Medicines have to be made cheaper by obtaining concessions from manufacturers and providing subsidies.

A line in reply will be very much appreciated.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely


M.V.Ruparelia, A503 Rashmi Utsav, Near Jangid Estate & Vijay Park, Mira Road (East), Dist. Thane. 401 107. T.No. 022-28123691. M. 09821732855.

To Date. 3-6-2009.
Shri Mukul Wasnikji,
Hon. Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment,
Government of India, Shastri Bhavan,
New Delhi-110 001.

Respected Sir,

Sub: Welcome and a Call to eradicate Elder Abuse done by various Ministries.

We, the nine crore Senior Citizens of India are very happy to welcome you as our Guardian Minister for Social Justice & Empowerment. We wish you very bright success in your this very important assignment and hope that you shall personally ensure that Senior Citizens lead their life as respected Citizens and their legitimate place of Elders in the Society is secured and all actions are taken to help them to live their last phase of life with Purpose, Dignity and Peace.

15-6-2009 is the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day declared by UNO. According to the INPEA, Elder Abuse is a single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship, where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person. It can be of various forms-physical, psychological, emotional, sexual, financial or simply reflect intentional or unintentional neglect. Elder Abuse is a violation of Human Rights and a significant cause of injury, illness, loss of productivity, isolation & despair. Confronting & reducing Elder Abuse requires a multisectoral & multidisciplinary approach.

Our Government had declared a comprehensive National Policy of Older Persons in 1999 with clear directive in each of 99 paras of the Policy that provision made in each para will be done and no where words ``shall or may be done`` were used. Para 93 of the Policy clearly lays down that each Ministry will prepare Action Plan for the Year as well as for Five Year and fix Targets and Time Schedules to take steps to ensure flow of all benefits to older persons. Even Chief Information Commissioner, Delhi vide his orders dt 27-6-08 vide his no. 2701/Senior Citizens/ (A)/2008 in Case no. C I C/MA/A/ 2008/00645 to Ministry Of Social Justice & Empowerment has taken note of non-implementation and given clear directive to outline the plan of action in a time bound manner for the larger benefit of older persons.
Not implementing this Policy by Central & State Governments and other stake holders even after 10 years is nothing but Deplorable Abuse of Elders of India in light of INPEA`s above definition! UNO has also started taking stock of implementation by various Governments of their directives given in their United Nation International Plan of Action adopted by all Countries in Madrid in 2002.

Your Ministry is a Nodal Ministry to ensure that all provisions of the Policy are implemented promptly by all Stake Holders, as per targets and time bound schedule fixed by you as brought out above & ordered by Chief Information Commissioner, Delhi. The attitude at lower level to treat this Policy as only guiding principles has resulted in continuous Abuse of Elders for these 10 years. Even where instructions are to be issued to NGOs, Trade Unions, Trusts, Media etc as provided in the Policy, this is not being done on the plea that Nodal Ministry does not deal with these Stake Holders. Who else than Nodal Agency can issue detailed and proper instructions and get them implemented by monitoring? No Bureau of Older Persons and National Association of Older Persons (NAOP), as envisaged in the Policy are formed in 10 years, leading to present position! We hope that your dynamic leadership will change this attitude and the Policy got implemented in true spirit by you very early by coordinating and monitoring the progress more effectively. As Finance Minister is processing the Budget for 2008-09, we request you to ensure that all Ministries make sufficient provision for implementation of their portion of the Policy.

First and Foremost Abuse in our Country is Non-utilization of Senior Citizens!! A person retires from service at 60 compulsorily and has nothing to do. He rests and does not remain active, resulting in deteriorating health & connected problems! He abuses himself!! He develops inertia of doing nothing; he does not participate in any functions, does not go to any Associations, and develops inertia in many respects. Even after 10 years of formation of the Policy for their overall upliftment, you can find many Senior Citizens just sitting in groups on closed premises of Banks, Shops, Bus Stops etc, as they are not welcome in their houses. They have no respect in family or society! They just kill their time watching passing vehicles & women!! One third of Senior Citizens are Below Poverty Line and another one third little above but with lower income and thus two third is in fragile financial position as brought out in para 24 of the Policy. Just as employment guarantee is provided to rural population by enacting Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), Bharat Nirman and Nine Flagship Schemes etc, Senior Citizens should be provided with social security and ample avenues of employment by passing suitable Act/ordinance and increasing retirement age etc. Even Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension is a meager amount of Rs 200 from Central Government for a Senior Citizen belonging to BPL Family of 5 persons, which is a mockery of human being. Even the procedure of classifying as BPL is very complicated and requires to be simplified. The amount of Pension and eligibility for being classified should be increased considerably, keeping in view the Country’s GDP and Average National Income etc and Abuse of poor elders reduced. Daily Care Centers-Multi Service Centers should be provided early by the Governments, Municipalities-Panchayats and Corporate Sectors for enabling Senior Citizens to stop their own Abuse and pass their time actively and usefully. This is the first and foremost Abuse by these agencies and as such we request our very capable Guardian Minister to give serious thought to this pitiable position and problem and create sufficient avenues for utilization of this large Think-Tank of the Country.

Another aspect of Elders` life requiring your personal chasing with other Ministers and States is Health problems of elderly for which detailed provisions are made in paras 33 to 47 in the Policy but nothing much is done by Health Ministry. You will be surprised to know that no action is taken by Health Ministry for last 10 years on this Policy, 99, as there were no funds available for Health Care of the Elderly in 9th & 10th Five Year Plans, as advised in letter no. F.No.T-21014/02/2008-NCD dt 3-3-08. Health Care Needs of Elderly are required to be given high priority, as health problems are associated with age and cost of Health Care is very high and beyond reach of Elders. Health Ministry has to provide free/concessional treatments by legislating and controlling public & private Hospitals/Dispensaries/Doctors/Medicine Producers etc. Charitable Trusts etc are to be encouraged by giving grants, tax concessions, land at subsidized rate etc for providing free/concessional treatment to Elders. Geriatric wards are absolutely necessary in all Hospitals. Special Training to treat Elders with respect and care is necessary. Guidance about diet etc to Elders and proper training to Care Givers is also required to be provided early. Health Education programmes involving mass Media is also to be arranged. Provision for mental health, Alzheimer diseases, hose pices etc is required to be made early. Health Insurance has also to be made affordable, permitting entry at any age with pre-existing diseases etc. A separate Fund to provide subsidies for insurance for all is required to be created as per Sastry Committee recommendations. Just like IRDA, a Regulatory Authority for Private Hospitals and Fixation of charges for each Medical Process, as suggested by Armed Forces Medical College, Pune are required to be created very early. Medicines have to be made cheaper by obtaining concessions from manufacturers and providing subsidies.

States are also not implementing the orders/directives of your Ministry and many have not even adopted State Policy and created State Councils etc. You may give special attention to this and draw special attention of Chief Ministers, giving them targets.

We request you to consider these aspects sympathetically and take prompt & proper action very early. A line in reply will be very much appreciated.